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Hey, all! It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 133 of Defining Duke. 

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored. 

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, July 19th at 5 PM ET to make your submission.



Good day illustrious Dukes, I've come with a thought experiment to do with potential trends between Bethesda and Playstation. As we all know, in the dark days of Bethesda, Zenimax ordered their single-player renowned studios to develop live-service/multiplayer games in a bid to strike rich and almost definitively failed. With Factions, the Horizon multiplayer game along with needless remakes of recent games (ie. Last of Us 2 and Horizon zero dawn remake rumours), do you feel there is a trend where Sony is getting "desperate" or just simply risking it for the live service money?


Hello Dukes, are either of you interested in the souls like coop shooter Remnant 2 that comes out July 25th? I personally thought the first one was a hidden gem and this one looks to improve on the first in so many meaningful ways. Would love to to hear the Dukes' thoughts!


Hello dukes, this is a question for lord cog, I was watching a part of Sunday ILP episode, where destin said “ base on the documents provide in the trial, we found out that FF16 was coming to xbox” , but if my memory isn’t wrong those statements are false, because they said that Sony make FF16 exclusive because Microsoft announced this deal. Which is wrong this deal was announced January 2022 the first trailer where it was announced that it would be exclusive was on September 2020. Am I missing some type of information? I just want some clarification please . Have a we are finally going to talk about games again right? Kind of day


Howdy boys. So a couple of weeks ago, I decided to jump back into PowerWash Simulator since the new Spongbob dlc came out and I needed a chill game to play after my FFXVI sessions. When my wife discovered this, she thought I was stupid for playing a “boring” game. In response, I told her the game is about the zen-ness (that oddly satisfying feeling) and that she’d like it if she gave it a shot. Well one week later she’s halfway through and has temporarily given up playing Spider-Man 2018 to make sure all the things are squeaky clean. That all being said, what’s a game that you initially scoffed at only to give it a shot later on and love it? For me, it’s P5 Royal. Thought the game looked weeby as hell but I decided to fiddle with it when it came to Gamepass, and after 110 hours, not only am I still thinking about the experience, I’m side-eyeing P5 strikers and P4 golden instead of finishing Diablo 4. Would love to hear your answers. Cheers!


Good day Dukes, I want to take a second and show some appreciation for the S-tier game suggestions you two have been spittin' out lately. Matty, I've now seen the light that is The Legend of Heroes series. I'm having a blast playing through these games and haven't cared about a group of characters like this since the Mass Effect days. Shoutout to our Lord Acquisition as well. I resisted as long as I could, but finally opened my heart to that Midnight Suns hype and have been pleasantly surprised with how fun the combat is. Without that double D stamp of approval I never would have given either of these games a chance, so thank you. Lastly, congrats on the huge jump in podcast rankings (in the USA at least) recently. It's been a pleasure to see this show become more and more successful. Ya'll have been putting in the work and it's awesome to see it starting to pay off. Now we just need the Microsoft higher ups to put some RESPECT on the name and respond to those interview requests. Thanks as always for being the best Xbox podcast on the internet. P.S. Matty, a Rain Code spoilercast with Hoeg. The people demand it!

Alex Patsy

Hello Dukes! Today , I am writing into the show in hopes you both can help break the game paralysis spell that’s been an on and off issue for me over the last year. When it comes to picking a new game to play , I often struggle with making a decision on what to start. Unless it’s a brand new game that I’m jumping into day 1. When Reaching into my backlog , it’s been a feeling of “decision paralysis” which leads to not playing anything or game hopping way to frequent. I feel this may stem from the insane the amount of releases these days + the amount of games wanting to be live service and never wanting to end. Have either of you dealt with this before ? If so , what are some tips you can provide to break this curse? I have many unplayed games that I want to play but find myself wasting so much time browsing my libraries. For context I am 33yrs old and have been gaming since I was 5. I appreciate any insight that the dukes can provide. PS the only vanilla and chocolate duo that comes even close to the dukes would be Oreos!


