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Welcome back to Constellation! For the first time in our brief run so far, Colin is in fact not joined by Dagan (who's away with his son at Boy Scout camp), instead welcoming in a trio of people from the Last Stand stable as opposed to merely a duo. This week, our guests are executive producer Dustin Furman, associate producer Ben Smith, and coordinator Micah Watson. As usual, the topics are varied. Dustin wonders if we consider ourselves frugal -- or even cheap! -- and where one draws the line on spending money versus merely wasting it. Micah presents a what-if: Specifically, what if you could know when you were going to die, right down to the day. Would it affect how you lived your life? Would you even want to know at all? Meanwhile, Ben drops the matter of timeliness on the table, an ever-present phenomenon wherein some people are fixated on the clock in their daily lives while others obviously couldn't care less. Finally, Colin brings up the rear with something appropriately dumb, namely a condiments ranking. We already went deep into ketchup on a previous episode, but where do we stand on the likes of mustard, mayo, salsa, hot sauce, and more?



Jesse spivey



Hell yes, that email came in the PERFECT time!


The utter disrespect for Cracker Barrell. Lol.

Tyran Batten

Wow. Except for Ben, this panel is very picky with their food.

A Hind D



Chicago Hot Dogs are delicious! Gotta love the neon green relish, pickle spear, tomato, poppy seed bun, and, the best part, the little hot peppers!

Chris Dell

Dustin, play guitar. I've been playing for 2 years now and it's the best thing I've done for myself in a long time. It's almost like learning a new controller, and you learning different combos to get new sounds.

Wayne Moss

Fun episode lol just like Dustin I can’t stand Ketchup I don’t even like the smell.


Micah made me laugh for a long time with her zinger at 1:44!


Hearing that Colin gets ready to leave at the last minute reminds me of my favorite saying: “When you wait til the last minute, it only takes a minute.”


The time discussion is interesting because I picture Japan being much stricter with time than the US is. If they’re late or even early, they’ll apologize. To Col’s hypothetical Black Mirror episode with a death clock, that’s kind of what Clear did in Final Destination 2 when she locked herself up in that padded white room because she knew she was going to die soon.


Really enjoyed the conversashe about knowing when you're going to die. There's no way I'd want to know that, it'd consume my thoughts and make the rest of my life miserable, I feel like. Unless it was way far off. I am curious, as a fellow Christian, what denomination Dustin and Ben ascribe to. Or are you non-denominational?

Tanner Lange

The fact Colin just spat out August 15th, my gfs bday is funny to me 😂


Great podcast no doubt, but how is the ultimate condiment, ranch, not even mentioned?? Dip your fries in it, dress a salad, dunk your wings, dip virtually any vegetable (carrots, broccoli, grape tomatoes), etc. The options are endless.

Thomas Rice

I guess Dagan is the reason the podcast is 3 hours +😂😂 Great episode tho!! But you also forgot soy sauce a fish sauce and all the asian condiments!! To my dismay loved the episode tho!

Matthew Weinhagen

There was no Franks red,hot” or Sriracha!!!??? in this discussion from what I heard… I would take either one of those over anything else mentioned. Ketchup and especially Ranch dressing are the most overrated condiments of all time. Fun Show! Thanks.

Phil Walker

You guys are lunatics. Wanting to know your death clock and never eating ketchup because you thought it smelt bad 😂 good episode


Texas Pete


Camping in July is rough! Late fall feels much better. Who doesn't love bundling up in long sleeves around a campfire?!

Joshua Fielder

I'm coming in late but in regards to the death clock conversation there's 2 shows that have a similar type deal regarding it. There's a movie called In Time that I really enjoy, everyone is born with a clock on their arm like a tattoo that's the currency of the world. You earn time for a paycheck and everything costs time and if you run out you die and as long as you have time you never die. The other that has stuff like Colin was talking about was the show Altered Carbon.

Marco Maluf

Micah’s abilities to shock Colin is becoming one of my main reasons to listen to the shows.


I have to throw out that my idea of queso dip is made with white cheese, but I moved to Texas a couple years ago and all queso down here is made with yellow cheese.