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Hey, all! It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 139 of Defining Duke. 

Disclaimer: This episode's release will be timed with Starfield's embargo lifting on Thursday, August 31, at 12 PM ET and is free to all. To not get lost in an inevitable sea of Starfield questions, please do consider writing in about a variety of topics to be selected for use in the show. That's always encouraged each and every week, but I know all of you well enough by now! Now, on with the rest of your regularly scheduled post.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, August 30 at 5 PM ET to make your submission.



Hey dukes With the ceo of Nightdive studios teasing a remaster of The Darkness series, I know Matty has said he has played them before but have cog and/or gene ever played these underrated games? With the excellent remaster of quake 2 I have high hopes they can do an great job.


Dukes, How great did it feel to see that review code hit your inbox after all of this time? Did you pass out? Was the duke groupchat popping off?? I won't lie, I was a little nervous about how generous Microsoft and Bethesda were gonna be with the codes, and I was very happy to see that you guys (and all four iron lords) got the recognition you deserve. Excited to hear your thoughts on the game.


So I just learned that Quake 4 was developed not by Id, but by Matty's beloved Raven Software. Did you know this, and if not, does this aspect of the Quake lineage make you more interested in seeing the franchise revived?


To the Dukes: This is a double header: Recently Colin has been talking about game completion and how Xbox Game Pass is conditioning players to not finish games, citing Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment’s low completion rates of 10% and 7% respectively, and comparing them to games like Dead Space, Final Fantasy 16, and God of War Ragnarok. Do you think this is an unfair comparison? Final Fantasy 16 and God of War Ragnarok are blockbuster, triple A games, that had huge budgets and marketing campaigns while Hi- Fi rush was a shadow drop and Pentiment was an extremely niche release with no huge marketing; both of these games having no market hype and excitement. My second question: Do you believe Starfield will be the Xbox / Game Pass game to break this “non completion” narrative, and start the string of games that make Xbox Game Pass the value proposition that many nay-sayers purport it not to be? Thanks !


Happy Starfield Week Dukes! Wishing Cog all the best in his recovery so he can fully enjoy this incredible year of gaming at its peak. My question is simple, did you play Starfield only on Series X or did you try it on the Little Man or PC? Have a health is wealth kinda day, David

MonstaPontes93 (Ricky Pontes)

Heyy matty cog and gene! First time writing in a while! I wanted to say we are finally here! I cannot wait for starfield I wasn’t going to play it right away due to being torn between bg3 and starfield! But my hype for it now is getting outta control! But my question to you boys to help me out is. What would you recommend to a guy like me who wants to get into he’s first BGS game with starfield but could never get into there other games like Skyrim or fallout? I am really into space sci-fi in which why I am excited for starfield but nervous I won’t like it at the same time!! Hope you guys are doing well and cog been thinking of you bro hope your doing better than last week and road to recovery is going well! 🙏 much love brother!


On a recent podcast, I was surprised to hear that Matty has migraines from tyramine sensitivity and Cog has diverticulitis. I have both these (diverticulitis developed 2 years ago, after having IBS my whole life.) Through diet and exercise I have been able to largely avoid the symptoms and drugs, really only needing ibuprofen occasionally. Thanks for sharing your issues, what more might I do? Have you found some practice helpful, that might seem unnecessary, or extreme, but that helps enormously? Thanks again, have a "I'm not worried about eating this delicious food kind of day."

Davy Sueppel

What’s up Dukers, I just want to express my love for the two of you and the show in general. If I’m being honest I started listening to the show because it came up on my LSM feed and I wasn’t 100% interested because I’m not the biggest Xbox fan. But you guys really keep thing interesting and help me see the green side of gaming. I seriously look forward to the podcast now and I love when you two spill over into other LSM podcast. I am really looking forward to all the Starfeild talk that is to come so please don’t hold back. (I bought and Xbox when Microsoft bought Bethesda because I knew they were going to pull some exclusive bull shit) I have the premium version downloaded to my console and I am ready to hear updates from you Gents weekly. Cog enough with the health scares please. Not only do you need to be alive to play Starfeild I need you alive to hear about you playing Starfeild. All jokes aside have a “Wake me up when August ends” kind of day.


Hey dukes. Godd howard has had multiple memorable quotes for his game launches, Good and bad. "It just works." But for Starfield the quote i will remember the most is "The more you give to starfield, the more it gives back." My question is do you guys have any examples in support of this quote. Thank you guys for the hours of entertainment each week!!!


