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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, September 28th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Hello CDC, Bingeing games vs short bursts! What games do you find best for bingeing and what games are best to play in short play sessions? I find that I enjoy certain games more depending on how I tackle playing them from day to day. I enjoyed Tears of the Kingdom when I played it in short bursts but the more I binged it, the less I enjoyed it. Meanwhile, I’m currently playing Starfield in short bursts cause I’ve been too busy for longer play sessions and can’t help but feel like this game is meant to be binged. Thank you for another awesome show!


Hello gentlemen, Many people have undoubtedly asked you what your dream game would be, but has anyone asked about what your nightmare game would look like? Colin, yours might be a 400+ hour adventure game with little guidance or direction. Chris's game could be a Big Mouth CRPG with an original score by Imagine Dragons. Dustin, maybe yours is just a PSVR2 Jim Ryan Simulator. So, what'll it be fellas? What's the game that would truly haunt you? Cheers from Iowa!


Colin, I feel I must address this before I literally go insane. You often speak about your difficulties with finding a hair style that suits you, and that you “can’t do anything” with your hair. As a black man I can’t help but be confused when you describe your hair to be similar to an afro, yet the obvious solution doesn’t seem to have crossed your mind. My brother in Christ just join us, your soon to be brothers in law (see what i did there?), at the afro hair salon. Thank me later.


Hey fellas, Greetings from New Zealand (not a country near Iceland). I have a question regarding the Far Cry 7 leaks and it's alleged new concept. 72 hours to find members of your family and rescue them before time runs out. I'd love to know your guys thoughts on if this concept could actually work or not and if this interests Chris and/or Dustin as non Far Cry fans. Cheers guys


I suspect his afro would look more like a Jew-fro. He’d look like every kid at my Jewish middle school. He’s kinda got the schnaz too. Colin Moriartstein.


Jim Ryan

Nathan Densley

Hey CDC, This fall seems sloooooowwwww...or is that some weird 21st century madness bending my perception, because world altering game news isn't happening every woeful minute? The starting pistol, BANG! to the fall was one of the largest game releases of all time found in the Bethesda developed mega space RPG, Starfield. That was hot on the heels of the glittering nostalgic release of Baldur's Gate 3, a seminal game that overshadowed something of even larger nostalgic power like Armored Core VI. Of course we have our fall launches of our annualized sports releases with more to come. More in September like the standout "I'm a real Souls-like" Lies of P, a recurring racing franchise in The Crew Mottorfest, a franchise rejuvenating Payday 3, and a franchise rebirth in Mortal Kombat 1. Capping it all off with one of the largest and most well received expansions of all time rivalling size and response of MMO juggernauts the likes of FF14, WoW, and Destiny in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty returning a beleaguered game from absolute derision to the limelight of praise. Yet, somehow I feel like nothing is happening. Am I the only one affected by this brainworm? Is this a symptom of delirium caused by the syphilis virus growing in my brain as it continues its Victorian conquest? Or is the hype machine of the past 25 years around game releases finally chilling the fuck out? Thanks for all the work gentleman.

David Wilson II

Hello, gentlemen! Last week, Colin mentioned that he always dresses like John Fetterman, and I did a literal spit-take, because I laughed so hard. The windshield of my car looked like I had driven through the car wash without the dryers. Can we take a moment to acknowledge Colin’s sense of humor? He’s often the straight man, but when he starts cracking wise, it lands every time. I can’t let my man get no respect. Thanks, and be well!

