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A common request has been bubbling within the audience in recent weeks, and we're glad to deliver: On today's all-new episode of Constellation, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by storied game dev David Jaffe and Washington Post reporter Gene Park. Jaffe delves head-first into the scourge of so-called fake news, how it's negatively affected his outlook on the future, and wonders whether capitalism itself is to blame for our seeming self-destruction. Gene regales us with more amazing stories, this time regarding adult birthdays, the sometimes-insane celebrations that grown people partake in. Dagan wants to know -- as he approaches his 50th birthday -- if he should finally buckle under the pressure and get a tattoo. And Colin wonders if corporate subscription services are forever morphing our taste for content and our appreciation for art. Is there such a thing as unlimited value, or are we being shaken-down in ways we never thought possible?




Sounds like it's gonna be a good one!


Can’t wait to hear about all the models Gene used to bang and all the weed he used to smoke


David AND Gene. About to be an all-timer.

Gaelan K

Yoooo good stuff

Big Ru

Wow, creepy good timing. My birthday is this Sat, and I am a grown ass adult 🙃


Holy cow this is gonna be good 👍

Max Stahl



Check out Chris Farrens music! He's the one who initially made the "The Smiths" shirt. Unfortunately since it's so genius multiple people have copied it... he's got a "Marone 5" one as well that features The Sopranos 🤣 🤣 🤣 I'll share a pic in the discord.

Sam Strajack

"Off the reservation" isn't racist...but one time I mistakenly said, "off the plantation" and that was most certainly racist.

Noah Trujillo

Colin hit the nail on the head of why I love LSM, and fell out of love with Kinda Funny, EZA etc. They are becoming the exact things they left behind (IGN, Ganetrailers). Overproduced and impersonal. Beyond in its heyday felt like real people, PSILY felt like real people. And they swapped that for industry favor and production extravagance. LSM has stayed small, and that feels more real. Like a good radio show where the hosts really gel.

Monterey Jack

Jaffe is such a treasure


"Soon to be an Xbox studio" .... lol

Luke Silletta

As bad as the fake news problem is in the US. Over here in Canada we say hold my beer. Every major news outlet gets dump trucks of cash from the federal government. Just the other day our idiot prime minster did an interview that could be the greatest gaslighting session in the history of earth. Hopefully I'll still be able to listen to Last Stand after his censorship bill comes into effect.

Tyler Kaminski

To be honest, I was struggling with the political topic until Colin got involved. I really appreciate the massive pushback you gave. I’m further right it seems than all four of you, but I was afraid this was going to be the same thing I hear across the board every day, until Colin entered the conversation. Interesting listen, and seeing gene next to someone like Jaffe made me appreciate gene so much more. Still love Jaffe, just not a fan of his politics.

Jacob R.

Fuckin stacked


The worst case of fake news that I caught live was from NBC. This was not an opinion/editorial show which I think people focus too much on in regard to this topic. Media bias in hard news shows like Chris Wallace's old Fox News show (Wallace is good - not criticizing him here) is a way worse offense imo. In this NBC segment, they edited George Zimmerman's police phone call to make him seems way more racist (without telling the audience that edits were made). To be clear, I don't think Zimmerman was in the right in any way (he is guilty imo), but a hard news program stealth editing a phone call to push a narrative is terrible.

Austin Killian

I don’t think audio listeners are super interested in hearing Jaffe bumbling around his office while other people are talking. I get that it would be a lot to edit Constellation because there’s so many people to keep track of, but holy shit.

Michael Thew

You know, Jaffe in one sentence says we need a safety net for those that are mentally unwell. Then in the next he says he has a trans son. There can be no help for these people if we can’t be honest with ourselves that it’s the same as the people who suffer from bulimia or anorexica

Ryan Taylor

On the subscription services, Colin made a comment about them combining to reduce costs and that’s happening here in Aus. Disney Plus and a company called Catch have a combined subscription that saves about $10 per month. Also, the phone carrier I work for has a service where you can pay for these subscriptions on your bill and the more you add the more you save, eg 2 gives 5% off, 3 gives 10%. I think it’s good as these services are getting totally out of control.

Jason Bolla

Probably the best episode. Between Gene's absolutely crazy stories and Jaffe getting people to just talk. Always got bummed about the "we'll talk about this later" segments, because I'd love to just listen to more from this group.

