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Welcome back to Constellation. This week, the Brothers Moriarty invite Defining Duke co-host Lord Cognito and Sacred Symbols co-host Chris Ray Gun to the show. As usual, our topics are quite varied. Chris wants to talk about a piece of contemporary news in the form of OceanGate's lost Titan submersible, which catastrophically imploded near the site of the Titanic in the North Atlantic. Cog, meanwhile, is curious about how we bob and weave around telemarketers, centered around a series of unusual phone calls he's recently received. Dagan wants to know which brands we're most loyal to: Cars, computers, games, clothes, food. You name it. Finally, Colin shares something embarrassing with the crew, something he recently learned that he couldn't believe he didn't already know. Does anyone else care to share a similar story...?



Jessica Stelter

Dagan, house centipedes are actually super beneficial! They are no harm to humans and kill the bugs that are harmful to your home. haha. Your wife is correct. They are terrifying to look at though.

Michael Mashpotato

I was a telemarketer for 2 weeks when I was 18 back in 2004. The top two salesmen there were extremely weird. One guy carried a black binder filled with Xena the warrior princess photos. He was obsessed with Lucy Lawless. The other guy looked like a damn goblin and his voice sounded like a sports announcer. They were both heavily into drugs but were the top in sales. What a weird two weeks of my life.

Jordan campos

As a person who dealt with these monsters for years in the house I lived in, which resides on the Hudson River, I can tell you that these creatures are the scariest things known to a homeowner. I'd rather come across spiders, mice, Slender Man... frankly, anything besides these fucking things.

Jessica Stelter

Oh yeah! Don't get me wrong, they freak me out and I would much rather come across Slenderman too, hahah. I'm basically like Chris.. just don't bother me and I won't bother you. I lived in Korea for a bit and they would ALWAYS be in my bath towel. I wouldn't see them until I went to dry off......


This guest rotation always hits! Also yes, we have Five Guys here in UK.


I wish I had "brand loyalty" for a particular developer like Bungie or BGS, but I don't. The closest thing for me is that the big three console makers (Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony) pretty consistently put out games I enjoy (which is rough as a non-PC gamer that needs all three consoles).

Bogey Zero

Colin never answered Dagan’s question about which studio he’s day one on. My guess is Naughty Dog though


I’m a mechanic. I drive a 4Runner and a Lexus is350 stay with Lexus Dagan. You want a Toyota, search your heart you know it to be true.

Anthony Palerino

My English class when I was a sophomore bullied a kid for the entire year about the fact that he used to have a Zune. The teacher was responsible for 95% of the teasing.

Jason Hjartarson

The Toyota hilux pickups in Iraq made me a believer in the brand, they could be 4 quarts low on oil and still motor along

Reon Williams

New Zealand mentioned a lot this episode, love it

Ryan Taylor

They opened a five guys in Sydney Australia and it’s absolute trash. Mediocre burgers and insanely expensive. $70 AUD ($47 USD) for 2 x meals and a side. I’m assuming they’re much better in the US.

Adam Barnes

I went to the one they opened down in Melbourne by the Exhibition centre. The burgers were alright, not what I had made them up to be in my mind at all haha The hotdogs were fucking elite, though.


I remember learning about grafting plants around 14 or so probably. My grandparents own a plant nursery. You can graft multiple citrus on to one tree, or roses on one bush, and you can even do some things that seem weird like graft a rose on to an apple tree. They just have to be in the same family I believe.

Josh Gamez

When I worked at Toys R Us after I graduated from high school I actually worked behind the electronics counter (but we also doubled as the bike builders as well). To this day that might've been the most powerful I have ever felt lol.

Jason Hjartarson

For far too long I thought “dawn’s early light” was an old time adjective dawnserly light

Brannon H

Great episode! Chris and Dagan are awesome together

Lou & Rei Loper

I'm with Cog on this, if I don't know you then I'm NOT answering the phone, period. If it's not important enough to leave a voice mail, then it's not important enough to talk to me. I remember a time about 20 years ago when we got a telemarketing call on the old landline...and we picked up, talked to them for a minute or so...told them to hold on a second...left them on hold for a minute or so...then talked to them again for a minute or two.....then asked them to hold on for a minute again and apologized.........then left the phone off the hook with the TV on, and left to go to Dominos Pizza lol. Good times.

Lou & Rei Loper

Yooooooooooo I LOVED the Zune, I still have a Zune HD in my desk at home and saw there are still people working on functionality. I've had the OG big body brown brick Zune, then the thinner big red Zune before finally ending up with the HD before the plugged was pulled. That actually led me to signing up for Google Play Music subscription service because the almighty Zune Pass died with the Zune. The Zune basically made it ridiculous to even THINK about pirating music or carrying discs anymore. I could get any song/album at any time AND you got a free album every month to keep regardless of subscription status? Hell yes I'm in. Google Play Music at least gave me the same price just without the free album part.

Lou & Rei Loper

Chris is right, Snapple died to me the MOMENT the glass bottle went away! That was the whole damn point, I will never have that DELICIOUS Snapple Apple goodness again. RIP Snapple Dagan had me rolling when he started talking about the car dashboard, because I knew what he was about to say lol.


Chris was on fire this ep


Happy (insert whatever day you read this, here). Your mother doesn’t give two shits if you don’t have any news, she just misses you and wants to hear from you more often. You can spend four hours chatting about random topics for work, I’m sure you can manage a 20 minute chat with your mum (mom?). Maybe she’d like to hear your thoughts on the sub implosion first hand! There’s also a chance that she may have news about life, friends, and neighbours that she wants to share with you! No judgment with any of this, it’s all just a preamble to say… get Betty on the show! :)

Simon Pusateri

Did Constellation go back to every 2 weeks?