Hello righteous Dukes, With Gamepass Core coming soon, is the dream of free multiplayer on Xbox dead? Were we fools to dream of a better future where Xbox and PC gamers are treated equally? When will the time come where gamers can join hand-to-hand and experience a harmonious Xbox ecosystem across multiple devices? Keep dreaming Dukes, A Second-class Gamer


Good day Mighty Matty & Courageous Cog, Matty finally getting into Midnight Suns timed well with my own 100% completion of the game. I don't hear people often write in their with their achievement landmarks so maybe I'll start a trend. The tribulation is finally over. Midnight Suns was one of the most involved, frustrating, challenging 100%'s on Xbox I have done in a long, long time. Why? Well let's start off with the almost EVERY DLC's achievement list was bugged at launch as I wrote in about months ago. The only fix it was to start a new and do it again. Good thing you're required to do a second playthrough for the Light & Dark alignment achievements. Regardless though the DLC list grind was real. I spent a ton of time after my 200 Dark rating, grinding missions to earn friendship levels with Deadpool, Storm, Venom and Morbius. The DLC is best purchased and played with at the start of your first playthrough if you still haven't played, like Matty mentioned last week. It meshes very well with the story and I feel leaving it all for the end of another playthrough is not the best idea. If there wasn't bugs with the achievements I think would have been a challenging but fair completion but alas. I am curious if I will now try XCOM 2 now that I am sold on this genre. Are there any other games in this XCOM like genre I should know about? Have a "I accidently sent someone on a hero op and now I can't do the main story mission" kinda day


Loved Power wash Simulator except it not giving me achievements that I completed. I had to have the same conversation with my gf. She didn't like playing it, but she fell in love with watching me play it.

Benji BOP

Howdy Dukes, I picked up the mostly forgotten Riders Republic during the Steam Sale and was shocked at just how much fun I had with it. The extreme sport gameplay is pretty good, and the 32 person mass races are chaotic in the best way. That being said, I would never reccomend it for more than the $15 sale price. What are some of your favorite games that you would never reccomend until a deep discount? Thanks, and have a "I was forced to listen to superchats for two hours, where everyone called me beefy or beefy adjacent innuendos" kinda day


What's after Starfield?

Michael Buffill

Hey Dukes, With the ABK deal basically wrapped up, when do you think we’ll get that big activision drop into gamepass? So much value can be added right away with all the crash bandicoot games, the Spyro trilogy, both Protoype games, which I have been itching to play lately, and possibly Diablo 4. Thanks for all you guys do and have a “the block got blocked” kinda day.


Hello Dukes! Can we talk about the mistreatment of the Console Game Pass tier? With the new Core tier being announced it brings to light how bad Console tier is. Console tier costs more than PC Game Pass or Core Game Pass but includes less features than either of them. This just reminds me of what you have said before about them focusing on PC Game Pass. What are your thoughts Dukes? Does Console Game Pass ever get online access or am I stuck paying $17 a month for features I don't use just so I can play games online? As always thanks for the excellent content, and have a great day!


What’s up Dukes, During the 360 Generation my 3 “sleeper hit” favorites were Alan Wake, Shadows of the Damned and Singularity. I’m 2/3 as far as these games making a comeback and I was pleased to hear Matty being up Singularity last week! Do you have any games from a bygone era you feel were slept on and should back either via back compat or a remaster? Have a I’m-pretty-new-to-listening-so-I-don’t-get-this-bit kinda day


Hey Matty & Cog, you should check out the tv show SILO on AppleTV. It’s basically Fallout. I finished Season 1 and started the audiobooks.

Jayce Tamulevich

Hey Dukes, I loved the episode on the handheld market. Your discussion got me thinking, what’s the perfect size for a handheld? The Gameboy Micro was so small that I could really only play turn based RPGs on it, but the Steamdeck looks so large that I would need Typing of the Dead style shoulder straps to hold it. Is there a handheld that has nailed the perfect size yet?


What up Cog and Matty, I just have a quick question for Lord Beefy. Do you ever cuss? I understand on ILP there's no cussing, but on DD it's free reign and I still haven't heard you go off the handle. I've heard Sov go buck wild at the LSM Event, and King and Addict drop bombs on other podcasts every now and then, but for some reason no matter where you are we don't get this from you. I just want you to go full potty mouth just this one episode unless you have reasons for keeping it clean in which I'll respect your wishes. Have a great fucking day Dukes!

