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Few gaming franchises have had the staying power of Square's (and later Square Enix's) Final Fantasy. Launched in the waning weeks of 1987 in Japan, it took some two and a half years for the original title to migrate to western NES consoles, and while it sold fairly well, it still represented only a small spark that would set off a slow burn. Ultimately, that burn would turn into a raging fire -- Final Fantasies IV, VI, and VII are widely considered some of the strongest games ever made, and we are in the midst of a revitalization of the franchise series -- but humble beginnings are what this episode of KnockBack is all about. The quaint and humble JRPG that emerged from Square in the late-'80s set the stage for all that would come, and we're thrilled to dive deep into everything that makes the original Final Fantasy so interesting and so vital so many years later.



Kazden Risk

Hype! Haven’t picked up the Pixel Remasters yet but excited to get to these games. Have never played. Tempted to listen even though I haven’t experienced the first for myself yet…


lets go!! i’ve played FF1 only once with the PSP remake and it didn’t leave much of an impression due to it’s age and design sensibilities. excited to hear what you guys have to say about it, maybe spark a newfound appreciation for the game! edit: WOAH! what’s up with the drive-by X hate?! one of the goats

Ib Saint

I Love this; look forward to you guys covering more of the series.


You were lucky that Columbia House didnt come after you. I think they used to put you in collections or make you pay some crazy cancellation fees if you didnt keep buying from them. I think they made you buy a CD from them every month and the cost was crazy, like $20-30 a cd or something after those initial free cds. Fucking scammers. Glad you were able to get away with it.

Drew Sleezer

Great conversation, I’ve been looking forward to this! For future episodes I hope that you revisit the music conversation, since Nobuo does such an excellent job harkening back to original tracks and evolving familiar songs as the series progresses. For example, the Matoya’s Cavern theme (iconic theme), is reused very cleverly all throughout the games. Same with the title theme arpeggio, character themes etc. Uematsu really is responsible for so much of the emotional attachment to the series.


Fun episode overall :) I did want to point out that the PS3 Era of JRPGs wasn’t as dire as you think. The games media truly did not give as much attention to JRPGs and talked down about them a lot at the time without giving them a chance. So while many games may not have sold a ton, there were some great ones. Not to mention many handheld JRPGs that came out since Japan was pretty focused on them too. Nier - mediocre battle system but very inventive with an awesome story Resonance of Fate - very different kind of RPG that’s pretty strategic and flashy with an interesting story as well Multiple Ys remakes as well as Ys 7 on the PSP 7 Trails games came out - 5 on the PSP and 2 on the PS3 6 games from the Atelier series - not all are amazing but they have different kinds of stories and some are fantastic Valkyria Chronicles 1 and 2 - plus 3 but it never got released here Final Fantasy 13 was ok, 13-2 was actually good, and Lightning Returns was bad in every way with a horrid story. Multiple Tales of games (Xillia 1 and 2, Zesteria which was awful and Berseria was also cross gen) Persona 5 was also cross gen. Multiple Disgaea games with some of them being pretty good Star Ocean 4 which story wise wasn’t great but fantastic gameplay wise - plus remakes of 1 and 2 on the psp And there are some that I’m forgetting that were smaller but still good. I think JRPGs get a bad rap during this time because not every game was a 100 million dollar investment.

The Fred Durst Death Hoax

Switch does have a touch screen, but I'd forgive you for forgetting, it seems that Nintendo themselves have also forgotten.

Ronnell Leon DuBose

Collin defending turn based rpgs by comparing them to some of the worst media apart from blatant political propaganda (football, baseball) is hilarious. I’ve always wanted to get into turn based games in general but they’ve failed to capture my attention and I never knew why until today. Thanks for that 🙏 I will be playing these games eventually but I doubt I’ll ever watch a full sports ball game