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Welcome back to Constellation! Joining the Brothers Moriarty on today's episode of Last Stand's conversational podcast is Defining Duke co-host Lord Cognito and executive producer Dustin Furman. Dustin comes wielding a mighty topic this week: The arcade. Allow us to reminisce about the quarter-munching days for your enjoyment. Cog, meanwhile, is curious what our habits are when it comes to nutrition labels. Do we analyze the food we buy and eat? What do we look for, want, and avoid? Dagan is eager to know what our hidden talents are, not ones that we'd use professionally per se, but rather personally. What are we lowkey good at that would surprise others? Finally, Colin brings up the rear with a timely topic. Being that it's mid-August, it makes a lot of sense to talk about going back to school. Did we look forward to or dread returning to the classroom in our youth? How did we prepare -- successfully or unsuccessfully -- for our return to the grind?



Josh Correa

Hey Dustin when it comes to Japan YouTube channel I highly recommend Only in Japan Go, Only in Japan and some videos from Livingbobby.


Shout out Paolo. Also recommend Tokyo Lens

Joe McPartlin

Dustin idk if you read the comments here, but from someone that was just in Japan a few months ago, you have to hit up Ichiran Ramen. They are all over Tokyo/Osaka and while there is typically a wait, do not let that stop you from getting what will probably be the best ramen you can find

Henry Velasco

Had to hit pause. 6 hour commute!?

Luke Silletta

Colin would eviscerate me if I lived in his neighborhood... I couldn't give 2 shits about my lawn or garden.


“Made the bones with the bone.” Ohhhhh Dagan’s commute was nuts. 😄

Bogey Zero

Colin I wish I was more like you when I came to taking care of my yard. The problem for me personally is that after working 40-50 hours a week and after commuting home in the evening I just don’t have the energy to spend on being meticulous about my yard, besides the biweekly mowing and weed whacking. I’d imagine a lot of your neighbors who don’t take care of that lawn as well as you do have the same problem.

Napoleon in Rags

Dagan’s commute !! This is one of the most appall things I’ve ever heard! Why would anyone do that?!

Zackery Parkerson

I swear HOA is a trigger word for me. Lol. Can’t imagine many things less American than giving up all the freedom owning property should provide to some power-hungry control group.

James Schubert

For anyone tempted by a calorie counter I dropped My Fitness Pal and now use Loose It. Works great for me and as a chef, I'm pretty fussy about these things.

Lou & Rei Loper

Oh shit...I'm not ready for this episode yet. I just walked through an old arcade at Six Flags in NJ, trying to catch some feels. It was nothing but sadness unfortunately, it's trash now, but it was expected. I believe I've told this before, but I will never forget back in 2019 on our honeymoon road trip, we ended up in a random place in Maine. Short story, we rode the escalator up to the upper level of the building and I was faced with the sight of an actual arcade with tons of machines and stations in front of me. The attract sounds were just as loud as I remember, tons of fighting games, tons of memories, and it was a large place. I didn't know it was there at all, we just happened to stop at this random bowling place next to a Sears. I almost cried, it was an incredible day. She knew this was MASSIVE for me, so we stayed for a little while and I played some goodness and just soaked in the sound. 🥲 TLDR: I miss arcades more than anything in my past

Dan Morgan

That Star Wars arcade machine is 🔥, only found it in 2 arcades


I’m sure Colin’s spoke about this before but I am dying to know how he fasts every day while still consuming a butt load of cannabis. Don’t you get the munchies man?


I won't say this applies to Colin, but for myself once I get into about a month of daily cannabis use the munchies largely go away. I figure tolerance essentially takes away some of the extremes. When I come back to using cannabis after a decent sized break 1-3 months, I get the munchies again.

Lou & Rei Loper

Man I've never wanted to be on an episode sooooo badly lol. The arcade was everything to me. 43 years old and I still can't use a controller to play a fighting game or top down shooter lol. Arcade stick for LIFE 😁


Nutrition labels are super important in my house for 2 reasons. One my son has a very severe allergy, so well made labels are important for that. Two I’ve been on a health journey the last year or so so knowing my calories is important. I also started paying attention to my protein intake as I started to work out.

Simon Pusateri

I am a simple man. I see Cogstellation, I press Play