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Hey, all! It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 130 of Defining Duke.

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, 6/28 at 5 PM ET to make your submission.



Do you gentlemen think that Microsoft’s support of the ROG Ally is a nail in the coffin for any sort of Xbox branded mobile device whether it be built for streaming or for dedicated hardware gaming? I’ve always believed that Microsoft could develop a $99 streaming handheld to get game pass in the hands of more people. A Wi-Fi card, a somewhat inexpensive screen, and shell/button hardware should be all that’s required. The CPU/GPU or APU chips and cooling systems, are typically what eat the majority of costs in hardware to my knowledge. Eliminating those components from a device is intriguing to me.


Hi Constellation Matty and Midnight Sun Cog, I recently picked up Midnight sun's thanks to Cogs glowing review of the game. I am new to this style of turn based strategy, I have played lots of grid based strategy games like fire Emblem and advance wars. My question for you guys is do you have any beginner tips and tricks to get started in this kind of game? Or maybe just saying what your go-to team comp was Cog? Thanks and have a "im missing one achievement for a game, but its a multi-player one" kind of day


Hey Dukes, With the news that Starfield is releasing without any physical edition to speak of, do we have to buckle up for the inevitable all digital media future? Physical games will clearly exist forever, but at what excess cost, and how long do they have left? Hope you have a "I really loved looking at things on my shelf" kinda day.

Ember's Arcade

Hey, gentlemen! I recently got into playing baseball with my cousins on Sundays and I am in an intense amount of pain. I train regularly, so I’m shocked at how sore I’m feeling after a couple of hours on the diamond. What’s the last activity that reminded you that you aren’t as strong as you think you are?


Top of the morning Prince "I'm making a game" Matty and Lord "I have a tummy ache" Cog, Will you both be purchasing the new Series S when it drops in September? I assume most people that already own a Series S would rather upgrade to a Series X with the release of Starfield. I would absolutely pull the trigger if Microsoft announced a Series X bundle with Starfield and a Pro controller. Interested to hear your thoughts. Hope you gentlemen enjoy your Fourth of July next week!

Daniel Sandez

Good day, gents. Hope you both are doing well. Now, I’ve had this thought in my head for a few years now about acquisitions. I personally think the best acquisition Microsoft could make would be to try and purchase Sony outright, or build a strategic partnership. Microsoft has the cash, the network, and the software — but Sony has the hardware development, entertainment industry, and the gravitas. With these two companies combined it would give Microsoft access to some of the best hardware out on the market which would make them more appealing, but they could also get the high quality production pipeline that Sony had access to. Imagine a Halo or Gears movie with the production quality of Sony behind it? I think it would be a good way to unite two of the biggest companies in two separate countries together while also helping to keep China and Saudi Arabia from gaining more traction. What say you, fellas? Also, this is coming from someone who has never owned an Xbox, but always wanted to. Have a Starfield launches a week early kind of day! (:

Jeshua Anderson

Sup Dukes! So, I know someone previously asked ya'll for gut check on the release years for this years XBox Showcase announced games, but I keep thinking back to the games announced in the last few years that we have little to no updates on but shoupd be coming soon as well. I just suspect some of the games we saw this year are actually 2026 and beyond. Especially considering Xbox's 4 games a year plan. Anyways, heres all the games announced the last few years. Whats your gut release year for each? (Maybe this works better as a DDU lol): Contraband Perfect dark Indiana jones Everwild The OuterWorlds 2 Hellblade 2 Stalker 2 Ark 2 Elder Scrolls 6 State of Decay 3 Warhammer 40000 Avowed. 2024 Clockwork revolution Fable South of Midnight Bonus: Gears 6 Keep up the great work! Jeshua


Good day Lords and Dukes of the realm, I doffy cap to thee from the sceptered Isle. As a long standing member of the Nintendo/Sony axis, and having never owned any MS console, events of the last month have finally made me join the XBox party - although as a UK member, I don't know if this is potentially in vain Truth be told, I am an absolute Stan for Bethesda - specifically Fallout and Skyrim, but had hoped I would be able to resist the siren call of Starfield The others will not be going away (this autumn is going to be chaos with Starfield, Spiderman 2 and Mario Wonder all landing within weeks of eachother), but my question is this - as I wrap up Jedi: Survivor and Zelda TotK, what would you recommend I dive into on Gamepads while the calendar slowly turns toward September 6th? My taste is ultra wide, the only things I don't vibe with are turn based and 4x games (sorry Lord Cog) Love the content, started listening to you earlier this year after a Symbols X Dukes, and you are now a firm part of my rotation (and possibly part of my caving in 😁) And thank you also for keeping the Duke space poultry friendly


