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Let us gather once more for an all-new episode of Constellation, Last Stand's conversational podcast. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Punching Up co-host Gene Park and Defining Duke co-host Lord Cognito. Based on a tangent occurring just last week on this very show, Cog wants to talk about our interpretation of the so-called moral compass, and how we conduct ourselves when it comes down to honor and honesty. Meanwhile, Gene is curious about the neighborhoods we grew up in, from the Bronx to Long Island to Guam. Dagan got unceremoniously cut-off last week, and so went with his original topic from that show: Bad habits. What are some of our less savory rituals and instincts? Finally, on the back of the Fourth of July, Colin wants to talk about patriotism. How's everyone feeling about America these days? Does the crew share his feelings that there's very little to be proud of about our country right now?



Playboy X

This notification brought a smile to my face 🙌🏽 thanks for doin what y’all do!

Guns vs Kittens

Love to see Cog on these, this episode will have to wait for work tomorrow for me but excited to hear these topics.


Damn it, now that I JUST finished work 🤣🙄


We in here. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

Ryan Harvey

New Stelly is always the best!

Will Hernandez

Gene has lived such an interesting life. And he’s so nonchalant about his run ins with the law.


Leo - Col Raph - Gene Mike - Dagan Don - Cog


Okay what the hell is an itouch? Does cog mean an ipod? I looked up itouch and all I get are watches.


I think he means Ipod touch. They stopped making them in 2019.


I think he's talking about the version of the ipod that basically looked like an iphone with the touchscreen. I have one somewhere, but I forget whether it was called an itouch or whatever. It had the apple app store and everything, but it could not make phone calls (also wifi only).

Johnny Lamotte

By far my fav episode. Such a great group. (No shade to the others) Loved hearing more stories about your ign days Colin. Everything else was great too. I grew up in Fremont California and I think about it all the time. Loved hearing yalls stories too.

Noah Friscopp

I would love to see Nick come on Constellation.


I wish Colin came to Matty’s defense like this.


I pretty much stopped watching Kinda Funny after Colin left. They went super cheese. Always liked Nick though.

Noah Friscopp

I tried to pop in a few times over the years, and their borderline disgusting level of advertising (and from specific games, publishers, and fucking storefronts no less) completely turn me off every time. I do miss Nick and Colin’s dynamic though genuinely.

Zackery Parkerson

I find Gene’s point about the TSA to be pretty incredible, actually. America collectively agreed planes going into buildings was worth fighting against after a single incident. Sandy Hook should have been that moment for protecting kids, but America didn’t come together for that. It’s sad. What happened in those intervening years? Or did we always care more about property than children?

Gabriel Baker

Man I love Cog. Such a class act


I think folks are remembering the implementation of the TSA with rose tinted glasses. I tend to remember a number of people not being happy about it. There were also quite a number of news stories about TSA employees stealing items/money from passengers. Then there was a big ruffle about the pat downs being too invasive as well. As for Sandy Hook I think a lot of people did try, but a lot of people don't like the image of securing schools like we do our airports. We could easily create an organization for schools that secure/scan like the TSA does. Lots of people though think it shouldn't be needed to secure a school. Like sure, we shouldn't have to secure airports either, but we do.


I don’t listen to defining dukes that much but man, I love Lord on Stelly

Noah Trujillo

You can tell everyone wants to keep talking even as constellation comes to a close each week, love the enthusiasm for this show both from us the audience and the hosts.


The old guard this week had an awesome conversation, Constellation should be longer though!