Zachary Abell

Yo, Colin! Drop your cable package and get YouTube TV since you also want the NFL Ticket. You get a discount on the NFL Ticket with YouTube TV, have unlimited DVR, and can watch anywhere you have access to your gmail account (iPad, TV, console, etc). No more cable box and the most simple access ever. Absolutely loved YouTubeTV and you get all the TV channels you were mentioning.


I agree with Colin on politics. What he has said rings with common sense and truth. It's hard for me to listen to Jaffe because he's so obviously and painfully one sided sometimes. Regardless, I enjoyed the conversation!

Dakota Brown

Colin and Jaffe talking politics is so entertaining. Forget a Nintendo podcast, let’s get a weekly political show. Such opposing views, but really respectful and informative.

Ambitious Casual

I know that Gene and Jaffe have their own things going on, but this group right here…I can listen to these 4 every week! Love love love this episode, great stuff!!!


Heads up all you punk heads, you can get a ton of out of market NHL through ESPN+. Colin you can get almost all of the Islanders games... And Bruins 🙄 LGI

Brandon Soto

“You get the full wack.”

Adam Barnes

The conversation about Tucker is hilarious timing lol


That being said: I feel like I came off too hard... I LOVE Jaffe and Colin together and this is by far my favorite constellation!

Asique Alam

I'm afraid I'm getting a little turned on by Jaffe pushing Colin asking why after almost everything to give more info about why Colin feels the way he feels. I don't think other LSM member does it to this degree as much and I love it. Also I really wished there was a conspiracy topic for this group cuz Jaffe would go off!

Angel DeJesus

Colin why not just youtube music since you have youtube premium? I dropped my Spotify when I realized youtube premium was only $2 more. Music and no ads on youtube videos? I'm in.

Bogey Zero

As someone who has YouTube premium, I wish so much that I could save $15 and just use YouTube music. But I just can’t stand the YouTube music app. I just love the UI and experience of the Spotify so much more. Plus it’d annoying to start my personal library all over again

Angel DeJesus

Maybe cuz I already redid my library going from apple to Spotify, it didn't really bother me. I don't mind the app for the most part. And I like that I can get unique mixes and an6 concert performance that's on YouTube in my music library.

Johnny Lamotte

No you’re right. Its getting a little much for me but still enjoyed the episode.

Marc Cairney

Loved this episode guys. Was walking down the street to work laughing out loud. Now I’m being sectioned.

Silas Koenig

Man, I wish we could get this cast at least once a month, this episode was the best so far!

Noah Friscopp

Gene might be the main character.

Will Ellis

Guys I just love y’all. You do great work. Colin I love you cause your a guy I literally disagree with almost all gaming opinions (haha) but the content is so engaging that you make I’ve followed you since ign. I particularly love when jafee is on because he’s the only guest that ever seems to put you on your back foot a little bit. Not necessarily make you uncomfortable but pushes back a bit. That would be a cool show. A good natured debate show with topics and pushback. No one else is doing it anyway.

Liz Folley

Colin can't even get though a fucking constellation podcast without Game Pass slander. CHRIST 😭 All fun 🤣 awesome episode!


I want more of Jaffe interviewing Colin on his past life with Kinda Funny. Colin you are a super hero.


The Tucker Carlson sidebar is funny timing with what happened this week. Only midway through atm but loving what this show has to offer!

Mike Po

A Colin + Jaffe + Gene news/politics regular show would be fantastic, though I know it won't happen. Great episode! Get Jaffe back soon for that Game Pass discussion!

Johnny Lamotte

Degan and genes political discussions are so refreshing and tho I disagree sometimes they legit make me think and up to changing my mind. Jaffe is such a turn off to me and one of the reasons I have stayed away from left leaning politics. Cause I know for a fact BOTH SIDES have good opinions on some issues. Jaffe is just so one sided and angry/bitter that it’s a turn off for me. But overall great episode and in no way do I not want Jaffe on the shows. Love hearing different voices but he sometimes is cringe to me. All love

Jason Hjartarson

Constellation has become my favorite podcast of the week.


Side point for Colin, please read the leaked documents. It's more complicated than that, the SF are on the ground as advisory and not deployed for direct contact. Mainly for intelligence.

Josef Barker

Jaffe needs to be on sacred symbols please


Oh man... I'm SO close to calling bullshit on Gene's stories. It seems impossible for any one person to be that interesting.

Josh Gamez

From ranting and raving about politicians to birthday parties. Never change Last Stand... Never Change. Lol


Gene the supple boy will forever be loved here.

