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In 2022, we -- the Brothers Moriarty -- sat down to discuss Xbox's seminal 2001 launch offering, Halo: Combat Evolved. We loved it, and we promised that we'd get to Halo 2 one day. Well, today is that day. Released late in 2004, at the back-end of Xbox's truncated lifecycle, Halo 2 is widely-considered one of the Xbox brand's highest-quality and most important games in its two decade-plus history. And candidly, we can see why. With expert gunplay, a fun sci-fi story, and a brisk runtime reminiscent of its generation (and which we frankly long for today), Halo 2 has us not only gushing about a title one-in-three OG Xbox owners purchased -- which is an insane attach rate -- but has us longing to play Halo 3, too, which we will certainly be getting to in short order here on KnockBack.




perfect sunday listening!! this game is awesome, really blew the whole halo world wide open. can’t wait to hear what you guys think of it!

Noah Friscopp

Awesome episode. And you’re both in for a treat with 3, all killer no filler.


You guy's should read Halo: Fall of Reach. Incredible novel and might help you view Master Chief as more human and interesting. Definitely not a character lacking depth although you need more sources then just the games, which is a reasonable critique.

Ib Saint

Yes! What a happy surprise

Shane Bailey

Great ep guys! Can’t wait to hear what you think of H3 :)

Jose Horrach

The gabbagool song was by videogame dunkey from his Sopranos PS2 review!


Col, Halo 2’s campaign is solid but it sold as much as it did because of the MP.

Zack E

Once Colin and Dagan gets through Halo 3, or maybe if they want to get to ODST and Reach (Reach will be Colin’s favorite) There should be a defining Duke ultimate episode with everyone including Chris to talk about Bungie Halo games.

Guns vs Kittens

I can't contain my excitement for the brothers to get to Halo 3


This is my most anticipated Knockback episode and safe to say it exceeded my expectations

Zeke the Plumber

My friends and I played this co-op and when the cliffhanger ended hit, we both said What The Fuck

Jordan campos

Hydrogen Peroxide in the ear is sooooo fucking relaxing.


The elites were programmed to shoot dead bodies like you described. Not a bug.

Jack Sibert

I like that Master Chief is a stoic man of few words. It's what makes him stand out from the vast crowd of over-emotional over-written modern male characters. When Chief says something, everyone listens. It kind of harkens back to an older archetype of hero.