Davy Sueppel

Hey Dukers Let me start by saying I am not the biggest X Box fan but I am a HUGE fan of the two of you and love hearing your input on the industry as a whole. I know the two of you defend Fable trailer for being “In game engine” and I’m not here to discredit that. I think the point many have but can’t fully articulate is that’s still not how the moment to moment gameplay will look. Examples I have is Diablo 4, Destiny 2, Horizon and many many more games will have ingame cinematics that look noticeably better than gameplay. Camera angles come into play, lighting may change and even soft focus or blurring of depth may occur. So yes the gameplay trailer is in engine but I think what people are arguing is that when you are actually playing the game it will look very different. Even at the end when they claim that was gameplay I personally don’t see it, at that point what is the game? I will note I am a huge Fable fan and I actually really enjoyed Fable 3. (Not as much as I enjoyed 2 but it was still very interesting to me and I enjoyed the Ruling aspect.) Anyway have a The Chickens are peck peck pecking all day, kinda day.

Sean Mason

Greetings Dukes, On the most recent ILP, Destin Legarie alluded to the next purchase by Microsoft would be Take-Two Interactive. Given how they responded to the ABK purchase, I can't imagine the FTC/Sony would sit quietly and allow Microsoft to be the exclusive home of franchises that consistently sit atop the end of the year sales charts. Not only would this net them Grand Theft Auto, but it would also bring them NBA 2K, which is arguably just as profitable as Call of Duty. Thoughts on Destin's bold comments? Best, Sean M.


Hey Dukes, Over the past few days, I've seen many people online seriously overestimating what ABK games will come to Game Pass. I've seen people excited to play Sekiro, delisted Transformers Tony Hawk and Spider-Man games that Activision made, and even the Guitar Hero games like no one understands licensing issues with those games. Thus, do you think people will be disappointed when it won't be the entire ABK catalog on Game Pass?


Hey hey Dukes do you guys think with the rise of services like GamePass and PS streaming services that this is the end of physical games as we know it? I ask because I recently saw a video that explained that 84 percent of games are unavailable to purchase. I’m very afraid

Remington Wilson

What’s up DD boys, first time here. This will be a long one. I’ll start by saying I’m an agnostic gamer. I have every console this generation and a PC. Zelda, Halo, God of War. I play all the major IP’s anywhere. But I will say, I feel like the way XBOX and Microsoft are handling themselves is super slimy and there’s an army of fanboys that don’t really care about what XBOX is doing, they just want Sony to take an L. Almost like a sports team. They have mismanaged themselves for so long and have resorted to buying two of the most important publishers in the industry to make there games exclusive? It just doesn’t feel right. Is this really what we want in the industry? Sony has done 3rd party deals to make things exclusive, why hasn’t Microsoft done the same instead of buying the whole cow. There will never be another Fallout or Elder Scrolls on PlayStation? Slimy slimy slimy. I wonder what other agnostic gamers think of this. Thanks boys and have a good day.

The Late Nate

Hey Dukes, Listening to Cog all this time sold me, Midnight Suns was $48 Canadian with Xbox's summer sale for the ultimate edition (includes the season pass), so I pulled the trigger. Got any beginner tips for all of us Duke listeners that may pick it up on this sale? Cheers! P.S. You guys weren't joking when you said parts of the game look like the 360 generation.


Hey Double Ds, With Mike Ybarra saying that Diablo 4 won’t appear on Game Pass, I’m wondering what the rules are for which First Party games will be included in the service? The original promise was ALL 1st party games, but that now seems impossible, especially with World of Warcraft which has a $15/month subscription on its own. But can they afford for CoD to appear to Game Pass without dramatically increasing the subscription price?

Robert F Friemering

Greetings Dukes. Now I don't game on XBox but listen to you Dukes from time to time. Cog said he liked Midnight Suns & especially Nico. Nico was played my Lyrica Okano who played Nico in Marvel's Runaways on Hulu. When discussing Nico's past you kind of get an update on the Runaways after the show ended. Pretty awesome addition to the game.

Stephen Richard

What’s up Dukes, Gotta a follow up question for the DDU episode. Maybe I simply did not understand what you guys were saying but I’m very confused by offline play on these devices. Does that mean you do not need any Wi-Fi to play those games? And if so does that mean Diablo, halo, madden and others which need online connections to play are unplayable? My work restricts certain websites from being accessed due to safety for patient records and such (I work in a hospital), so I either need to use a VPN to bypass that for cloud gaming, or I don’t play at all on the slow nights. However I would like to be able to play without paying for a VPN, would any of the three devices allow me to do that? Again sorry if I just missed the answer to this during the show, but just hoping for more clarity on this. Hope you guys have a, Cog should have just blamed the external graphics card purchase on his son, kinda day!


