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Halo 2 | KnockBack, Episode 267

In 2022, we -- the Brothers Moriarty -- sat down to discuss Xbox's seminal 2001 launch offering, Halo: Combat Evolved. We loved it, and we promised that we'd get to Halo 2 one day. Well, today is that day. Released late in 2004, at the back-end of Xbox's truncated lifecycle, Halo 2 is widely-considered one of the Xbox brand's highest-quality and most important games in its two decade-plus history. And candidly, we can see why. With expert gunplay, a fun sci-fi story, and a brisk runtime reminiscent of its generation (and which we frankly long for today), Halo 2 has us not only gushing about a title one-in-three OG Xbox owners purchased -- which is an insane attach rate -- but has us longing to play Halo 3, too, which we will certainly be getting to in short order here on KnockBack.


Joshua Brown

Halo 2 is my favourite game of all time. It’s just another example of showing how ahead of the curve Bungie was. The Halo 2 online menu was basically the proto-Xbox 360 dashboard. It had your list of friends with the options to send text/voice messages, your own avatar, inviting friends to parties. The campaign in Halo 3 as epic as it was, always felt like a step down from 2 in terms of story as it just felt simple in comparison.

Joshua Brown

The Master Chief personality is meant to be for two reasons. Mainly it’s so the character is an empty shell for the player to inhabit but there’s also lore and story reasons that the later games get into.

Noah Friscopp

I bet a lot of the people that really love him are dorks like me that read the expanded material, and I can’t argue the motocross comparison but I really love the armor too.



Halofan117 Halofan

Hard for it to be covered here, but while I love halo 2 for it's campaign ad story/music. A whole other part of halo 2 that was so massive was obviously it's multiplayer and how massive it's online portion was. Halo represented 2000s culture back then in so many ways. Personally Halo 2 was really important for me as it was a game I played after my gf died and it helped me slowly open up as freinds came over and we played the game together

Halofan117 Halofan

FYI Halo 2 was made in 10 months, I think actually 50% of the game was cut which ended up becoming halo 3 but also a lot of other plans even a warthog run and other enemy varients or maps were cut. The game if I remember had an ambitious plan with it's E3 demo but they found out that the actual game ran horribly on the xbox. Bungie wanted to launch it on the 360 for better hardware xbox pressured them into the xbox. As a result a lot was cut and the game had HORRIBLE crunch.


Yes! I will not say Halo 2 is the best game I've ever played, but it is the most important to me. The Friday night LAN parties with 7 of my best pals are something I wish I could revisit once more now that I'm in my 30s. Now everyone is off busy being an adult. It is true what they say, sometimes you don't realize the good times until they are gone.

Joshua Brown

Hearing Colin say “precursors” I’m throwing my hands in the air 🙌🏻 that’s too soon Colin, that’s 343 retconning/additional information.

Frank G.

I love Halo 2 simply love it my favorite things about it is the dual storytelling, the battle rifle and the pacing. During the pandemic I took care of my Halo gap from Combat evolved to Halo reach. And Halo 2 is the one that I guess is my champion from the rest. ODST came close, but I had to go with chief, pretty impressive for an unfinished game lol

Ryan Hayman

Loved those reviews :)


Its a testament to the long lasting love affair people have for this game that back in 2013 I was still able to buy a brand new, sealed copy of this game for 20$ on amazon. Well after the 360 was in full swing you could still go back and get this game, as if it were still on people's radar.