Hey Matty, Cog (if you’re back and feeling good) and Gene, my good man. I actually had something I hope could be a fun one to think on or talk about. What’s a game from your childhood that you remember playing and almost wondering “how are my parents really okay with this?” Lol my example would be Soldier of Fortune: Gold. Some may already be familiar with where I’m going with this but the ability to shoot limbs off of enemies in that game with the blood and limbs remaining on ground really did give me a “my dad thinks I’m cooler than I think I am” energy lol. I was playing GTA3 around this time too in my youth and while my granny had already made complaints on why I was playing Grand Theft Auto, my dad was usually clear on “these are games, don’t do anything here in reality”. That much being said, do any of you have a game similar to this where the content was so out of left from your Raymans or Dynasty Warriors, but somehow still allowed for you to play? Have a “filtered by a helicopter? Couldn’t be me” kinda day 💀😌✊🏾


What up Dukes! Hope you’re feeing better Cog! So I’m sure y’all heard how Sacred Symbols burned Matty with his glasses, I gotta ask though are they actually those Gunnar glasses? I noticed Cog had some tinted glasses too, are they Gunnars or just regular glasses with a tint? Just curious, I ask as someone who also wears glasses and works with screens, eyes be burning sometimes after looking for too long haha.

John Hughes

Greetings! I recently dug up my old Official Xbox Magazine demo discs from when I got a one year subscription during the final year of the original Xbox. I remember playing the Star Wars Battlefront I and II demos the most. They are great time capsules and have some interesting stuff on them, like one disc actually has the Zombies game type to download for Halo 2. Did you ever have any of these demo discs? Have any memories to share?


Hello fellows My question is simple, with Sony having no significant games besides Spiderman 2 in the horizon, which is just a sequel, should we say now; "Playstation has no games", rather than "Xbox has no games". Boy, how the tortilla has flipped


Walk On Brave Dukes! Hello there "Thirst Trap" Matty, "For The Streets" Cog, and "Whore Wrangler" Gene! With the recent controversy of Starfield not having a playable demo before release it got me wondering when was the last time a Demo has sold you on a game? As a kid I use to heavily rely on demos to help formulate my opinion on whether or not a game would grace my shelf, but the last time an actual demo made a difference for me was Mass Effect 2. That demo is what got me into the franchise that I revisit every few years now. Has there been any Demos in recent years that have changed your opinion into purchasing a game? I appreciate all the hard work the three of you put into all of this and even work through being sick to get us some content. Thanks and have a "The only reason I romance Liara is because of Blewbies" kinda day!


Good evening Dukes. Cheers to you all, and I look forward to everyone having an interstellar type of time, with the inevitable Game Of The Year…what are the chances we encounter a Black Hole on our travels or life forms not from this world 🌎? Sidebar…How bad are the “zones” haters are tweeting about? Aka invisible walls…it’s gotta be blown out of proportion right?


Hello Stargazing Dukes, I just wanted to say congrats on getting the early Starfield codes. You guys deserve it. I hope this game is everything we’ve been hoping for. My question is: does Starfield finally mark the new era of Xbox. Thanks and I hope Cog is feeling better. He’s always praising others and being selfless so I just wanted to throw him some roses. Matty your killing it too. I love all the videos you make on MM&RR. All hail the DUKES. Oohwhee!


How much damage has Emil Pagliarulo done this time? Is the amateur writing something we can look past, or has it seeped into every corner of the game?


Matty, I have no time for pleasantries. Last week on the pod with gene you mentioned that you've never experienced vice city. This is one thing you need to correct, vice city is one of the greatest and most important games of all time. If only there was a retro channel where it would be possible for you to make content about this game. In all seriousness, pumped for your starfield reviews and thoughts. Have a lance Vange dance kinda day.


Hey Dukes! In a sea of Starfield discussions, I bring a question of a different kind - what is your biggest “just one more round” kind of game? You know, the game that you’re playing at 10pm, knowing you have to get some sleep because that alarm is going to ring at 6, but you keep telling yourself “just one more” until it’s suddenly 2 in the morning. This recently happened to me with Pikmin 1, which I ended up just blazing through in a single night, and even though it was followed by a day of exhaustion, it was entirely worth it. Thanks for all you guys do, and have a “no more virtual console, but we’ll sell you a subscription service” kind of day.


Glad you three can finally stop sailing the stars and tell us of your grand travels. I'll spare the Starfield question since many are already asking those, can we take a moment to talk about how great this year in gaming has been? This year has more Game of the Year contenders than 2020 through 2022 combined, it's been that wild. Do you think any other year will top this one? Have a great day gents and welcome back to the realm lord beefy.