Howdy Dukes! I recently went from interested in Starfield to being incredibly excited and impatient for it following that excellent direct. The problem with that is that I'm looking forward to it so much that it's making it hard for me to enjoy any other games in the meantime. I've been bouncing from game to game on Game Pass but nothing can scratch this very specific itch I've developed. I'm even struggling to finish the main story in Tears of the Kingdom which just a few weeks ago I was considering my shoo-in for GOTY. Have either of you ever experienced anything similar? Any wisdom to impart? Thanks for the great content and have a "maybe it's time for yet another run of Mass Effect" kind of day!


With how challenging it has been to acquire ABK, this is absolutely not ever something that’s possible. Regulators (rightfully) would halt this transaction between 2 of the 3 console manufacturers

Daniel Sandez

I wholeheartedly agree, but it’s just something that has bounced around in my head for a long time.


Hey gents, People rightfully freaked out at a remake of Super Mario RPG announcement. Is there a Xbox remake that would be announced that would give you the same feeling as that? Thanks and have a "Nintendo finally changed the 2D Mario art style" kind of day.


Hey DD, Been wondering I’ve seen a lot about how now that games aren’t crossgen that we can’t get 4k60. I’m curious is this really the consoles or more the engines these games are using. Thanks and have a “Starfield made everyone want an Xbox kinda day”

Shaun Sannerude

Hi Dukes I'll keep it simple and to the point... Just WTF is going on with the The Initiative and Perfect Dark?! It really seems stuck in limbo with it being 3 years since it's reveal and it's looking no closer to being released


Hey Dukes, What disappointing sequel in a beloved franchise got too much hate in your opinion? For example, I'm playing Mass Effect Andromeda after completing the original trilogy for the first time recently. Yeah it's not a great as the trilogy, but Andromeda is far from being a bad game. Why can't disappointing sequels be taken for what they are? Hardcore fans immediately call them terrible when in reality they are average.

Dick Justice

Greetings Dukes, There's one thing that makes me skeptical about Avowed that I haven't heard anyone talk about yet... The game was announced three years ago and is still in pre-alpha?! You'd hope that they didn't just start working on the game with the teaser trailer and we've heard rumors about the development changing course but expecting to go from pre-alpha to final release in just a year seems like a difficult task even for the veterans at Obsidian. Have a, still wondering what it would've looked like today if Microsoft had kept bioware with them kind of day!

Mr. Scott If You're Nasty

Sir Dukes, Keep in mind I'm submitting this question on Monday afternoon. With that out of the way, do you think the Microsoft executive team (one or all of them) will be unlockable characters in the upcoming Mortal Kombat game? Seriously, I've never seen so much ass kicking dished out in my life. I'm a layman when it comes to mergers and acquisitions law, but to me, it looks like the FTC is getting their asses served back to them in a happy meal bag. How does this NOT go Microsofts way? Love, love the show. I listen to this during my workouts and it always makes me laugh at least a few times. Keep it up gents.


Hello Physically Talented Dukes, There was a lot of discourse recently over whether Starfield is getting a disc release. I think the real question is do you think the game will actually be on the disc? Something that scares me is that Starfield ends up being always online and the disc is a coaster. Xbox’s treatment of drm and their physical game stock has really worried me for a while now. Please Dukes put an end to my fears. Thanks and have a delicious blueberry muffin kind of day.

Captain Bon Clay

Hey Marketing Matty and Corporate Cog, with the confirmation by Phil Spencer that prior to Bethesda’s acquisition starfield would be “skipping Xbox”, I believe this is proof that ownership by Microsoft is better than the alternative and I can prove it, if you go on the Xbox Skyrim mod page you will find a wide range of well made and diverse mods, the same however is not true for the PlayStation versions of Skyrim and fallout 4 which have a heavily moderated and limited mod selection! Had starfield been made PlayStation exclusive the console modding scene which as you know is the life blood of a Bethesda game, would be very hurt if it even existed at all

Dakota Brown

Hey Dukes- I have a very random question for Matty and no expectations for this to make it into the show. However, I figured I would ask anyways. Matty, you made a comment last week about your health issues and said “it’s fine because I don’t really drink anyways.” I’m pretty sure you don’t smoke weed either based on comments you’ve made in the past as well. So do you live a sober lifestyle? Have you ever tried any drugs? I am just curious and not judging of course. I just find it fascinating people who have no interest in any kind of substance. I work at a drug treatment program so I know plenty of people in recovery from substance abuse. That’s totally different from being disinterested in alcohol or drugs though. So do you have any reasons for this? Are you just stronger than the rest of needing a beer and some weed to relax?Just curious. Have a “I been sober for a week and already miss having beer” kind of day!


