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Dustin will be recording a mailbag for an upcoming episode of Sacred Symbols+!    

You know the drill: Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas to Dustin, and as always, pithy and well-written submissions have the best chance of being used. Walls-of-text and poorly-written submissions are ignored!

Please submit your questions before Wednesday, June 28th at 1 PM EST.



Hey Dustin, I had the pleasure of meeting you at too many games over the weekend and I just wanted to thank you for being so awesome and welcoming. I was the awkward guy that asked you and Dagan to sign my PlayStation shirt lol. So I wanted to point out that on the last sacred symbols episode you and Colin were talking about physical vs digital games, first off let me say thank you for defending physical games. As we all know Colin is very pro digital games and doesn’t see the point in buying physical games, but then minutes later he was saying how he reads digital books but will buy a physical book to put on a shelf if he really likes a book…..well…..isn’t that what we do as physical collectors? On this topic I’d have to give Colin a hearty “stand down”.

The Snacksquatch

Hey dirty d, With super Mario rpg being remade, do you think shorter rpg can become popular again? Almost every rpg now seems to be 50+, huge open world, side quest galore, etc. I miss the paper Mario/mario and Luigi series where you can get a really solid 20 hour experience without feeling burned out in the end. Thanks for all you do.


Hey there Sacred Crew! Apologies for the long post but I have to get your guys opinion about this interaction I had at the grocery store. I went to my local grocery store in my neighborhood one morning recently. I went to the checkout line and while the cashier was ringing up my groceries, I proceeded to go the empty bagging area and set my cart in order to start placing my groceries in the cart. Out of nowhere, a store employee grabs my cart and pushed it out of the way, stared me down, and said “Do you mind if I do this?” I’m reference to if she could bag my groceries and put them in my cart. I was so flustered that all that came out of my mouth was “Sure..” I’m all for letting employees do their job but this felt like forced service and it further reinforced why I personally prefer self checkout or even pickup orders, a la Target. Just curious what you guys would have done in this situation. Loving all the content lately LSM has been hammering out and Sacred is no exception; keep up the great work and take care guys.

Dylan Manuszak

Dear Dustin Furman, I often find myself acting certain ways around different friend groups. Maybe this is common, but I feel my situation is different because I have religious friends and non-religious friends I'm in the middle of. Some friends we'll smoke week, go to casinos, or talk about jump humping, while my Christian friends don't like it if I cuss around them. Do you ever find yourself acting certain ways around different friends?


Hey Dustin,Quick anime question Since it is known at this point that Colin is not much of an anime guy. Do you think he would like Code Geass? It has significant political intrigue with the drama of a Death Note. Plus!!! Cool Robot Mechs

Everyday Patrick

What got you turned on to One Piece in the first place? Before moving to Tokyo and having colleagues talk it up each week, I had never given the comic (or show) a second glance.


Hey Dustin I hope this finds you in good spirits and health. It looks like physical games are going away in the future, but I might have a solution to save physical games. Have companies produce the physical games to the amount that is pre-ordered for a premium price to cover cost of manufacturing. Essentially making every physical game a “collector’s edition”. This is the only way I can see both parties getting what they want. What do you think? Thanks for all that you do and stay safe out there!


Dustin, I recently started reading the One Piece manga due to how much you say you love the anime. I've tried to get into anime in the past, but for some reason I enjoy these stories in manga form over anime form. Do you read any manga or are you strictly an anime watcher? Thanks, David

Sean Mason

Greetings Dustin, I hope this message finds you well. As a fellow weeb, I must ask you what is your favorite thing about being a weeb? Best, Sean M.