A Hind D

Hi gang, I usually make my questions long but today is a short one in hopes of being picked - can y’all compare the feeling of playing Starfield at launch to playing Fallout 4 at launch. I was so big into Fallout 3 and New Vegas that 4 felt FUN and then more and more I felt like it wasn’t up to snuff. How does that compare to whatever feeling you’re getting from Starfield ? ( amazing, blown away, disappointed). Nothing grand just your FEELING. Thanks as always and go Niners.


Matty... Cog... I have to know: are there unique weapons in Starfield? Finding the "named" weapons in BGS games has long been an underrated feature that I have always taken so much enjoyment in. From Linclon's Repeater to the Overseer's Guardian, these are traditionally some of my favorite weapons to use in these beloved RPGs. I am curious how such a feature could be implemented into a game with procedurally generated areas that are unique to each player. Please, tell us all about it! (Or Break the Bad News).... either way, cheers and happy launch day! - Aidan

Justin Robinson

Hey Dukes, CORRECTION: I wrote in last week blaming reviewers for leaking Starfield and spoiling the game. I have to take the L here and correct myself and apologize to the reviewers. This was done by some bum who stole copies of the game and tried to just get some internet clout. Appreciate Matty and Gene for answering my question last week. You guys are right, I love going back to reviews after I finish a game and seeing different perspectives. Hope you’re feeling better, Cog, we missed you last week! Been saying prayers daily for you my friend. Got my Starfield shirt on, now onward to the greatest episode of the dukes yet. Happy Starfield Day, Justin Robinson (wvharpguitar) Have a “Gene said he uses a fork for Mac and cheese, because its pasta, and it killed you on the inside” kind of day.

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings MCG. Last week Matty voiced concern over no one writing in about the announcement of the closure of the Xbox 360 store. I had meant to write in but lost track of time. I'm actually not super concerned with the closure. I initially was, but every single game I could think to purchase prior to the shut down is either a part of the backwards compatibility program, something I have already purchased, or has been natively ported to the Xbox One and up or some other platform. I won't pretend that it doesn't suck that 220 some titles are going away. The difference between this and the PS3, Vita, 3DS, and WiiU is that the majority of titles aren't going away. We aren't losing an entire generation of games and patches, at least not yet anyway. This is a loss, but Microsoft has done everything in their power to minimize the damage that'll be caused by this closure. Attached is a list of titles going away provided by Video Games Chronicle. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/analysis-more-than-220-digital-games-will-disappear-when-the-xbox-360-store-closes/ If this is all we are losing than I think we will be okay. Take care and see you in the Starfield.


Hello fellas. It looks like Xbox has made a pretty significant move in Japan. Mena Sato Kato, who was in leading roles at SIE PlayStation Japan for 8+ years, is now Director of Partnerships in Japan for Xbox. I sometimes laugh when people post Indeed updates, but this one could potentially be big down the road. Your guys thoughts, and as always, have an A1 day.


Howdy Dukes, On the recent episode of Sacred Symbols, Colin was calling out Matty for his new glasses and saying "he can't get away with this". Did you guys happen to see this clip, and will the Dukes stand for this shade being thrown at Matty's shades?


Yo Dukes, best wishes to Cog and hope he makes a speedy recovery. I wanted to ask a question out of left field, what is your preference for setting for multiplayer and singleplayer shooters respectively? For example, COD is always switching between WW2, cold war, modern, and futuristic, do you prefer one of these over the others? Or do you prefer even more fantastical and weird like Borderlands or maybe post-apocalyptic? Anyway hope you guys have a good day and I am eagerly awaiting your thoughts on Starfield. Have a “I’m 16 but my parents say I can only walk in a 15 minute radius from my car before hitting an invisible wall.” kind of day!

Mark R

What's going on you space pirate scum, First off, hope everyone is doing well and healthy I know it's a drag going to the hospital trust me I know I work at one! Now first playthrough what are we doing?!?! I'm going sneaky sniper hopefully with some tech skills for hacking robots and a shotty for when things get up close and personal with these mother fucking alienssss. What say you all? Have a: I'm putting all my attribute points into health in my rpg kinda day!


Subject: Hooking up a CRT TV Duke Boys, I recently scored a late model CRT TV. Its 27 inch screen will do up to 720p, comes with component inputs, and most importantly it weighs in at "a biscuit shy" of 90lbs. To all who ask why own such a monstrosity I say, "It's like vinyl for videogames". Have you Dukes ever wanted to relive the CRT TV days? Or if not, what classic tech would you like to bring back?