Raymond Wallman

Hello CDC, This is Ray, the filmmaker behind the GamerGate documentary Airplay. I couldn't help but add to the discussion regarding AI and art regarding the Hollywood writer's strike and art in general. I find Collin's anti-AI human-purist attitude admirable, if not a bit ironic. You host a podcast dedicated to video games, an activity where interaction with artificial intelligence is a guarantee. For creatives like myself, I am excited to see what AI can do to assist in the creation of art and culture. For example, part of my documentary deals with the concept of "sockpuppet" accounts. I thought it would be a creative choice to flood the screen with tweets written by literal sockpuppets. It would have been a headache to find a dozen or so pictures of sockpuppets, clear the copyright, and think of a dozen or so clever usernames, as well as tweets to go with them. If I were a studio with millions of dollars at my command, I would simply pay a production assistant to do all this. But I am neither wealthy nor have a production studio at my command. So I outsourced this work to Chat GPT and Dall-E (Chat GPT was reluctant at first, so I had to explain that these were literal sockpuppets and were not intended to deceive). A job that could have been an all-day affair was done in less than an hour. Artists have never had an easy job achieving their vision. There has always been a matter of money, access, and labor in the creation. Even in centuries passed when you look at the paintings and sculptures of great artists past, you are often looking at the works commissioned by Kings, aristocrats, or Popes. With technological advancement comes greater access for many more people to express themselves. It was not that long ago that traditional filmmakers were bemoaning the advancement of digital cinema, making up a whole host of excuses as to why celluloid film was more "real" or more "pure" and yadda yadda yadda. With the rise of digital cameras, digital editing, digital projection, and digital streaming, it is clear that many many more people have been given the opportunity to create visual media. You Colin and Chris have been beneficiaries of this technological shift. With the advancement of AI, I can imagine that we would see a similar boom in creativity. Images, sounds, video, and 3D models, are now as available to artists as words are to writers. At the moment you cannot feed a screenplay into a computer and get a comprehensible film, but as with my sockpuppet example, it will make a lot of work a lot more manageable. Thank you Collin and Chris for the hours of entertainment. When Airplay is done I would be glad to shoot you a link. Keep up the great work. Ray


Hey CDC, A few weeks ago, my fiancé and I were struggling to find something we both wanted to watch. Having recently finished the most recent season of ‘Black Mirror’, nothing was scratching that dystopian, anxiety inducing itch. I remembered Colin’s recent recommendation ‘Severance’ and on a whim, decided to activate a free trial of Apple TV and watch an episode. Less than forty-eight hours later, season one was complete and we were both remarking that it was the best opening season to a television show we had seen in recent years. What games have you missed and then visited based on a recommendation that have quickly become favourites? Thank you for all that you do and many thanks to Colin for your recommendation. Best wishes for the wedding. Kind regards from down under, Brenton


Last week you guys said there isn't a Unity game like Fortnite but actually there are a few. Don't know if they're as big or make as much money as Fortnite but you have Genshin Impact, COD Mobile, Hearthstone and Pokemon Go. Yes, they are all available on mobile with only Genshin Impact being available on Console.


Hey guys, Two quick questions for Colin… How’s your soul now that we’re three weeks into the Jets’ 23/24 campaign and you’re now 1–2 after a gallant first week win? If it’s any solace, my beloved Adelaide Crows missed out on a finals birth (something we hadn’t achieved for the last 5 years) because of an umpiring blunder that saw our team lose by 1 point in the second to last round of the season to the team (the Sydney Swans) that would eventually take our place in the finals. What makes it even worse is that the Swans were immediately eliminated in the very first week of the finals. The head of the league (which is the Australian Football League) has since come out and formally apologised to the Crows and admitted that they got it wrong and the goal we kicked with 90 seconds to go on the clock was indeed a goal. So, although it’s a different scenario - from one diehard football fan to another - know that I understand the heartbreak you’re feeling and I hear and acknowledge your pain. Second question is: what happened to the collab with Mystic? You might have mentioned it before so forgive me if I missed it, but was there a reason it never happened? I’ve always enjoyed Ryan’s PlayStation analysis as he’s always come off as levelheaded and chill. Anyway, hopefully the Jets can level up their standings against the Chiefs on Sunday. Cheers


Hey Colin, Have you ever considered appearing on Joe Rogan again? I am an avid listener of Joe's podcasts and it seems like every time video games are brought up in his conversations that he immediately discounts them due to them potentially being addicting while also pointing out the negative connotations beheind "gamers". I would love to see you make another appearance on the JRE and to explain to him and the rest of his audience the plethora of positives that come from gaming. Personally, I believe Joe has an unreasonable bone to pick with video games but I think it just comes from ignorance, rather than actual disdain. Thanks as always and have a shittyslittysplitty day.


Hey sacred boys, so Ridin’ Jim Ryan is off into the sunset and is retiring this 2024 do you think Shuhei Yoshida will finally get the promotion he’s deserved and Jim wanted to be done with the Sony or is there smoke to the fire of Jim leaving? With the lack of actual single player games announced, besides Spider-Man and Wolverine. Do you think Sony isn’t too keen on where Jim Ryan has been taking Playstation Studios regardless of the great sales PS5 has had? Thanks!


Yo, I have a couple of questions for the crew. Dry or lotion? Pc or phone? Sock or tissue? I think you know what I am talking about. Thanks for the great content.