Card Captor Corey

Hey Dustin, If you had to review a traditional sports game what traditional sport game would you choose? -Corey


Hey Dustin, I wanted to get your take on the current state of emulation on the PlayStation. While Xbox took down emulators in retail mode recently, before this I had absolutely amazing PlayStations emulators available for use. With duck station I had incredibly accurate emulation with great upressing technology, and most certainly objectively better than the current ps1 emulation we have on ps5, which is riddled with issues. With a version of PCSX2 on Xbox I could play God of War 2 natively at 4K, locked 60 fps. If I want to play to play it on ps5 I have to stream a compressed 1080p ps3 version with horrible latency. In what world is this acceptable? Am I missing something here? Why would Sony not just pay someone to port these emulators to ps5 for use of classic games. People did it for free after all on Xbox. Even androids and jailbroken iPhones can emulate these games better. We know Sony is OK using these emulators as the PS Classic used a popular crowd sourced playstation emulator. Although, as we all know, they didn’t even bother to use the correct versions of these games on that platform. All of this adds up to a clear signal that Sony doesn’t really care about its classic games and are doing the literal bare minimum to try and squeeze a few cynical nostalgia dollars out of people while also placating the demand. In my opinion there’s simply no excuse for this. My android phone is a better place to experience PlayStations classics than its own 500 dollar flagship console. As the chief retro gamer of the Sacred crew, what are your thoughts? It’ll be interesting as you also have experience with pc emulation. Thank you for your time, good sir.

Llogan from mmry.crd

Hey Dustin! First, I just want to say thank you for always being the voice for the physical collectors on Sacred. Have you picked up any cool physical games recently you want to show off? And how long do you think we can expect physical games to keep coming out? Between games like Call of Duty that are just activation keys on a disc and no game, and Alan Wake 2 that isn't have a physical release at all, it really feels like the digital future is quickly materializing. Obviously companies like Limited Run and the like will keep doing niche runs, but how long do you think we can expect to keep seeing a majority of major releases having physical runs? hope you have a great show!


Hello Dustin greetings from Eire, what’s the best one piece arc you’ve got to so far, also how far are you

Petre Cismigiu

Hey Dustin! I know it goes against everything we stand for in the Last Stand community but I wanted to bring a little positivity with this inquiry. Jokes aside, If you could only pick one, what is your absolute favorite memory since working with Colin? Thank you for all your hard work. You deserve all the success that came your way. Keep rockin!

Simon Freeman

Dustin, will Colin be getting the Korn x adidas shell toes?

That Smoke from Canada

Dusty, This is probably something I could google but I'm more interested to hear it from you: can you pause From Software games?? I remember trying out the OG Dark Souls on ps3 and when I realized there was no pause option, I dropped the game because that's a deal-breaker for me. Is there an alternate way to do it? Do some games allow it and others don't? I don't care about the bReAkInG iMmErSiOn argument from the internets, I just want a seasoned vet's advice. Thanks baby boy! P.s. If you really want to get into the Yakuza series, just play Zero, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2 and you're good; don't worry about the others unless you're crazy invested


Hi Dustin. I am 23 and thinking of proposing soon. I wanted to know a little more about your love story and experience as someone who married young. Did you talk to parents beforehand to get a blessing? Where did you get your rings? Were there any naysayers? - Much love from Cleveland Heights.

Josh Correa

Hey Dustin What are your thoughts on One Punch Man?

Brad Felix

Hey Dustin, What are your top 5 favorite games of ALL time and how do you come about determining that list? Do you think nostalgia factors too heavily into our favorite game discussions? Is it OK to have a game that may have released last year or this year in that list for yourself, or is it something where you need time to sit on it? Thanks for the awesome content. Cheers Brad


Hey Dustin. What's your prediction for the future of From Software after Armoured Core and the Elden Ring DLC drop? Do you think we'll get any more linear self contained experience like Dark Souls, Sekiro and Bloodborne or will they go with the open world format from now on? Or maybe something completely differently? I loved Elden Ring but I have to say the other earlier titles from the developer are still better imo. Anyway thanks for all the content, and keep on buying physical!


