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Telling Lies, Jehovah's Witnesses, Apple Inc., Childhood Variables | Constellation, Episode 34

It's time yet again for Constellation, Last Stand's conversational podcast. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Sacred Symbols co-host Chris Ray Gun and Punching Up co-host Micah Watson. Micah brings a heavy and personal topic to the show this week: Her upbringing as a Jehovah's Witness. How did faith affect her life, and why did she ultimately decide to walk away? Chris' topic, meanwhile, is a bit more ethereal, as he wants to explore the variables in our lives that ended up having a major effect down the road. How did we become the way we are, anyway? Dagan, meanwhile, wants to get into lying: The lies we've told and been victimized by, the role of lying in polite society, and all of the ramifications therein. Finally, Colin wants to know everyone's contemporary gut reactions to Apple Inc., the famous American company with a perpetually dominant position in our culture. Why do so many people love Apple? And how come this specific corporation draws such visceral reactions from others?



It's Peanut Butter Stelly time


Looking forward to hearing Micah's story. I'm an exmormon myself. All my ex-JW acquaintances seem to go through similar stuff, but to an even greater degree than exmormons. It's no fun getting shut out by the ones you love and told by those still in the cult that YOU are the problem, not the nasty cult. I'm glad she ended up in a happy life with Colin.


I’m an ex-JW too, I’m looking forward to hearing about Micah’s experience with it. It’s nice to know I’m not alone, definitely fucks you up lol

Rebel Reyes

Time for my favorite conversational progrum!

Joe B

We are the mooninites whisper by Chris had to be what we were all thinking when Dagan said Menonite.

Luke Silletta

Severance is one of the best shows in the past decade. If you haven't watch it GO WATCH IT.


As someone who grew up as a JW and left that cult around 14, very excited for this episode.


I got a Disney adult sized correction about no character always being voiced by the same actor. James Woods has voiced Hades in all his appearances since the original movie.

Jeshua Anderson

Ok, 42 year old lifelong Jehovah's Witness here. Not gonna lie, that was hard to listen. Chiefly because a huge chunk of what she spoke on is individual or how a family takes things. Like it sounds like she had parents who were over the top. Look, I ate/eat lucky charms, growing up I had countless jobs nights and weekends. Heck I was a bouncer and bodyguard from 18-25 LOL. I went to college, but didn't finish (not cause of the church). I have a bunch of JW friends with degrees. I had/have non-witness friends, and always have. Going door to door we do have not at homes but don't put "home-but-hiding" LOL. That sounds like a joke her friends had amongst themselves. The hair height thing is not true. If you choose to be what we call and elder or ministerial servant than it's expected your well groomed because your an example. At Baptist, catholic, Presbyterian and other churches you're not gonna find long haired Pastors etc. We have bald elders and ministerial servants. I have very short hair. She is correct we don't celebrate holidays or birthdays. Birthdays is not because of ego's lol! I was told all the time by folks in the church that I was an awesome and special kid. We don't celebrate birthdays because the only times the bible mentions them someone gets decapitated so we take that as "these aren't the best", so we don't. Our meetings are twice a week and Sunday our meetings a an hour and a half not 2 hours. You don't HAVE to comment lol! MANY don't comment, and there's no knock on folks who don't. Our conventions are 3 days, and they basically are lectures, however their not all about converting people. They're mostly about what are common battles people deal with today. However I will say back in the day they did lean that way heavily. I won't go into prophecy, cause... any religion we could debate prophecy till blue in the face. The founder part, A. we were founded way before satellite's existed, and so B. whoever she spoke of was not a founder and we don't care about who who founded the organization and what they say PERSONALLY. Somebody on the governing body today could say they saw god on Tik tok and we'd say "have you started smoking Fentanol?" Lol. We're not based around any one person besides Jehovah and Jesus. As far as disfellowshipping/ex-communication... that is a tough topic. Admittedly not everyone agrees with it. Not even in the church. But then the question becomes, what do you do when you have someone who is... a rapist, or a child molester, or a thief, con-artist, etc in the church? Do you just let that fly, or do you remove them? yes those are extremes but then the question is where do you draw the line? If someone cheats on their wife or husband and is known to prey on others mates or single folks, do you let that go? If someone is selling hardcore illegal drugs like Fentanol, heroin, or Oxy...do you let them continue too? It's not so simple. BTW, noone is getting kicked out for their hair, or not going door to door, or eating lucky charms or anything ridiculous like that. %90 of those disfellowshipped is sex related. BTW, typically family doesn't completely cut off contact with DF'd ones. We'll check in, see if your ok, we're just not hanging out and all that. I dunno, it's just sad cause I know her experience and hardships are very much what she went through with people who were extreme. Usually' s those who leave, that's what they dealt with. Which happens in just about every church and religion.


Uh oh, somebody went full self defense mode 🤭 The biggest problem with JWs is how self righteous they are, and then you grow up and realize that they’re no better than any other religion. If they claim to be so superior, they should expect to be held to an equally high standard, which they don’t come close to meeting.


When Colin said “no finger blastin’” I almost spit my water out 😂🤣🤣


your parents disowning you is insane. i could never do that to my kid.

Raymond keys

For many as well as myself, Christianity is more about relationship with God than tradition and rules.


Micah, does this mean your parents and family will not be at the wedding? Is it that extreme that they wouldn't even be there for a wedding?


I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and most of my friends are, and Im gonna say this is / wasnt my reality or my friends reality growing up 😂. I DO think it is all about where you grow up / who your parents are / who your congregation is. I went to college, I went to friends homes, played sports. All while being born and raised as a JW. Im sad to hear that this was your experience Micah. I do believe that If you grew up where I did, you would have had a different experience.

Tanner Denso

I once worked for my uncles company (general contractor) and he had a all Guatemalan crew. One of the guys had become a JW after living in America for awhile. I’m Christian and I knew that JW was similar but had weird rules. I HAD NO IDEA THE RULES WERE THIS WILD?!?! Micah, wow I’m so sorry that your family disowned you over that. I can’t fathom what that would be like.


When you're disfellowshipped you are completely excommunicated unless you're living in the same house, which then communication needs to be limited, or are attempting to rejoin. I've witnessed it, it's fucked. It's why they only want you making friends in their organization, so if you ever try to leave all the people you know cut you off and you're more likely to return.


I made the grave mistake of "upgrading" the macbook I currently own and it rendered my photoshop software inoperable. Since then I've had to resort to Adobe's subscription service. Since then its been a hard no as far as laptops go. Which is tragic, given how well my 2014 model compares to my PC from just 2 years ago. Apple gets so much right, but when it doesn't I can feel the minutes being sucked off from my life with how irritated I get.

Kaz Redclaw

The JW around here are pretty persistent. They found out my son was deaf, and started bringing all kinds of stuff about sign language church services... We see them maybe once every couple of months and they have never stopped including that particular bit of information.

Kevin Cooper

Elaborating further on childhood variables... there is a series of books called The Deptford Trilogy (Fifth Business/The Manticore/World of Wonders), and these books are all centered around the people & things from our childhood that we don't think twice about, but inadvertently impact our (and others) entire lives. Just a reading suggestion for those interested...

Kevin Cooper

Outside of the knocks on our door, my most harsh encounter with J-Dubs was when I was in high school. A friend in our group was in a car accident and could have survived with a blood transfusion, but her parents refused to allow it and she died.