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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Punching Up in this thread.

Also, we are taking submissions for podcast games to play. Please include full questions and highlighted answers.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Monday, August 21st at 9:00 AM ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



My wife is almost done doing everything available in BotW. Any advice for her going into TotK soon? (She got an OLED and Zelda amiibo for her birthday last month. Our wedding rings say "it's dangerous . . ." and " . . . to go alone")

Will Hahn

Hey fisting up crew! Hope all is well. When will we see a Toon Link comeback in a modern era of Nintendo? None of this phantom hourglass bullshit. Will there ever be a AAA Toon Link experience ever again, and if so, would you guys want it to be an extension of Wind Waker or something entirely different? All the best, Will


Dearest Punchers, When it comes to playing the Switch, I know Dustin has mentioned he prefers TV gaming and Micah has a proclivity to go handheld, but I’m curious…does the game you’re playing factor into your choice of setup, handheld vs docked? For example, I had to play Tears docked because the Switch’s screen felt too cramped for such a large world, but Link’s Awakening felt perfect in handheld mode and I played it that way. What say ye of the fist?


What's up fisticuffs, What's with some new games getting announced as physical & digital, but the physical version is several months away. Is this to make us double dip? Is it to make a smaller physical supply? What are your thoughts? Take care and keep bludgering those bricks!


Hello everyone, I’m someone who rarely if ever plays the switch portable. Do you think the next switch or maybe even a late sku of the switch will have a Nintendo switch home edition that’s essentially a PlayStation tv but a switch. Thanks


Hey fellas, I was curious if any of you have checked out Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, the long awaited Jet Set Radio spiritual successor that just launched on Switch, with other platforms following in a few weeks? It seems like the game is being kinda buried in a busy release cycle despite a lot of initial hype, and I can't help but feel like this would be right up Dagan and Gene's alley! I'm still early, but it's stellar so far- thanks guys!


Hi everybody, As we find ourselves embarking on the unceasing march towards an all-digital gaming future I have been brainstorming different ways to satisfy that desire for a tactile connection with my favorite games. Towards this end I've been admiring everyone's merch-laden backdrops and was wondering if you all had suggestions for high-quality gaming merchandise such as statues, clothing, and miscellaneous doo-dads. Keep up the great work, Logan


Hey Punchies! I wanted to get the crew's temperature on one of the most critically acclaimed and most notable indies of the year, Dave the Diver! While there is not a release date yet, it is reportedly coming out at some point this year on the Switch. The game has overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam and sits at a 90 on Metacritic. I think Gene also said in a tweet that it was one of his favorite games of the year thus far and I'd love it hear his thoughts. Are other members of the crew keen to try it when it releases on Switch, or maybe sometime on PC? Personally after 10 hours I really am liking it, but am getting a little frustrated with the lack of direction at times when trying to complete main objectives. It's definitely charming, filled with personality and has a lot of depth (no pun intended). Keep punching above your weight y'all, best, wiley.


Dear DDMG, What is your go to jelly for a PB&J?

Sam Lee

Hello fellows, the Nintendo Switch Online(NSO) service has been around for 5 years. How do you feel about the service so far and other than adding more games what other features would you propose that Nintendo add to the service?

Frank G.

What's up crew. So 2024 may very well be the arrival of switch 2 (or Super Switch) and forgive me if you've answered this before but what games do you guys think will make it to the launch library? Mario odyssey 2? Mario Galaxy 3? Mariokart 9, pokemon remake, a COD game maybe. What do my fellow fisters think? Have a safe and wonderful day.

James Soler

Hey Punchers, With the current Beta for iOS 17, videos are surfacing of people using an iPad as a screen for their Nintendo Switch. If I remember correctly, most of y’all are satisfied playing handheld, but I was curious if any of you are interested in trying this out. I don’t think I’ll be trying it out as it still requires the dock, making it substantially less mobile. Best, James S


Hey Punching up crew, Have any of you bought the Mario Kart booster pack with the 6 waves of maps? Cheers

James Hill

Hey PU, Playing BG3 is making long for modern Fire Emblem's hybrid hit system and turn wheel. FE Engage has 2 RN for hits over 50% and 1 RN for under 50%. So an 80% hit is actually 92.2% and a 33% is a 1 outta 3. Nothing makes me want to redo a turn more than missing an 80% sneak attack and that enemy setting my whole team on fire. Am I Charmin soft or is anyone feeling the same way?

Hayden Glass

What’s up Punchers! With Nintendo making an appearance at a recent Gamestop conference, with Doug Bowser himself up on stage, is Nintendo primed to be the last bastion of physical media in games? Could you see a future where Nintendo dominates the Walmart and Gamestop shelves? Thanks for your thoughts and opinions! Sincerely yours from Alabama!


Hey Punchers, Last weekend was the Pokemon World Championships. It was another year of a fantastic tournament, and the first from Japan! For as much flack as some people give Pokemon, they are able to have multiple different types of games from TCG, GO, Unite, and the traditional games having thriving competitive scenes. I feel like Pokemon doesn't get the credit it deserves in that respect. Did any of you check out any of the streams? Or would any of you be interested in ever checking out competitive Pokemon?


Game idea: I call it “RANDO KAZOOIE” — Dustin plays Nintendo game themes on a kazoo. If the panelists know the song they can “buzz in” by shouting their name and then can give their answers. Hilarity ensues. Like this post if u wanna hear Dustin play the kazoo!


Hello Punchies and Punchette, This month has had a nice batch of Switch games released. Between charming Disney platforming with Illusion Island, Jet Set Radio successor Bomb Rush Cyberfunk and even a surprisingly well-running port of Red Dead Redemption; Switch is cooking. Which of these three have you guys played and any thoughts on them?


Hello Brick Fisters, Got one more write in for ya'll but it's more of a suggestion. One or two episodes ago, there was a write in about image quality improvement on Switch and I looked into that. I ended up getting a mClassic after a strong recommendation from someone in the LSM discord server and it's been fantastic. It makes the Switch significantly less stinky, making everything look nice and sharp at 1440p. It's a pricey add-on (100$), but well worth it if you mainly play on TV.

Nathan Densley

Hello, If all the Nintendo characters worked at a massage parlour (above board, non of that hanky panky), which character would you want to massage you? Dr. Mario could be the safest, but with how he deals with viruses in that world where they are already in the bottle that he is sending to you...maybe his credentials are under question?


You guys rock the house with this Nintendo show! You have me playing my old DS even!!!!

There’s No I in LLC

Just wanted to shout out the LSM discord retro buy sell trade for being a great resource for buying games safely and dependably. Thank you Dustin for your appreciation of physical media I fear there is no other way I would’ve delved into retro purchases.

Devon McCarty

PU Crew, If the Mario Movie had bombed at the box office, would Charles Martinet still have retired from voicing the character? Might've been a long time coming, might've been directly tied to the success of the new flick, but either way, I'm getting some blue shell energy from the timing if it. Chris Pratt becoming the singular voice of Mario in 2023 was NOT on my bingo card... Keep up the great work!