Good evening Dukes! With Microsofts acquisition all but secured i’ve seen many people speculating on the exclusivity of other non call of duty franchises. What franchises would you like to see made exclusive and which do you think should remain multiplatform? I personally couldn’t see Tony Hawk wanting his game to be tied down to one platform. I can only imagine the rage that would ensue if thy tried to lock down Crash or Spyro. Would love to hear what you guys have to say! Thanks!

J Boogie327

Dear Mr Matty Moves and Lord of Beef Cogmeato, What's the next step beyond this news of Game pass core?? More specifically on the PC side of things. As a member of the master race I want what benefits me and gaming habits. I know a lot PC dudes love their management and strategy games. What do you think about a Paradox Interactive partnership beyond what we know of " Lamplighter's League" and also "Cities: Skyline 2" Paradox is the PC publisher/dev to target next. There games have tons of dlc and add ons. And I think this is the dev to get traffic to PC game pass. What say you gentlemen? Thanks for all the content and congrats on the move and 3.5K live viewers on Sunday Cog.


Dear Dukes, This week I am taking a break from asking for a Lightfall spoilercast. Instead let us take moment to pay our respects to Major Nelson. Gamers today may not truly grasp how vital Larry Hyrb was to the console ecosystem. He helped shepard xbox live, achievements, cloud saves , party chat, which are now industry standard. Farewell good sir and may the next part of your journey be as impactful.


Hi Matty and Cog, been listening since episode 1 but first ever time writing in. I’m one of those people who doesn’t play on Xbox but I just love tuning in to hear your intelligent and thoughtful discussion. My question is mainly for Matty; as a 32 year old who’s played RPGs since my earliest days, I’d love to get into the Trails series. Sadly, after much research, the games that look most appealing to me aren’t readily available on modern platforms. Do you have any insight into why the Trails in the Sky trilogy has remained unavailable on modern platforms and do you think we’ll ever see a re-release or maybe a Trails Gamepass appearance with Microsoft’s recent focus on Japan? I’m guessing Cold Steel would be the best place to start otherwise but I’d sooner play chronologically and pick up Zero/Azure first. What’s your opinion? Thanks so much for all your hard work guys. Love the show! And I love that Defining Duke has maintained its own unique vibe and structure compared Last Stands other shows. Much love from Ireland, All the best Richard P.S. Cog: your ‘ok last question’ for Hoeg had me cracking up a few weeks back. Love your enthusiasm, don’t ever lose that! ☺️


Hey Matty and Cog. I know Matty just moved to another house. So I think it is fair to ask this. When do you guys change places, do you start questioning if you need everything you are taking with you? And where are you going to put it, so that it won’t, piss off the misses? Just asking because every time I move I always get the side eye for the old consoles boxes among other things.

Gabriel SG

What up Dukes, Thanks for shouting out The Outer Worlds, it has been sitting in my backlog for ages so based on Matty's DD shoutout, I finally gave it a shot and loved it! My question is for Cog, Matty is giving your 2022 Game Of The Year a shot, when will you be giving his Game Of The Year a go? Plague Tale is incredible, Matty give him that smoke! All the best, Gabe


Hey Dukes, Microsoft quietly announced it was ending the "Family Pass" trials as of August 15. With the news dropping in tandem with the ABK news and then the announcement of the different gamepass tiers this week, it gives off "kill it and hope no one notices vibes" to me. Any insight? Was it just too good a deal? Will we see it again in the future? Love to hear your thoughts Richard


Hey Double M and Triple C You guys mentioned Marvel Snap and I wanted to chime in and say you guys should definitely play it. They recently updated the game to make card acquisition much better for new players. You also don't need fake children since the monetization is not needed to enjoy the game. I personally only bought a few season passes since release. You don't need to play a lot to progress either. Also Cog. Silver Surfer is currently a top tier card, so you should definitely play him. As always thanks for the show.


Sup mrmeattyplays and lord cogmeato (sorry cog I just had to), so what if oh no one of the remedies for Activision blizzard deal for cma/cat is that one of the studios or teams Activision blizzard has to go Sony. Who's going or who's staying? Cheers and have a you tried to block a deal and tried crying round the world but you had to bend the knee in the end.