Greetings Mr. Matty and Cog, Is Starfield the most attacked pre-launch video game in history? The amount of fake outrage, leaks, and pure hate has reached new levels. I currently only play on Playstation, but I don't understand why some people try to stop others from enjoying what they like. I know that some people are addicted to the responses they get from trolling, and now they can get paid to troll on X, but the amount of people trying to hurt what seems to be a generational game is staggering. I know that it's mostly social media and that doesn't reflect reality, but I think that it makes gaming as a whole appear toxic. What are you guys perspective? PS Lord Cognito I wish you a speedy recovery.

Your Boi Nicky V

Hey Booty Boy Barry, Titty Gobbler Matty and Foot Photographer Gene, Dudes, surprised this hasn't been asked yet, what's it been like going back to 30fps? Is it still jarring after all these hours or has it become second nature once again? Have a 'Cog is so hench, he makes Gears's character models look realistic' kind of day. Wishing you all the best big guy!


Greetings Dukes, Happy Starfield Day! With its arrival I have two questions to ask: In general, did you join any factions, and how grand are they in depth and scope? What is your thoughts on the companions this time around, and do you have a favorite?


Hey dukes, So recently my friends and I were bored on a recently and looking for something to play in game pass, that’s when I remembered how much y’all praised as dusk falls and recommended it to them, they loved it and practically spent the whole weekend playing trying to get all the outcomes, which was surprising cause they’re normally yearly sports games players, just wondering if you guys have any other recommendations for games in game pass that are fun for a whole party Thanks and have a “I don’t care what they say Matty, your glasses are cool” kinda day


Hey Dukes! I'm sure I'll get lost in the starfield mix, but there's just one thing on my mind. Are people focusing to hard on the big scary 1000 planets number? Why do people think that they have to make every planet interesting? It's not like every planet in our galaxy has some crazy shit going on; so tons of barren planets would add to the realism would it not? Not to mention the modding potential! You guys are slowly becoming the true stars of LSM. Hope you have a Starfield release kind of day!


Dukes, I have one question and one question only. What were your emotions and thoughts when you finally clicked “start game” on Starfields home page? Have a “I love starfield but I was forced to listen to the imagine dragons promotional video today and now I’m not so sure” kinda day.


Hello Dukes, Coming hot off the news line of KNN, Sony revealed that they are raising the price of the yearly packages for PlayStation Plus. Essential going from 60 to 80$, all the way to Premium going from 120$ to 160$. That price hike is far worse than the GP price hike, more so since you don't get day one games on PlayStation. Any comments on this and should Xbox capitalize on Sony once more being anti consumer?


Hello dukes, I just wanted to say Bethesda got me by the package by having early access for Starfield on Labor Day weekend. I just had to get it for the long weekend. Y’all have a good day, and baked mac and cheese is better in the south, you’re missing out Matty.


Hellooooo dukes how are all of you on this hopefully fune day? Now I know starfield is going to be the new big sci-fi game yet there has been some talk about the original big sci-fi game on Xbox’s platform halo. Ryan mcCaffrey mentioned that halo should possibly get a reboot and our own Chris ray gun actually responded saying “I believe this to be true” so dukes what are your thoughts should halo get a reboot? Have a Star gazing day dukes

Ryan Guldner

Hey Dukes, PS question i’m sure is mentioned alot on the price hike in services, but would like your thoughts. Do you think anything significant is being added with this? Particularly for premium which is going up $40 for a slow drip feed of PS1/PSP titles. The hopeful idiot inside me hopes more ps2/ps3 emulation but know that wont happen. Also hope that it is scrutinized heavy like the gamepass “hike” was.


Hey boys, I played through all of Firewatch the other day thanks to Game Pass. Ended up really enjoying my time with it. After I finished, I remember Campo Santo announced In the Valley of Gods back in 2017. The game looked intriguing and Firewatch was a great foundation that could be improved, but it basically became vaporware after Valve's acquisition of the studio. Thus, my question, what are some games you guys would've been excited to play that basically became vaporware after they were announced?


Was hoping that this episode would include the Starfield discussion and Matty's review so it going up tomorrow when the embargo lifts is great news!! Hyped!!!

Mark R

Quickie for you dukes, Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew check it out I just bought Wednesday night it I think it's a sleeper hit! I'll save it for later obviously but I am spreading the good word now.


Have you guys tried playing games in different languages with today’s translate tools? I recently played the PS1 version of Dragon Ball Z: Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu (or DBZ: The Legend as it’s referred to) with the help of the translate tool on the iPhone. It wasn’t perfect but I was surprised at how good it was at translating the menus and texts from Japanese to English. I feel like if this was around when I was younger, I would’ve played a lot more random international games especially with the PS1’s open disc spring trick. Thanks and have a “MY MAN COG IS BACK IN THE BUILDING” kind of day. Salute.