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Knowing When You'll Die, Condiments Ranking, Being on Time, Frugality | Constellation, Episode 28

Welcome back to Constellation! For the first time in our brief run so far, Colin is in fact not joined by Dagan (who's away with his son at Boy Scout camp), instead welcoming in a trio of people from the Last Stand stable as opposed to merely a duo. This week, our guests are executive producer Dustin Furman, associate producer Ben Smith, and coordinator Micah Watson. As usual, the topics are varied. Dustin wonders if we consider ourselves frugal -- or even cheap! -- and where one draws the line on spending money versus merely wasting it. Micah presents a what-if: Specifically, what if you could know when you were going to die, right down to the day. Would it affect how you lived your life? Would you even want to know at all? Meanwhile, Ben drops the matter of timeliness on the table, an ever-present phenomenon wherein some people are fixated on the clock in their daily lives while others obviously couldn't care less. Finally, Colin brings up the rear with something appropriately dumb, namely a condiments ranking. We already went deep into ketchup on a previous episode, but where do we stand on the likes of mustard, mayo, salsa, hot sauce, and more? Head to https://www.factormeals.com/con50 and use code con50 for 50% off 0:00:00 - Introduction 0:15:35 - Frugality 0:59:20 - Being on Time 1:22:47 - Knowing When You'll Die 1:43:09 - Condiments Ranking


Piston Pants

How did I know it was Dustin's topic about being a cheapskate. Never change man.


Happy Birthday Micah!! 🎉

Jonathan Turner

Shannon Sharpe would consider a black and mild a "Victory Cigar" Colin lmao


Covid 100 percent made people at the movies beyond obnoxious, they act like they are at home. Too bad its frowned upon to smack their phone out of their entitled hands :c Had my seat kicked HARD 4 times at Avatar 2, like how do you not get embarrassed after the first time and get your shit together? Blows my mind. People are truly off in their own world these days with no regard to others space or time.

Yeti ATL

Honestly the movies were worse before Covid, at least now there’s less people

Matthew Cooper

It's all about the mustard! Ketchup is okay, but mayo is nasty. For BBQ sauce, Carolina style vinegar based sauce is crap, a ketchup based sauce will do, but again it's the mustard based sauce that has it going on. As far as being frugal vs. cheap, it comes down to how intentional and rational a person is being. It's the big purchases people make that really matter, like cars and houses. If you're responsible on the bigger purchases, being really strict with small purchases isn't necessary and is irrational. Buying a $12 lunch when you really want the $14 lunch is being irrationally cheap, unless you are in tough times and really ought to be eating the $5 homemade lunch. Only buying things you really want or need and at a fair price is being frugal. Buying stuff impulsively that you don't really want or need just because it's a good deal is being cheap. Never spending any money on anything, even things you would really want or need, when you can actually afford it is being cheap. A person can be frugal and also very generous, while it's hard to be cheap and generous. A frugal person may go to a good restaurant, eat lunch for $20 and leave a $20 tip because the server did a good job. A cheap person will never tip more than 20%. Frugal people are best at long term wealth building and living happy lives; cheap people aren't as good at it and have more stressed lives.

Michael Thew

Miracle whip is awesome, it’s what happens when you leave regular mayo out in the sun for the day. That’s the miracle!!

Quinnton from Seattle

I put mustard on everything (within reason) Hot dogs, burgers, deli sandwiches, sausage, pretzels. I also love any food that incorporates mustard into the dish (potato salad, ribs, brisket, wings). I only do relish on hot dogs and nothing else. Mayo is good on pretty much anything but I don't actively put it on stuff besides deli sandwiches. A1 is actually pretty good on potatoes but of course, ketchup is better.


Great topics this week and interesting discussions all around. Thanks for the show.


At 1:05:07 someone took a sip of their drink and I heard the disgusting squelch of peristalsis. Please edit these out in the future!!! Love the episode!