Dear Lord Acquisition and Mr. Matty, I think it’s fair to say that mainstream video games media personalities tend to be left-leaning. However, I’ve been seeing a lot of typically progressive personalities championing one of the biggest companies in the history of the world using its immense wealth to lock intellectual property that was once accessible to anyone behind its subscription service. This behavior is a conservative capitalist’s wet dream, and I’m very confused to see typically progressive thinkers praising it. I’m curious if The Dukes see these philosophies as inconsistent, and if not, how are they compatible?

Bryan Creagh

Good day Mr. Matty and Lord Cog, I am a huge fan of the show and love your content. You two are a special match not seen often in the industry. I wanted to write in about something that I have not heard brought up before on the show before. I recently built a new gaming PC and when I launched it up for the first time, I wanted to see what it could do. I was about to install Steam until I thought about Game Pass. I thought to myself for only 14.99 a month a get to try out a ton of games on my new rig and see how it runs. So, I quickly signed up for Game Pass and started downloading tons of games. I had a blast over the week trying titles left and right. I also ended up liking Doom Eternal so much on the PC I finished it. If you build a PC and want an instant collection of games to test Game Pass is the way to go. Just wanted to let others know my experience. I am having, I just got my Miyoo Mini Plus in the mail and I have to work all day and stare at it instead of playing some classic games kind of day.

Ryan Guldner

Hey Dukes, Just wondering what your thoughts are on Forza Motorsport as it seems it will be missing some of the basic elements of the game at launch which seems to be a trend with several xbox studios these days. Do you think this paints a negative light on 1st party and does this say anything about games to come.


Hello DDs, or as I should say: Dunken Dukers: Some recent discord discussion got me wondering. Do either of you have games you've finished, but would want to replay to see if your opinion still holds up? For example, a few years ago I finished Tales of Zestiria, and I really disliked it at the time. However, the farther I've gotten away from those sessions, the more I feel like I'd enjoy it the second time around. Perhaps outside of combat anyway.. Maybe it is unfair expectations, or maybe my mindset wasn't right at the time. Have either of you had a similar experience with a game you've finished? Lastly I'll toss my Spotify pick towards this game in particular. Say what you want about the game, but Go Shiina's shrine contributions to the OST are very high up my list of JRPG songs. (He's known for God Eater and Tekken 5-7, respectably) https://vgmdb.net/artist/977 Take care and have a: "My wall decorations are falling apart, but I'm still recording and I don't got time for a retake bc I'm moving" kinda day. -Easel


Hello Gentlemen! With ABK likely closing in the next few weeks, there’s a big benefit to the acquisition that I haven’t heard many people talking about. Namely: Microsoft won’t only have more in-house development potential, but they’ll also have a ton of IPs that they could license out to third party developers to build relationships *organically* 😜. So my question to the Dukes is, what is one Activision IP you’d like to see Microsoft license to an outside development team, and who would that team be? Thanks, and have an extra beefy day!


Hello Homeowner Matty and Beef Lord Cog, With the ABK deal being a firm lock at this point, when do you two expect the first GP drop? And what would be included in the first drop? Recent ABK games, Crash Team Rumble and Diablo 4, are very live-service focused so it would be wise for both to be included in the first wave I think. Have a 'enjoyed how the latest ILP covered my entire work shift' kind of day.


Hello, I'm only doing everything Matty and The King of Iron Fist Cog! Looks like the first 3 Yakuza games are leaving the PS+ catalog, a positive sign for the Xbox/Sega partnership? While Persona 6 will ultimately be a sign of which way the wind is blowing, do you see a list of Sega IPs being exclusively on Gamepass as the next step in their partnership (now that ABK deal is getting closer to the end)? Have a, I just got a new monitor, but the cord is 6 inches too short so I gotta wait, kind of day.

Operator 408

Hey Guys, Just wanted to say I loved the PC handheld episode. I've been gaming for over 35 years. Was a PC gaming from the early 90's up until I got a PS3 in 2008. Spending $300 to upgrade my PC to play Half-life 2 in 2004 and constantly having to finesse to get games to work sent me packing. The Steam Deck was exactly what I was waiting for to get back into it. I think it's the best gaming hardware since the PS4 launched. When I booted it up I was glad to see my saves from 2006 waiting for me. Are you going to do these shows once in awhile? Love to have an episode on what we want from the Ally/Deck 2. 2 USB-C's and smaller screen bezels please. Keep on keeping on.