Gene Park

here’s a pic from my trump bday party https://instagram.com/p/cqUZodL3n_/


Colin was so right on how the media freaked out about Trump. They should've just let him "rot" and fuck up without going out of their way to defame him/make things up. A good comparison is how Boris Johnson here in the UK left office. Scandal after scandal after scandal just built up with his time in power until it just collapsed on him and his whole team quit forcing him to do the same. Definitely would've happened the same with Trump but the media painfully dragged it out. An amazing chat lads, not sure if I'd go so far as ask for a political podcast from LSM but when it pops up it's fascinating to hear - thank you for the brill content!! 🙌


1 for the books. Somebody’s gotta start making a movie on Gene, this is getting ridiculous. 😄

Doug Hogancamp

Jaffe may I recommend listening to the latest episode of Joe Rogan. He has a long conversation with Dave Smith where they talk about the lies our government has forced upon us and the damage it has inflicted. I don't care who you vote for Left or Right we are all doing ourselves a miss service by trusting anything our government says. They all lie. There out there pushing there agendas and that massive war and pharmaceutical industry. Unfortunately we the American people are the ones that suffer most. Fuck Washington and those tools that are destroying the USA from the inside.

The Late Nate

Just wanted to write in and say I really enjoyed this episode. Keep the interesting guest combos coming, keeps the conversations refreshing and different.

Ryan Zimm

This was a great ep. Gotta bring Jaffe and Gene back more. This is probably my favorite lineup yet

AJ The Turtle UA GB

The Ukraine situation is so nuanced, Colin mentioned the leaked documents show or prove Ukraine is losing. It's to my understanding the documens are quite outdated and before most western weapon aid had arrived. Not to mention Ukraine has taken back over 50% of what Russia had taken. We are also on the horizon have Ukraines counter offensive. Also I think the documents leaked that British special forces were directly involved, also please take into consideration all or most of the leaked documents could be fake... Like the great Winston Churchill said "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." Operation mince meat one of the greats that come to mind, an old school way of parented 'leaked' documents. Regardless I hope it all comes to an end soon, glory to heros. If its just ignore the evil it will eventually reach your shores.. Otherwise really enjoyable podcast as always, stay safe!

Taylor kazemba

I have the same mindset as Colin about $. I only make $50k a year and I’m content. I have everything I want. If I could just have the same and now work I would be in heaven.

Taylor kazemba

We would be better off if we just turned the internet off completely


Watch breaking points


That Movie with the serial Killer who collects tattoos from his prey exists. It’s German forgot the title.

Marco Maluf

I don’t usually express my political opinion but its is so sad to hear people I consider intelligent defending leftist stands, unfortunately they seems to live on other planet, Jeff besos just like all big media are leftist trying to shove their progressive views on us, even not agreeing with him a 100% of course but Trump was one of the best presidents the US had lately, and this is a pov of a person from other country.

Luke Wallace

I wish you guys would’ve just talked about tattoos..that was weird for the topic to basically just get shot down and turned to a therapy session.

Joseph Cerini

Both sides spread fake news but one side is scientifically worse then the other in the damage their fallacies inject into the world. We all know which. Claiming the otherside is doing it too doesn't solve anything. It's just pointing fingers instead of getting your own house in order. We need to work together and do real science on the issues instead of ignoring evidence and reality. All the candidates are bad but going third party is the exact problem that lead us into 2016. There are scientific studies to support this so going rogue is not a viable option unless the support is evidently there for a 3rd party candidate.


Gene Park is the Hugh Hefner of gaming

Stevie Q

I love love Colin and I have for over 10 years. But i absolutely adore when Jaffe calls him out on his self-indulgent nonsense

Alec Davis

One day Jaffe will wake up. God bless

Taylor kazemba

Colin, the best wedding is you and her and 1 witness on the beach in Maui.

Kaz Redclaw

For subscription content, I put about $70 into a bunch of different patreons, have Youtube Premium, Playstation+ cheapest, and Amazon Prime. Those are pretty much fixed in place. Other than that, I unsubscribe from things and resubscribe periodically. Right now I'm on CrunchyRoll and unsubscribed from Netflix and Hulu, but once I'm tired of CR, I'll unsubscribe from it and subscribe to one of the others. If I'm subscribed to too many of them at the same time, I'll basically be paying for months that I'm not using.


The political stuff is why a lot of my focus is now on the dukes side of things. I understand in this community I’m in the minority, but it just isn’t that entertaining. That said Gene has gotta be one of the most interesting people to exist.