Tom Gentry

Ahhhh yes the *storied* brand of Stonemill Spices, the Aldi brand of spices that of course goes back eons through the Stonemill family. Bob Stonemill, inventor of the stone mill circa 4500 B.C.E., was the first person to find a black peppercorn and decide to crush it with a stone to invent the black pepper we know and love today.


Fear of mustard and pickles, red wine smelling bad, ketchup in chocolate milk... This is a Constellation of horrors.

Derek Alcott

So many unforgettable lines in this episode. "I thought you got that out of your system" haha.


Great show, can we have Micah on every week? She always brightens the show up no end :)

Luke Silletta

Ketchup is the worst condiment ever. The only reason people like it is because its like 90% sugar. Enjoy your sugar sauce you weirdos.


Two things my dear Colin, 1. Let us open handed drummers be alright. I worked hard to get my levels of comfortably switching my lead hand on the fly and I’m proud of it. Stand down. 2. The only band I’ve known of to actually take advantage of two drummers is a band called Kylesa. Consider checking out tracks “running red” & “scapegoat” off their album static tensions. That is all. Cheers & thanks for the great episode

Tim Sierzega

Having been diagnosed with cancer a few years ago... if i knew when i was going to die shortly after it would be nice to plan things accordingly... if i knew shortly after diagnosis i would be shot off into space in a cloud of dust i'd probably have done things a bit difference.


I’m a terminally I’ll 27 year old, and I have been on Palliative Care for a few years now. I was given about 20 years or less to live due to my health conditions, and knowing that I don’t have a lot of time life is absolutely terrifying. I constantly feel as if I’m running out of time even though I don’t really have any duties to uphold other than keeping myself alive. When I found out my prognosis, I started a “Fucket List” full of things that I want to do before I die, because I’ve always been afraid to do things, but have now adopted much more of a “F**k It” attitude, considering the circumstances. I want to travel to places that I can still feasibly visit and do things I’ve always thought were too scary to do. When you have an idea about when you’re going to die, it changes everything, and not always in a good way. Things seem to matter a lot less, which can be great in a sense, but can also be disastrous for relationships. Sometimes it feels like the prognosis is harder for everyone else than it is for me, and I have to remember to put on a happy face for them so that I don’t make it any worse. Knowing when you’re going to die is helpful, but I’d say it’s even more terrifying, because now you’re just playing the waiting game. I hope you all are doing well and staying healthy, and remembering not to take your health for granted as it seems many of us do. Lots of love, and thank you for pulling me out of my depressive episodes with all that you guys do on Last Stand Media. I never feel alone when I’m watching one of the many amazing podcasts you guys put out for us.

Connor Galbraith

Jesus Christ with the ketchup in the chocolate milk

Cody Hurd

Dustin, you’re cheep homey and that’s ok. Colin is frugal and that’s ok as well.

Michael Hedrick

I'm just stopping in to say Pepsi is FUCKING TRASH! That'll be all

Walker Simmons

Ketchup in chocolate milk is one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard


The Buffalo Wild Wings Spicy Garlic sauce is the GOAT! Makes my mouth water just hearing it mentioned.

Kaz Redclaw

I think Miracle Whip is particularly tuned for the tastes of kids. It's a bit sugary compared to mayo. There's certain foods that I ate with it as a kid that I can't stand mayo in, such as Deviled Eggs and Tuna Sandwiches. It's just what you're used to. Of course, now that I'm older I don't eat those things quite as much because I like sugar less, but Mayo still just tastes wrong in those. Ketchup is the same, having way too much sugar. I have a hard time having ketchup alone these days. I have to mix it with other things to calm down the excess sweetness. It's OK mixed in a 1/3rd ratio with Mustard and Ranch though. Sometimes I put it 40/60 with Mustard without the ranch if ranch isn't available. My son has never had Miracle whip, but he's definitely the kind of kid where fries aren't a food item, they're just a ketchup delivery platform.

Denver Walker

1:22:00 onwards i think of that shit all the time. Some people need a hard lesson