Your Boi Nicky V

Hey Booty Boy Barry and Italian 'Titty Gobbling' Stallion Matty, Dudes, just wanted to congratulate you on a very informative episode of DD Ultimate concerning handhelds. Just as a follow up, I wanted to ask if you boys think Microsoft will enter this space anytime soon? Given now much console form factor tends to shrink throughout a generation, I can definitely see the already small Series S fitting into a handheld at some point. Cheers cuties, Nick


If you're talking about the drift and drag modes not being in the game, Turn 10 stated that it was their decision. They're putting all their focus on this game being super clean and competitive. I wouldn't call that a basic element of Motorsport.

FourEyes Malone

Wassup Duke Boys, Simple question I suppose, do you think with the upcoming influx of Activision/Blizzard titles to Gamepass there needs to be a higher level of curation and user interface management for Xbox consumers? I fear a lot of games will start getting more and more lost in the shuffle. How will they make sure third parties and indie titles aren’t pushed down in importance on the digital storefronts? Thanks Guys

Bryan Lozano

Hey Dukes, Just wanted to ask if you could provide some clarification on what determines a “play” for a game on game pass. A week back the news dropped that Scorn had reached a 2 million player count. I personally tried scorn for about an hour and dropped it immediately. Would I be part of the player count? If so how much value can we put into these total player count numbers? Maybe an interesting stat to view would be the increase/decrease in subscribes when a certain game comes. Thank guys have a, I’m running late for work and realize my gas tank is on empty before leaving the house type of day.


Hey Dukes! Off the top of your heads, which RPG side questlines are your favourite? For me it has to be Skyrim’s College of Winterhold questline or the Bloody Baron questline from Witcher 3. Thanks and have a “Playing Skyrim on my LG smart fridge” kind of day!


This question is for Matty: Just saw your recent retro rebound GameStop haul. Since you just moved, was it a hassle moving all those physical games?!

Eric Hossli

What up Dukes! Been listening since the beginning, and I’ve always enjoyed your commentary and insights despite never owning an Xbox and being a lifelong PS gamer. I’ve heard it used as a defense for the purchase of Activision, so I ask you both how the purchase of publishers (rather than developers) creates more choice for gamers? Im aware of my bias, support competition, and have never been a fan of exclusives, but I’ve also played about 30 Bethesda and Activision published games between PS3, 4 and 5, and if they buy one more publisher I love I’ll actually be sick. I feel buying game exclusivity for future individual titles is far less negative for gamers than buying exclusivity to entire publishers. I’m salty, but at the end of the day, it’s just a hobby. Keep up the great content and have an “I’m feeling personally attacked by Microsoft’s acquisitions” kind of day.


Hey Dukes, Do you guys think eventually that Bethesda as a publishing arm might get absorbed into Xbox games studio? We all know how redfall went, but with Xbox appearing to be heavily involved with BGS and Starfield it seems like something might happen. Matt Booty’s role also seems odd to me in a certain extent. He’s Head of Xbox Games Studio but he seems to be involved somewhat with Bethesda. Just wanted your guy’s thoughts on this. Thanks and have a less then a 100 days to a big new Xbox ip kinda day. Steven


Hey Duke Lords, It’s my first time writing into the show here and I’m going to make it on, I know it! Anyway Matty, after Cog convinced you to finally start Midnight Suns it just so happened to be on a pretty good sale just now. Although my plate is full, I need to finish FF16, Aliens Dark Descent and Remnant 2 is coming out for sweaty boys like me who got the Tryhard Edition this Friday, I do intend on booting it up at some point and seeing what the fuss is about. Cog, your taste in games is damn near ALWAYS spot on and we know that Matty has no problem saying your suggestions are whack, I’m talking about my man Ichiban, so I have no doubt that this’ll be worth my time and money. Have a “it’s late as fuck and I’m tired so I can’t think of a cleaver insert for this” kind of day.


