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Fake News, Subscription Services, Adult Birthdays, Tattoos | Constellation, Episode 16

A common request has been bubbling within the audience in recent weeks, and we're glad to deliver: On today's all-new episode of Constellation, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by storied game dev David Jaffe and Washington Post reporter Gene Park. Jaffe delves head-first into the scourge of so-called fake news, how it's negatively affected his outlook on the future, and wonders whether capitalism itself is to blame for our seeming self-destruction. Gene regales us with more amazing stories, this time regarding adult birthdays, the sometimes-insane celebrations that grown people partake in. Dagan wants to know -- as he approaches his 50th birthday -- if he should finally buckle under the pressure and get a tattoo. And Colin wonders if corporate subscription services are forever morphing our taste for content and our appreciation for art. Is there such a thing as unlimited value, or are we being shaken-down in ways we never thought possible?



So cool to see Colin having such success this many years later... I remember being such a fan when i was in middle school!! I'm 25 now and just finished my bachelor's, about to go into the air force. Mind blowing honestly


The tucker Carlson comment is hilarious considering what happened on Monday 😂


Constellation should be this formation of people from now on!

Josh Paradysz

This is one of the best episodes so far, great group to have on together. Super engaging conversations all around.

iain mcmanus

colin during that fake news topic was on fire. thank god someone was there to balance it

Cole Medvec

Great episode. Listening to the fake news subjective was engaging like Colin said, but especially as a true MAGA-type. Had some strong disagreements, but will ALWAYS show the people on this show respect. Great people, and the respect for differing views is so rare, that I love I’m able to hear different perspectives without the thought of y’all hating me. Thank you!

Cole Medvec

I’m willing to join a subject like that if they ever want a Trump voter’s perspective.


new ep LET'S GO, Colin in his prime work!!!


In my opinion, the kind of greed that makes a large corporation unable to think "this is enough, let's keep the ball rolling" is that these people in control of them are ultimately not concerned with money. Maybe at one point they were. The whole idea is to amass power, which money is only a representation of. There is virtually no limit to the amount of power a person can hold over others. For this reason, there is no limit to the insane things that these people are capable of. The billionaires you know are guaranteed to be handled by someone you don't, who doesn't want their name on the lips of anyone.


I really enjoyed listening to Jaffe especially this episode as he asks super thoughtful questions that challenged everyone and to hear their responses after that was interesting!


Through the use of the flashing screen and intro music, the network news is designed to hypnotise you into accepting anything that comes after the intro music as truth.

Quinnton from Seattle

I was a big daily wire guy for a while but I felt like it got too much even if I usually agree with them. But,I have overcompensated by now barely getting any news, which I realize is not good. Though, at the end of the day, I'd rather get zero news than extremely biased news. I'm open to any suggestions for left wing news sources to balance out my more conservative views.

Quinnton from Seattle

I disagree on OF slightly. While I agree we shouldn't shame women who work in that field, I do feel sad for them and I don't think it's a healthy lifestyle and is psychologically destructive to the creator and the viewer.


Topic suggestion: Chess. I've heard Colin mention his love for the game, but I would love to hear how he enjoys it/what modes he plays/has he studied openings etc. Due to the popularity of The Queens Gambit show and live events like chessboxing/Twitch' Pogchamps tournament, the game has literally never been bigger and has gotten many including myself back onto the board. Thanks and love the show guys!


I had no idea how much I was gonna love this episode Omgggg

Sorta Serious Gaming

I would recommend, to anyone not just Jaffe, Dave Smith and Scott Horton as good people to follow for a rational view of the news. Dave is a successful comedian who is very well versed in politics and one of the most influential members of the Libertarian party's ideas. He has a podcast called Part of the Problem that covers current events. Scott I am less familiar with but I have listened to some of his interviews and his debate will Bill Kristol about U.S. interventionism is an incredible display of his thorough knowledge of our country's misguided adventures abroad. Malice as well is a great mind and his books are very insightful. Love all that you guys do btw just had to recommend these guys after I heard Jaffe ask so I dove right in.

