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It's time, yet again, for another brand-new episode of Constellation, Last Stand's conversational podcast. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Punching Up co-hosts Gene Park and Micah Watson. Gene wants to discuss his trials and tribulations pertaining to the modern dating scene, one either facilitated by or injured by the internet, depending on your outlook. Micah's topic this week is a simple one: What's your favorite smell? And why are smells so deeply tied to memory, anyway? Dagan wants to know all about the things we hate doing. Chores, small talk, dishwashing. You name it. What fills us with maximum consternation? Finally, Colin presents another quiz to the team, this one with 10 basic American history questions that he contends every adult in the US should be able to answer. The results are quite interesting.



Daddy T

Can’t stress enough how wonderful an addition Gene has been to the team


smell of a new book makes me happy


Love hearing Colin talk about history. Makes it sound so interesting.

Brian Heninger

I might be the only one, but this show makes me frustrated sometimes because I want chime and interact with the topic and I can't. It's just me at work talking to myself, which is a little weird when my coworkers walk past my office and wondering who I am talking to lol BTW favorite smell is the pine trees here in the PNW.


Colin - when you do quiz topics wait until all the answers have been read before reading the answer!


Shoutout to Dagan for reading Blood Meridian, absolute banger of a book

Brandon Soto

Honestly don't like these quizzes and would prefer a topic. To each their own, I guess.

Gene Park

me whenever they pick a topic i know i can contribute well on


The quiz segments so far have been really bad. The ones on Punching Up weren't good either. Very uninteresting hearing the people on the show try to answer questions like this and it goes on, and on, and on. This was the weakest episode of Constellation by far.

Tyler shift

I love constellation but time stamps based on the topics would be nice

Silas Koenig

There is NOTHING that can top the smell of a fresh new pair of Jordans 😍😍😍 inject that into my fucking veins👃👟

Monterey Jack

Not completely opposed to Colin's quizzes, but the flow isn't right yet. Found myself wishing it would move faster. Appreciate it being better for audio listeners this time though.

Sam Lee

Live in South East Asia. Can confirm have never seen or heard about dishwashers.


His comment on storytelling is so key. One of my history professors was amazing at that. Another just read facts, and injected his own biases into the lessons. Plot Twist: ultimatey me and a group of other students filled a petition and got him fired. Not only was he an asshole, but would literally blame past events on the modern Republican party. At one point said "the south was all republicans anyways, we should have just let them leave." 🤦


Yo Colin! A working designs ss+ episode would be absolutely dope and appreciated 🤘🙏

Peter Jansen

I don’t hate the quizzes, but the way the co-hosts aren’t into them really drags down the segment. Would be better if people had signed up for quizzes ahead of time.

Noah Trujillo

I love the quizzes. Such a fun engagement topic. Hope the crew doesn’t continue to see them as derogatory.

Keith Mc Carthy

The phrase Poon Hound is now the best thing I've ever heard 😂

Lou & Rei Loper

I remember being grilled about not knowing the date of the assassination attempt of Ronald Reagan once...then I looked it up while we were talking, and I saw that it was actually ON my very 1st birthday lol. I was still trying to learn how to eat birthday cake, so I think I should have some slack.


Can we all just please acknowledge that Dagan is clearly a sitcom character. 😂 -In someone else's car -"How dare you impose your scent on me" -Hates... Dishwashers? -Hates... Putting away dishes? -etc.

Superhero Jagganath

I, for one, love the quiz segments. I understand it's not for everyone, but as a serious American history buff it was hilarious to me to listen to everyone struggle to answer these questions.


no love for the smell of gasoline??


Do a smell test comparing brand new shoes of different brands and see if your nose knows which is which. 👀


If Dagan is a sitcom character, then would Micah be an anime character? 😄


“Chris would make a good baby.” - Gene

Forrest Hunter

No one loves the smell of a sweet pussy? Hahaha.

Zac Lebeau

Dude you gotta stop with the quizzes lol like you said you're not doing it to be mean spirited you're doing it to laugh, but THAT IS what makes it seem mean spirited! It's fun to be self deprecating to yourself, but it's completely different when you bring these quizzes that you frame as "I could have answered all these in 9th grade so let's go through this and we'll laugh at you!" I know you're not meaning it in a mean spirited away but you gotta recognize the difference between being self deprecating to yourself and someone else bringing in something that you don't know about for the purpose of laughing at you lol I would very much appreciate an interesting topic that I can hear everyone's perspectives on rather than these random quizzes so you can laugh at forcing people to be self deprecating 😂

Josef Barker

The quiz segment is so good you should make it a regular segment.


Apparently since 2022 there were around 167,284 ww11 vets still alive with estimated 180 deaths a day . 😳


Also the quizzes are great, guests can create their own too!


What an amazing ep. Maybe best constellation yet. Gene is wild and I love it. Micah goin off about the smells was amazing I was laughing my ass off

Jason Hjartarson

The only thing worse than small talk is discord chats


I have to chime in on this. The quizzes are awesome and I would actually like to see it as a weekly opening segment. Not sure how anyone thinks they are truly mean spirited.