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The Lost Sub, Brand Loyalty, Telemarketers, How Didn't I Know That?! | Constellation, Episode 25

Welcome back to Constellation. This week, the Brothers Moriarty invite Defining Duke co-host Lord Cognito and Sacred Symbols co-host Chris Ray Gun to the show. As usual, our topics are quite varied. Chris wants to talk about a piece of contemporary news in the form of OceanGate's lost Titan submersible, which catastrophically imploded near the site of the Titanic in the North Atlantic. Cog, meanwhile, is curious about how we bob and weave around telemarketers, centered around a series of unusual phone calls he's recently received. Dagan wants to know which brands we're most loyal to: Cars, computers, games, clothes, food. You name it. Finally, Colin shares something embarrassing with the crew, something he recently learned that he couldn't believe he didn't already know. Does anyone else care to share a similar story...? This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://www.betterhelp.com/constellation and get on your way to being your best self 0:00:00 - Intro 0:20:39 - The Lost Titanic Sub 1:03:48 - Telemarketers 1:34:37 - Brand Loyalty 2:33:38 - How Didn't I Know That?!



Stelly 🔥


Can't wait until tonight when I have time for Stelly.

Ryan Zimm

Low Effort Christmas Cards are a giant pet peeve of mine and my wife's. We always write personalized notes. If you can't at least hand write our names in the card, save the stamp...


in regards to the submarine, theres a big youtuber called dallmyd. he generally makes scuba diving videos & river clean up videos. anyway, the expedition that ended in tragedy was the 5th expedition i think. dallmyd was going to go on its 3rd expedition, but due to weather conditions they called it. well, since dallmyd is a youtuber, theres a bunch of footage of his experience that is now pretty forboding that he uploaded into a video 3 days ago, and its a well worth it watch containing some really interesting stuff about what went on there


"If they're selling it to me, it does what it's supposed to do. Otherwise they wouldn't be selling it." - Someone who clearly didn't purchase the Last of Us Part 1 PC port :(


Somewhere there is an alien world that we finally get to visit and believe it or not, there's just mosquitos everywhere. You ask the guide and he explains that yeah, they are the only civilization left in the universe because they made the right decision on the Mosquito Question.


The controller on the sub is a normal thing that engineers cut corners. Its to save money on development, testing, and production, "why make a tool when its already here?". That being said I don't know why they chose that specific controller could be many reason but it was prob preference. The main issue with the sub was that it was carbon fiber and which has the same strength as steel. That being said knowing this you should never set foot into this thing knowing how deep in the ocean ur going into. They should've used much stronger steel esp since they were bussing around billionaires who could foot the bill.

Michael Thew

Cog brought up a great thing with getting punched. I implore those that have never been punched, go out, talk your shit to some random dude and get popped. It’s clears your head and you’ll find out that words in a forum like this matter very little after that.

Tyler Kaminski

I gotta say guys that certain topics in this show have really caused me to have child like wonder in them. The submarine topic, the alien topic, ancient civilizations, etc. I totally get the controversy on politics, and I think I may have complained once, but current events like the ones listed are welcomed. Light political material shouldn’t cause too much of a stir with anyone. I want to thank you guys for re igniting old interests I had when I was younger. I’ve dedicated countless hours reading up on aliens, history, and exploration. Keep up the good work guys!


Secret societies exist to keep secrets and carry on the knowledge of how to do so. You are naive if you think you aren't being lied to every day by people you are supposed to trust. The apparent lack of ability to do anything correctly by the government is BY DESIGN. Don't you feel like a hostage? Billionaires and money changers do not consider your life worth anything close to human. "To reduce the carbon footprint, we must reduce the number of feet." That's a legit quote from a "thought leader." The WEF literally tells us what they are doing at this point. It's all laid out and is happening as we speak. You can't hide your head in the sand if you are going to get on here and act so smugly about how you know everything because people can't keep secrets. They aren't even trying to anymore and you still don't get it.

Tristen Wilbers

Colin's topic really resonated with me. I have visceral memories from high school or college of finding out something that literally felt like it altered the fabric of existence and turned the world upside down when I found it out. And to me the most distinct feeling surrounding this was funnily enough anger/frustration at the people around me for letting me go this long in life without knowing something so crucial. One BIG example is that I didn't find out until college that you can't microwave metal utensils, and I had just gone a very long time being lucky and not doing it, like why would I microwave my utensil anyways, obviously, so I never learned that by accident. And when you say that everyone treats you like you're the asshole, when actually no, YOU are the asshole for not telling me sooner! No one sits you down and is like "alright son, now don't put the fork in the microwave" like they just expect you to do it and learn on your own I guess.