Attempt 3: (Return/Enter is killing me). This is long but I think you'll enjoy it. Hey Dustin, I've meant to write in about this for like 2 years now LOL but anyways my name is Sean. I grew up in Canonsburg, PA a couple miles up the street from Sarris Candies. Good ole Washington Counteeeee. My old roommate Ryan and I both went to Slippery Rock University back in 2011-2015. (Ryan's the one who introduced me to Podcast Beyond back then. IIRC it was actually the day Gears 3 released. We've both listened through Podcast Beyond and Kinda Funny days and were basically day one patrons of CLS.) 2 years ago, I took my girlfriend through Slippery Rock, Grove city and the outlets when we we're up from Raleigh visiting my parents who live in Emlenton, PA. During that, I showed her that I used to work at Vera Bradley(haha) and Under Armour at the outlets. Then we drove by Compadres on the other side of I-79. That was where Ryan and our other two roommates would frequent for $1 tacos/ $2 drafts and then take the glass steins the drafts came in for our own personal use at University Village apartments. We headed towards Slippery Rock from there but made a pitstop @ Keystone Safari (Dont sleep on this) first. We get to Slippery Rock and have lunch at North Country Brewery. Right next to the brewery was this shitty little diner called Camelot. If you want to try pond water coffee, go here haha. Then we drive past good ole Foxs Pizza. I tell my girlfriend Leah "that's where you get yourself a Big Daddy for $12.99". If you got one, you knew it was going to be a "greasy, epic gamer weekend" lol. I have a very vivid memory of getting one of these pizzas, getting really high, and trying to play the broken mess that was Halo MCC back in 2014. We also used to frequent the Clearview Mall(mainly for Texas Roadhouse)and Butler Gamestop. One of Ryan and I's friends worked there whose name was Ben. Ben and I picked up our PS4s there for midnight launch. Been meaning to write this forever and hope you got some enjoyment out of this. Small world, I suppose. Love listening to you on last stand and hearing you reference Butler is always great. My girlfriend and I are visiting my parents in Emlenton the last week in July. I'd love to buy you a beer. Thank you guys for all of your hard work. Sean PS: My old roommate Ryan is Ocelot on your discord. He has that Metal Gear Solid Dogehound profile pic. He kept getting disconnected from one of your guys call-in shows recently and was never able to ask you guys a question haha. He deserves another shot I think. Love you, Revolver.

Anton Kaye

Yo Big D, I'm up to episode 63 of Chris Chan. He's begging for money on his Go Fund Me page to go to Too Many Games in Pennsylvania. Any chance you've ran into him since you've gone a couple times? Add me on PSN!!! PSN is Methionine


Hello Dustin, If you could put Chris Chain in any video game, what would it be?


Hey Dustin, We all know about your love of music, but do you play any instruments or have any desire to one day? Thanks as always for your great insights during the show!


Ohayo Dio Dustin, what are your thoughts on all these live action western anime/manga adaptations. When i heard of the One Piece adaptation from netflix i immediately cringed. Is there any show or movie that you can recommend or should they go straight to hell with all the hitlers and epsteins of the world. Love what you bring to the show and i hope you have a wonderful day

9-11 is a reference to MGS 2

Wassup Weebie D, Two quick random recommendations for you: First one is the anime Gurren Lagann not sure if you have watched it or not but I’m sure it’s likely that you’ve heard of it. It’s a super thrilling tale about the remnants of humanity and fighting mechs so I think it’s right down your alley. It’s a short one at 27 episodes so it’s very doable if you’re interested. Second one is the band Dance Gavin Dance. As a big Thrice fan, I feel like this band could connect with you having some post hardcore roots in its sound, they’re very weird and funky and have a very solid discography. Anyway, that’s all! Thanks man!


Hey Dustin, What is your history with MMOs, and are there any in particular you would want to play? I recently started playing FF XIV and became part of a very wholesome free company (basically a guild) and have made some wonderful friends as a result. Do you think this is a genre you would want to play more of, or is the time sink just too much? Thanks for all you do, have a fantastic day!