Reuben Barrett

Hold up... Jim Ryan was at Sony for 30 years, and it doesn't even seem like he came close to getting into gaming? Weird. Also with the recent Jets talk it got me thinking, is Chris still into boxing? Still training here and there for fitness, looking forward to Canelo vs Charlo?


Hello sacred hunks... I'm new to the Patreon and I'm here let you know that Big Daddy Dustin's clips from Sacred Symbols on youtube has found you boys one NEW listener. His name is Daniel and since you posted the crews response to Phill Spencers (kinda funny) interview back in May, he's listened to the first 100 episodes of sacred symbols. He's obsessed with the show, the hosts, the lore, and how you boys place truth above all else. Long live sacred symbols, and thanks for making the first 100 episodes. No other podcast makes content good enough to watch three years after the fact. Cheers boys and here's to Daniels next 174 episodes of Sacred.


Hey boys, how about a little drinking game? You have to take a shot when either occurs: - Dustin says: "Particularly" - Chris says: "Yeah no" - Colin says: "Hmmm" You're gonna be drunk in 20 minutes, guaranteed.


Hello Collin, I just listened to the Allen wake spoiler cast, and I would like to challenge your view on Sarah wake. In my opinion she is doing the responsibility that Allen puts on her by making her his muse, or his source of inspiration, by trying to fix his writer's block and then unintentionally setting the events into motion at the advice of the doctor. P.s thank you for covering this game it motivated me to play it and platinum it. I'll be looking forward to the next backlog game you cover.


Sup Sacred crew. Just wanted to shout out how you guys are willing to do reviews and spoilercasts for games that are slightly older and not in the current zeitgeist. The recent Alan Wake review comes to mind, as does the Trails game that Colin and Matty did. The proximity of the discussion to the release of a game is irrelevant to me – all I care about is the discussion itself, two weeks or two years ‘late’.


Greetings Sacred Slimsluts, It seems PS Plus Essential might finally be getting some noteworthy games. Unfortunately, October is already jammed packed, and my backlog will have to inaugurate more members into it's library. Do you think Sony will be paying attention to how the Calisto Protocol performs on its PS Plus debut? If so, Will a crowded fall season for games be the final nail in the coffin, regarding any hope for a sequel? Thanks and keep dominating that step-chicken.


Gentlemen, With Jim Ryan leaving in March, what are some changes you’d like the new head of PlayStation to make, and what should stay unchanged? Cheers

Allan Sweeney

Hello C, D, and the real Ray G. Would you rather: Have to eat your favourite food at every meal for the rest of your life (you can have other food but your favourite has to make up at least 25% of the meal) OR Deadass eat a rotten egg every full moon? Thank you.


Obligatory Jim Ryan retirement comment here. Sony put that boy in a pack, Phil Spencer buy that boy in a PACK 🤣 ah man. All jokes aside what do you think this means for Xbox’s future in terms of competition? I have a theory that Nintendo will be the last one standing out of the BIG 3.


Hey CDC, Is the Jim Ryan retirement just a smokescreen? Will we see Phil on stage at the game awards announcing his acquisition of Cryin Jim? In all seriousness though, I find this to be a very surprising turn of events but I wonder, will this have any discernible effect on Sony's current direction with PS5? He may be the CEO but he is still only one cog in the massive Sony wheel, after all. Take care boys!

Pissin' n Wizzin'

Word on the street is that Dustin was so horrifically disappointed with Starfield that he dragged Todd Howard out onto the street by his Devil's curly locks while pressing 3d printed gun against his temple screaming if he wants to meet god over and over again until the police managed to negotiate a hostage release. it was kinda fucked up of you to do that Dustin. It's just a game broski

Iqan Adil

Hello Gents, Does Jimbo's departure feel early or is it the covid period messing with my perception of time? What would you say is a typical tenure for such a position? Thanks


Hey Sacred Sackboys, Since recently leveling up to becoming a first-time father; I’ve noticed a gameplay mechanic that is now becoming such a huge inconvenience it is now actively stopping me from engaging with certain games. Why can’t I pause my game!? Why can’t I pause cutscenes? Why can’t I choose to play offline? Why can’t I pause some games even when I’m offline!? I can pause live TV that is streaming, I can pause a movie, I can stop reading a book; but good luck trying to find a safe space in Elden Ring, when your kid starts crying, while you’re carrying 20,000 runes. Want to watch this high production cutscene, with revealing plot points, that you can’t go back and watch? Well tell your two-month-old to “shut the hell up” because this ten-minute cutscene train isn’t stopping. Who is responsible for this mechanic in many games, and how can we wipe them from this planet?