Fantastic episode. Keep up the amazing work.

Damon Pond

Moldy hot pocket sounds like a euphemism.


There are Five Guys in London


A question for next week my dudes: With the half perforation paper towels, how many do you use for common tasks? I rate the severity of a domestic misencounter by how many sheets it requires to fix. That said, some important tasks may be accomplished with a single sheet. For your consideration: General purpose oral wipery: 1 (halfway perf) sheet Spill some water on the counter when you close a water bottle and the ice makes the water shoot out the top of the bottle every fucking time no matter how accurately you think you pull the bottle away from the fridge spout: 3 HP sheets. Wipe down the island counter after messy raw meat shit: 8 sheets, folded in half. Add Fabuloso™️ Tell me your messes oh stars, but please, only measured in sheets.

Michael Thew

Makes sense now, all that shit you were talking, you couldn’t figure your way out of paper bag. How many times you shit your pants before someone told you to wipe? Prolly would blame everyone around you for your ignorance on that as well.

Tristen Wilbers

Okay this is just harassment at this point. Taking my half-serious comment way too seriously dude. Move on. Did you hear what Colin said about "be civil" at all or just choosing to ignore that?

Michael Thew

I am civil dude, I didn’t call you names and just reiterated your talking points. You got into this position because no one can tell you anything without you losing it. Grow up dude, giving advice and calling out your shit aren’t personal attacks.

Justin Credible

Five Guys is all over Europe lol


Apropos of nothing ? Colin’s been listening to Sheryl Crow?

Aric Peña (@AricJP)

My dad used to work for Unilever, the company that makes Best Foods/Hellmann’s, and he said the ONLY difference between the two brands is that Best Foods has a bit more salt than Hellmann’s. A Google search confirms. The west coast tends to like a little more salt, he said. So yeah, not 100% the same. Just a fun fact. 🙂

Dan P

I know Chris will never read this but, I don’t really understand the, “the government can’t be incompetent and also masterminds at the same time”. The gov is made of a broad spectrum of individuals, segmented into departments that don’t even communicate with each other and often have conflicting interests. Just like in podcasting, there are great ones like you guys and not so great ones. It’s not really a singular conglomeration of the same level of competence. Also, everyday secrets and gossip are of little consequence. If you were told to keep a state secret or else you’ll get harassed, targetted, fired or killed, you could keep it.


There are also at least 3 that I know of in Glasgow, Scotland. Pretty sure they will be In other UK cities. They are god teir but very pricey

iain mcmanus

chris five guys is in europe. and its amazing

iain mcmanus

colin in the shadow of colossus knockback episode you had an "i cant believe i didnt know that" gaming moment in reference to the stamina meter. so it was great when chris mentioned shadow of the colossus and you didn't recall that


The only brand loyalties I have are Kirin Ichiban Shibori and Apple products. I wish I could escape Apple, but I’m a big computer dummy and all of their stuff just works.


This is spot-on. One of the first things people figure out how to do is to lie. If you want to see this for yourself, have children. Do they think secret societies are LARPing?! They aren't called secret because the society itself is a secret. They are called secret societies because they are structured on tradition that KEEPS SECRETS. The goals and livelihood of the society depends on those within it seeing the group as more important than the individual. These guys will in one sentence say that the government is able to keep the truth from us about things like "aliens" in order to protect us, but in the same breath say that they believe NOBODY can keep secrets and that we'd all know it if there was anything underhanded going on. WHAT THE FUCK And they pat him on the back as if this is some genius level reasoning.

Ryan Hayman

Fun 'fact', half of all humans, ever, have died from mosquitos

Michael Trees

As an active duty Coast Guard member I can speak to the fact that we are required to make reasonable efforts and continue search and rescue operations until we have definitive proof of a wreckage or enough time has lapsed that the odds of survival are practically zero. Unfortunately, the implosion being detected by the Navy couldn’t be considered definitive proof of total loss of the vessel even though it was highly likely and everyone close to the situation knew that. It wasn’t until the wreck was identified that those in charge of the operation felt comfortable moving to a recovery operation. I’ve conducted searches for days and recovered no evidence of the vessels or persons on board at all. You would be amazed at the mishaps that occur and the “News” doesn’t cover it at all.