Hello Gentlemen, I plan on trying to play Baldur’s Gate 3, Lords of the Fallen, Lies of P, Phantom Liberty, Starfield, Spiderman, and Assassin’s Creed Mirage. At this rate I foresee a large expansion to my back catalog of games. With all the games releasing from now through the end of the year, what does your gaming schedule look like?


Greetings Dukes! Have either of you checked out any of the footage of the MK1 stress test that took place over the weekend? I've been sold on this since the grain of sand but I was just curious if either of you had any evolving thoughts on MK. Also will matty have time to check out MK11 aftermath with the onslaught of game releases that 2023 has been? Thanks!


Sup Dukes, I’m sure you’ve seen the documents released from the FTC v Microsoft case. I’ll keep the question short, the path forward I see for MS future acquisitions is Publisher/ Sega Studio/ Remedy, People can fly, IO Mobile/ Playrix Potentially/ Paradox, Supergiant Do you concur? Thanks Dukes and have a “Microsoft had Crytek on the list of acquisitions but said they suck with royalties” kind of day


Howdy boys, As a person who can’t do lower than 60fps anymore is the future for me looking bleak. I can’t even play my most anticipated game FF16 due to the frame rate 😭. New games are coming out at 30 or unstable 60 on consoles and PC games are all over the place with many problems. I’m loving Rogue Legacy 2 right now but I want to play my bigger games at 4K 60. Also I have tried playing at locked 30 for awhile but it just gives me headaches now. Cheers and have a the new generation broke my brain and now I’m a console peasant with a PC master race complex kinda day.


Sup homies, Just curious what your thoughts are on FF16. I see so much of 14 in the storytelling and style in general it’s crazy. Do you think Microsoft ever gets this game on its console? Even if it doesn’t, Microsoft gaming looks so good right now. Have a “FF16 who? When Starfield launches” kind of day. P.S. non important info I’ve owned both consoles until this generation but now I have PS5 and PC so, am I missing anything?

Anthony A.

Hello Gentlemen! The FTC vs Microsoft court case has released a cornucopia of behind the scenes communications between the Microsoft executives. What does Lord Mr Matty Plays and Lord Acquisition, aka the Sega Kid, think of Phil emailing Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella and CFO, Amy Hood, about acquiring Sega? Also, it appears Bungie, IO Interactive as well as Zynga were targets too. Big Phil Spencer is not messing around. As always, thank you for making the best Xbox-centric podcast. Anthony A.


Finest dukes, Project Dragon is back on the menu for Xbox Global Publishing. The latest, seemingly unnecessary, evidence submitted by the FTC suggests IOI’s fantasy project will indeed be Xbox published… and naturally, console exclusive. 007, per the same report, still is without platforms. Lastly, IOI was identified in 2019 as a potential acquisition candidate… largely for their strong, player-friendly service support of Hitman 3 (and later World of Assassination). How do y’all feel about this, and would you be excited to see Xbox further its relationship with the talented IOI studios? Wishing you the best in your health, personal lives, and backlog - Aidan


Hey Dukes, I hope you are both well. Just wanted to know if you are both picking up AEW Fight Forever day 1? If not what are you thoughts on the previews so far? I don't think I've ever been so excited for a wrestling game in such a long time. Can't wait to have that No Mercy like gameplay back and play as my boy Hangman Adam Page!! Take care and keep up the great work


What's good Dukes of the dinero? Microsoft is out here scoping everyone out for acquisition so I must ask the LORD of acquisition COG which of the now leaked targets could he see coming off the board first? As always I hope you have an "our purchase of ABK was blocked but at least we can buy Sega and get ichibans ass cheeks on gamepass day one" kinda day