It’s 2023 and I’m playing Search and Destroy matches on CoD games I couldn’t find Search matches in for the last 8 years. 👌


Hello I'm making a game Matty and Lord Cogmeato, Now that Microsoft has all but finished up the Activision deal, I can't help but think of all the Ip's that Microsoft has under their belt. What would you think of Microsoft doing their own mascot fighter. You could have Banjo Kazooie beating up Crash Bandicoot, or Marcus Phoenix versus Master Chief. Imagine a more traditional fighter in the vein of Street fighter 2 as opposed to Multi Versus. It seems like a great way to generate interest in some of the IP's, and be a great fit for game pass. Do you have any fun game ideas for the current/impending ip's? Thank you and have a "just watched the latest last word and was left wondering where's the beef" kind of day

Brett Medlock

DUKES! I’ll keep it short, with the new deal Sony signed, Activision IP that ISN’T Call of Duty is ripe for the picking for being Xbox exclusives. Do you think Microsoft will go the exclusive route for these games?

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings Beefy Cog and Fishy Matty. This week Xbox announced that Xbox Live Gold will be replaced with Xbox Gamepass Core going forward. It's only real major change is that in place of Games with Gold will be a rotating subset of Gamepass titles. This however raises the question of why this lower tier gives players access to online play, but the higher priced console tier does not. While it's a small issue that doesn't really impact those of us already in Ultimate, I expect a lot of less in the know players and parents will be very confused as to why little Timmy loses access to online play when he goes from Gamepass Core to Gamepass Console. I'm curious what the Dukes think about this little niggle and if you think it'll be addressed. Have a "Congratulations on finally being all moved into your new home" kind of day.

Adam Niksch

Hey Dukes I just wanted to write in to congratulate Matty on the home purchase! It’s definitely one of the biggest “Holy shit, I’m an adult now!” moments you’ll have in life. Enjoy having a place of your own that is actually yours, and have a “Oh now I see why dad was always fixing the house on his spare time” kind of day.

Mr. Scott If You're Nasty

Dear Duke Boys, Well, Matty, I took your advice and listened to the Constellation episode where you talked self care. I have to say, it was good to hear men talking about self care, and I thought you guys did an excellent job, especially since men don't hear a lot about this topic. With all that niceness out of the way, I do have a bone to pick with Mr Matty plays. When Colin basically asks why do people care about or are fans of Xbox, Mr. Matty had one of the weakest, apologetic defenses of Xbox I have ever heard. Look, I get it. You were in 'enemy' territory. Let me help you out and spur a discussion of why we choose Xbox. *The controller was (and is) much better than that child's toy over there. * Xbox online architecture was so good compared to early PSN *Gears of War and Halo (don't you remember that mad world commercial) *Xbox was successfully branded as the renegade or cool product * Always innovating (Xbox Live, friends list, achievements, gamepass, handicap controller, Kinect, cloud) *Pro cross-platform play and saves Keep on cranking out these great episodes. I really do enjoy them and wish you all the best.


Hey MrMatty "Iam making a game & its not a fallout remaster" Plays and Cog "Lord Acqusition hold the line the cops are outside #JustOne" nito. What are your thoughts on 'Stalker 2'? Whats your hype level and do you think it could come out as Quarterly big release in 2024 or further? Cheers for the excellent podcast & Would love to see the Dukes over on Jeff Grubbs Game Mess/Jeopardy! Would be brilliant crossover!


Hey Dukes, I just listened to the Defining Dukes x Sacred Symbols ABK blowout episode, and was honestly very disappointed. I get Colin is the boss of Last Stand, but just getting continuously railroaded by his and the other Symbols crew by bath faith arguments that amount to little more than dislike that Xbox is taking a different approach than PlayStation and a deep distrust of Xbox leadership, was very frustrating to listen to. I’m disappointed the benefits of the short term and long term weren’t discussed, instead “relief of the saga being over” and “stability of the platform” were the focus of positives. Short term value to gamers of access to ABK games at a cheaper price and on many more platforms. Long term, the opportunity ABK represents in pushing back on PlayStation using its market position to have games skip Xbox, lock up 3rd party exclusivity and to use the revenue from King and CoD to better fund new games and IP to create new experiences. I love your thoughtful and balance coverage on DD, but why even agree to the episode if just to be a punching bag for PlayStation fans fear, uncertainty and doubt? Have a “your favourite Xbox podcast doesn’t sound like it cares about the impact of the biggest tech and gaming acquisition in history” kind of day.