Dustin, Do you like the band Arctic Monkeys? That is all. -Michael Held

Bryan Creagh

Dustin, I have been primarily a console gamer my whole life; however I was recently gifted a gamming computer. I shared libraries with a family member and tried out a number of games. What I was surprised to find out is how good keyboard and mouse controls are. The mouse is God Tier of motion controls and makes first person shooters so much better. Why do you think Sony does not support keyboard and mouse for their system? I would love to have keyboard and mouse controls on several games on the PS5.


Dustin! Big fan of you and I always appreciate your take on things. I feel like we're Blood Brothers, and have similar tastes, even though I'm a lot older. I think that just means you're cultured and mature. I appreciate when you stick up for Nintendo and physical games when Colin is being a lunatic. Here are my questions: What is your favorite Iron Maiden song? What is your favorite movie? What is your favorite anime series? I'm curious to hear both your answers, as well as some deep cut recommendations of yours. Thanks, man, and I hope you're enjoying FFXVI as much as I am! Mike


Hey Dustin, what is your religious background? And what is it today?


To the man who puts the D in Last Stand Media, Are hot dogs sandwiches? Cheers and enjoy your 4th of July


Hey Bustin, Do you have any faith that we will ever get a AAA dinosaur FPS again? Out of all the FPS games we get nowadays, I feel like the dinosaur genre is the one that needs the most love. I am constantly longing for a Far Cry-like dinosaur game or an Alien Isolation esque horror game with dinosaurs. Better yet, why haven't we gotten a licensed Jurassic Park/World game from Universal yet? It's almost guaranteed that a AAA action game based in the Jurassic Park universe would sell like gangbusters. Do you share my love for dinosaur action games? Which series do you wish would return the most? Dino Crisis? Turok? All thoughts would be appreciated. Have a bussin day, Gavin


Hey Dust, I've recently just finished the story campaign for Red Dead Redemption 2 and loved it. As someone who adopted playstation (and console gaming in general) relatively late in the cycle (mid-PS4), i was looking to go back and play the first Red Dead. However, from what I believe right now it is impossible to play on either PS4 or PS5. How can this be? Is there any reason why this game hasn't been at least ported to modern consoles like older GTA games and Bully? Is it worth bringing over? I feel its a massive missed opportunity by Rockstar. Thanks


DUSSSSSTIIIIIINNNNN - Top 5 from soft bosses - GO


Hey Dust. How excited are you for July 29th? 🏴‍☠️

Tim D.

Dustin- Whaddya hear, Whaddya say? Just curious about what happened with your YouTube channel? I saw a bunch of the vids you dropped- and then you went dark. What gives? I feel like this would've been a great platform for exploring the world of physical games, collecting, etc. I'm guessing it's all the work you’re putting in over at LSM? Do you see yourself dropping any more vids in the future? Also, Congrats on Punching Up! I'm not in the Nintendo ecosystem, but love the team’s chemistry. Keep on killing it at LSM!!

Steve Gray

Hey Dustin! I am curious to ask how much PSVR time you still get into, particularly do you find yourself still playing GT7 and using the wheel? I’m interested as I was looking at getting back into GT myself and was close to investing in a wheel, but I backed out after deciding I might lose interest after a week or so… Thanks for your thoughts!

Daniel Sandez

Greetings, Dustin! I just wanted to let you know that I finally got my wife to start watching One Piece roughly six months ago or so, and she’s finally about 25 episodes into Wano right now. I’m so happy that’s she’s having such a good time with it. It’s always so rewarding converting people to One Piece.


Hey Dustin, quick one from me - how close are you from burning out on physical vs digital media discussion? I personally moved on as someone who has been hearing about death of physical media on consoles for 3 generations. I buy physical nearly exclusively when given an option and I'm certain next generation of consoles will allow me to build up my collection. Thank you for your hard work at LSM!


Dustin, FFXVI's combat has shifted from the traditional turn-based style to a more action-oriented approach. Which other series or game do you think should undergo a combat overhaul, and what kind of combat would you want to see in that series/game?