Jose Vera

Hello Dukes! We have had so much information come in from the FTC hearing, its all been pretty spicy. For me two points really stick out. The first, Booty have a lot more say than I thought he would when it comes to talking about the direction of the xbox. The second, Pete Hines clearly upset with the treatment of ABK and exclusivity. I find these emails so interesting since we are getting the exact feelings and the day to day at these majors companies. It does feel that if ABK goes through they will to Xbox, what Bungie is to Sony now. A multi plat/multiplayer publisher that gets a clout for better or worse within the Xbox ecosystem. Have a for the love of all thats holy may we stop talking about this damn deal kind of day. - Jose

Ib Saint

Can’t wait to hear them talk about this big ass enchilada. Xbox is in straight kill mode and they have Sony in the crosshairs. Matt Booty as dangerous as Phil. I wonder if this is going to be used against them in this ABK deal.


Hey dukes! With what is becoming public as a result of the trial, we are getting some SPICY info. I’m sure by now Cog has seen that Microsoft was looking at buying SEGA and Bungie. I imagine Cog was looking towards the heavens cursing Phil’s name for not actually pursuing this purchase. As a Bungie fan myself, I can only dream about what Bungie could have created with the financial backing of Microsoft. Maybe that marathon extraction shooter could have been a Halo extraction shooter with us the player being a marine, odst or possibly an Elite. Or maybe Destiny 2 would have actual support for the servers and PVP. What has been your favorite development because of the ABK vs FTC trial? Hopefully by the time this episode goes up we get even more JUICY information. Love the show guys and I hope you have a “ COD gets to stay on PlayStation but we are forced to keep elder scrolls and starfield off?” kind of day.


Hi Matty and Cog. Would love to get your perspective on some o f the upcoming games from the likes of Obsidian, Compulsion, Ninja Theory and InExile. Do you think they might fail to reach critical mass due to a lack of scope? The teams making them are still quite small in size and I am a little concerned that they may not lead to the kind of block buster titles non-core gamers might be expecting from Xbox’s new studios. Wondered if you had any thoughts about that? Thanks a lot.

The Devmeister

Hey Matty And Cog! Listen - when Microsoft bought Bethesda I was devastated because I love Fallout and I’m a PlayStation guy - I love trophies lol. The worst case scenario at that point was that I’d have to also buy an Xbox and collect achievements instead. With Xbox admitting loss of the console wars - what does this mean for the future of playing Fallout on console? Will Xbox still make consoles? If it all goes PC/TV game pass model that’s gonna suck. A bottle cap for your thoughts?

OneTick Haole

I think a victory lap or two is definitely necessary. The dukes been chirping up the prospect of acquiring sega. Even if they haven’t been acquired they sure as hell are getting real cozy


Hey Dukes! I recently tried to get into game pass on PC but quickly realised there wasn't much I wanted to play. The selection of games is lacking when compared to the console catalogue, for example the old xbox 360 games such as Fable 2/3 aren't playable locally (cloud doesn't work well enough for me to play them). Do you guys think Xbox will work on getting these older games downloadable on PC gamepass? Or will we just have to settle for a lesser version. Have a great day, much love from the UK.

Sean Mason

Greetings Dukes, I feel as though the whole story about Xbox talking about buying other studios is way overblown. Big brand companies like Xbox throws out these ideas all the time, especially in what they thought was a secure and safe form. I wouldn’t be shocked if there are emails from people who work for PlayStation who have similar emails regarding the “potential” to acquire studios on the same scale as ABK, Ubisoft, Square-Enix, ECT. What do you guys think? Are people blowing this way out of proportion? Best, Sean M.


Matty and Cog, In the spirit of “health is wealth”, I’m curious how much sleep y’all are getting? I’m currently working full time and doing school in the evenings, and most nights i can only manage an hour of gaming if I’m lucky. It seems like you guys still manage to get a lot of gaming in despite being pretty busy. Are y’all sleeping 3 hrs/night or something? Sleeping at your desk? Much love


Hello Ekion Dukes, Over 20 or so hours into FF16 and really loving it. But I have to give you you're roses Matty on your review of the game. It was one of the more critical ones, highlighting how it's less of a JRPG and more of a character action game with the FF brand name on it, but how you went about it was much more fair than other critical reviews. Others like Skill Up's made the game sound like complete trash, when it's just trying to do something different than the typical FF experience. Was it hard balancing your criticisms with what the game genuinely does well? Have a 'Sonic could've been the MS mascot instead of Crash' kind of day.