Trevor Deal

"I'm 100% in on DeSantis" This deeply troubles me. DeSantis is a nightmare and as a resident of Florida turning this state into a hellhole. Going to be the next Texas. He is worse than Trump in policies. I had this super long post written but I will just say. He is the poster child of government overreach. He runs on anti-woke policies that aren't actual issues but just fear mongering from Fox news. I can't stand him and he has done so much to hurt this state. I could go on and on about how moronic his attack on Disney is and how it negatively affects the state. I feel less safe with him as a governor. As a parent who has a concealed gun licenses his removal of licensing and putting more guns into peoples hands in a state with the worst shootings deeply troubles me as a parent. I fucking hate DeSantis with a passion. He will be taking peoples rights away left and right if he is President.


They should 100% do a political show with this exact cast like once a month talking about what's going on in the world. This was a great listen and great perspectives from each side, open minded and all.


It’s a twin edged blade surely. The ability to market sexuality to men is long cemented in traditional and historical fashion. They’re right to profit, but the cost of mental health and safety is still consistent.


As a Black male, same age as Micah, I want Colin to know having been a Patron to LSM in the last several months has been enlightening to hear the political takes. I’d rather not get wordy about it but being able to absorb even sides and experience willing rebuttal from you when Jaffe asks, that’s important to me to see in some way that’s respectful. Continue the great work.


A few good independent news sources that cover national news and politics: Breaking Points podcast, The Intercept, and Lever News. The latter two also have podcasts as well. There is no one-stop shop for news, but these outlets do a good job of informing me of what's going in the world.

Lucas Gremista

The beauty of life is that Colin can like Tucker Carlson and support Desantis. I can think they are the two most despicable human beings ever born. And still think Col is a good dude that means well and cares about the country and people’s well being, and support that with my money since day 0. Ain’t community a beautiful thing?


Without a doubt the best Constellation episode. Colin you gotta do another one again sometime with the same 4.


You knocked this one out of the park Colin. Pun unintended. The whole fake news segment was riveting conversation. Love hearing you talk about this stuff, probably because I agree with you on most things. Almost like I would love a political or current affair podcast from you. I know that won't happen but it's damn good to hear people from all political standpoints just talking. Instead of trying to end each other's careers. Honesty is key. You come across as honest and accountable. That's why I am here and not listening to msnbc. Good shit from all involved. Uroo!!!


Floridian here too, DeSantis is the first politician in some time that I even remotely like. FL was chill as hell during COVID, especially compared to what was going on in other states. Not at all saying DeSantis is perfect though, no politician is.

Jordan Knepp

Put Jaffe on payroll. This is just top tier content Him and park are my favorite guests

Logan Byford

I 100 percent agree. Desantis is very troubling. From his book bans, "don't say gay law", and his stance on firearms to make the state of Florida more dangerous than ever. With him as president I hate to imagine what he will do to our country if elected.


Jaffes political opinions are shockingly establishment democrat lol

Dave Alvarez

I’m curious that common opinion that “fake news” is a right problem. All major news are creating their own narrative and the left controls a majority of it. Corporate greed does not have political boundaries

Zero Karisma

Colin is very political and obviously likes to engage in discussion surrounding it. I’d love to see a venue where Colin can speak on it more surrounded by people that have different opinions discussing in good faith. Great episode!

James Pies

Best episode yet. Jaffe always brings it

Max Davis

Love watching the oldies like myself (in gaming terms) hanging out and chatting. My 4 favorite CLS regulars in one show! Or 4 of the top 5, Hoeg missing...


Holy crap was this a good episode, laugh out loud funny!

Chuck Rude

My own personal insignificant opinion is that I didn’t care for the political talk at a few points. Really liked the other segments, Jaffe is an interesting cat lol I can’t tell if I love or hate him yet but what a unique soul

Ivan Hornett

Paramount employees do get p+ for free btw.

Trevor Fletcher

Very glad that Colin set the record straight on a few points, as the conversation appeared to drift very far in the assumption that 'Fake news' only went in one direction. I thought it was interesting that in Jaffe's own topic, he was the perpetrator of generating fake news himself as the Ten Commandments bill was passed in Texas - not Flordia. I'm sure it's not intentional, however some people may have listened to that and brought it up in comments with their friends. This is why setting the record straight is so important, and I'm glad that was brought up. Love the conversation between left and right, we need more of it.