Bryan Creagh

Hello All Mighty Dukes! I wanted to ask a question about the future of the X-BOX consoles. With Game Pass taking off for PC and Microsoft pushing Game Pass on 3rd party hand heild's does this mean the future of X-BOX is going to be just service provider for games and not to have consoles? This could even lead to Game Pass being on PlayStation down the road. Please let me know your thoughts. I am having my gaming PC motherboard just died kind of day.

Ryan Greenwood

Hey Dukes Just a quick question. Assassins Creed Mirage is only $50 for the base version of the game. I know it’s not a big open world game and is smaller in scope. But it’s still a AAA game and $20 cheaper than most. Thoughts? Have a #healthiswealth kind of day.


What up Dukes of Dominance, I just gotta say one thing. What's up with your mans Pete Hines? First he helped push out RedFall which is one of the biggest black eyes in Xbox history and now he buckin up on Xbox because Bethesda games are being made exclusive? He don't seem to be #HoldingTheLine! Do you think these kind of internal conflicts may cause issues when other studios are treated differently as they're added to the staple? Or is Pete Hines just a turncoat and we need to get him out of here before he causes any damage? Have a "Sega kids watching Sonic get stomped out by Mario in October" kinda day.


What's up Atlus Matty and SEGA Cognito? Alright boys, fun one for you. It's June 2024 at Xbox Showcase and Xbox reveals they have acquired SEGA, and what's that? SEGA Backwards Compatibility??? Which SEGA console and classic titles would you want to see join the Xbox back compat program first in the scenario of Xbox X SEGA?


Hey Dukes, I recently finished a remake of a little game called System Shock. Apologies if you guys talked about this and I missed it, but people are sleeping on this one hard! It's a completely faithful 1-to-1 modernization and I loved it so much but being sandwiched between Zelda and FF16, it has definitely flown under the radar a little bit. I think everyone who was hoping for some fire from Arkane a couple months ago should definitely check this one out. Thanks and have a great day guys!


Hi dukes, im wondering whats next for Arkane Austin?, due to the fact that this studio is very different from the one that made prey a secuel might not stick the landing, maybe let them make small experimental projects, like 2-3, that would help gamepass and if they are well recieved microsoft could expand that idea in a AAA title. Thanks and have a nice day

Haven Breithaupt

Hey dukes, Recently on the show there's been a lot of praise for the diversity in Xbox's upcoming games and I want to offer some pushback on this front. As someone who is still waiting for Xbox to put up the goods to bring aboard the platform here are my thoughts. Looking at the next few games, Starfield, Avowed, Fable, Clockwork Revolution I see the same cookie cutter framework practice that Sony has been accused of as of late: 1) No fully realized characters to rally the I.P. behind/put on the box so they rely on player created characters. 2) Very deep western RPG tropes across the games such as branching dialogues and companions to help facilitate this notion of choose your own adventure instead of curated stories. Now while these games look visually different they all still have the same core mechanics so I'm not sold on the diversity front just yet but let me know your thoughts if am judging them incorrectly. Thanks and have a diverse, but not really kind of day!

Stephen Richard

Hey Dukes, this one is more geared towards Cog, however Matty please chime in with knowledge of the Logitech handheld. So Cog, does the asus rog use Wi-Fi? I ask this because I work at a hospital and it locks certain sites out of use on their Wi-Fi for security concerns. This makes using xcloud a hassle as I need to use a VPN to work around the restrictions. Would the rog ally work if it’s native instead of streaming? And if you think it wouldn’t could I use a vpn on it? Same questions towards you and the Logitech Matty, thank you both for endless hours of entertainment between ILP, YouTube videos and of course here on DD. Hope you have a great week.

Luke Silletta

Not really a question but did you guys see the Yakuza Phil meme on twitter? It was so perfect.


Greetings fellow Black Rock enthusiasts! I have a gushing, busting, and impressively heavy delivery of flowers for Mr Matty! Sir, you were 100% correct last week with your pick being The Outer Worlds. Coincidentally I started playing it the day before that episode dropped, and I havent put it down since. If yall havent checked this one out, you are out of touch and need to seek salvation... in The Black Rock. Youve played the rest, now play the best.


Dukes, Redfall was a huge miss and as an Arkane fan it’s a disappointment I often think about. If you could get to hit the “redo it and get it right this time” button on a game, what would it be?