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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, April 13th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Good afternoon to the league of the sacred gentlemen, With the success of Resident Evil 4 remake and with little to no information available regarding upcoming PSVR2 support, do you think this will be the flagship killer app when VR support arrives, will this be the saving grace for PSVR2? What say you? - Devon


I'll keep it short. What kind of bear is best?


Poor to Great is pretty self-explanatory, and I think "Special" is a much better rating for games that are receiving perfect scores. No game is perfect or a masterpiece, but games like Elden Ring, The Last Of Us, and Red Dead Redemption are excellent examples or games that should be played or experienced. Would love to hear your thoughts

Tommy Murphy

Hey guys, Hope you're all doing well, and firstly as a former amateur boxer here in Ireland, just want to wish Chris best of luck in the upcoming bout! 🥊 Just want to keep it simple, what the hell are Bluepoint up to? Anyway all the best guys! Tommy, Ireland!

Eric S

Hey CDC, To start Chris got to hand it to you for all your training for the up coming fight, that is a lot of dedication. I wish you all the best for the fight and will be rooting for you! My question to all of you is. When I play a Naughty Dog game they have a special feeling to them that few other studios bring. What game or studio comes to mind for you guys that has that same it feeling when you play their games?


Howdy gents, is it odd that spiderman is being removed from the ps plus extra and premium tiers surely with spiderman 2 coming this year you'd want to keep it on the system.?

Jacob Abraham

Hey there CDC, So you are going to have to put your tinfoil hats on for this one but….do you think there is a possibility that all this social media clambering for Sony to put out another handheld is just trolling from the likes of XBOX and Nintendo? I don’t know if anyone calling for it personally. I don’t even hear anyone in the games media asking for it. I know it maybe a stretch but then again, I feel like I could be on to something.

Napoleon in Rags

Have any of you spent time playing Tchia? It’s included with PS Extra and its a charming, bite-sized, open world game made by a team of about a dozen members. At the beginning they explain who they are, why this game is important to them, and thanks us for playing. It’s obvious that the game is a real work of passion for them. Lillymo does something similar at the beginning of their games and it’s something simple I appreciate as a gamer.

Reon Williams

Hey guys, What’s up with Sony removing Spider-Man from the PS Plus catalog? It’s a really bad look to remove first party titles from the service, especially when the intent is most likely to milk a few more full-priced sales as we get closer to the sequel. What’s are your thoughts on the removal of first party titles from the service, and your overall thoughts on the service as a whole right now?

Monterey Jack

Dustin, If your worries about popping up a big bone are preventing you from experiencing a massage.. rub one out before your appointment! Release that nervous energy and enjoy your massage!


I have never played final fantasy ever. With the pixel remasters upon us, should I just start with #1 and go through the whole series in order?

Michael Limauro

Hey boys, What is a genre you don’t play a lot of that you would like to get into more? I have never really been a JRPG player but recently started Tales of Arise. So far I think it’s very fun. I may try the FF pixel remasters this year too. Thanks!


Hello Sacred Fellows! I had a quick question about a new application of NFT’s I thought you all might find interesting. I recently purchased tickets for the newly announced Avenged Sevenfold tour, and in order to stop bots and resellers each ticket required the submission of a free NFT the band had produced. They partnered with a company to create these free tokens to verify an actual person was on the other side of the transaction and it prevents one person from buying an absurd number of tickets to resell. This was the first usage of any kind of NFT implementation that actually impressed me. My question is, how easily could this be applied to new hardware in the gaming market? Even if we’re out of the “low inventory” woods with the PS5, this could save a lot of headaches down the road. Godspeed to demolishing that chicken.

bix hutch

Hello Sacred boys! With the news of Redfall launching without 60 fps after Arkane was permitted to delay an entire year it made me think. Could Microsofts strict "no crunch" policy be the reason they take longer to create games? I personally think we're seeing in real time why when you're in the redzone it's time to put your feet down and force your way into a TD. In my line of work there are times we need to work 10 to 12 hours days and even work some Saturdays or Sundays to keep up with the work flow. It sucks at the time but it pays off massively in the end. I know this is an industry wide problem as almost all of Sonys first party games have been delayed the last few years as well but Microsofts games seem to take even longer and some like Halo and Redfall launch without being content complete. My question is if we're seeing the negative side effects of 0 crunch here?

Mark M

Hey Sacred Lads, is it just me or is gaming conversation too pre-occupied with complaining about little things that don't really matter? Characters squeezing through walls, walk and talk sequences, the chapter end screens in RE4. As soon as I heard Ashley's heavy breathing, I thought 'oh that's weird' followed by 'people are going to complain about this a lot'. Of course these things are worth mentioning, and some stuff is a genuine problem too, like puzzle solutions being revealed. But so much energy and anger is directed at things that are just pet peeves. It's like going to an amusement park with someone who keeps talking about how expensive the snacks are. Like yeah it sucks, but can we move on? It brings the conversation down for me, and I can't pretend to care about it. Does that resonate with you all? Or am I just complaining about complaining?

Greg Dawson

Hey CDC. There's a lot of talk about latency in games. Particularly fast action games like Destiny et al, and if something like the Q Lite would even be viable. I often wonder though, how many people can actually tell when something is 10, 15 or 50 milliseconds lower latency than what they're used to? In other words, is it like a placebo affect, because we can measure things like streaming in home is lower latency, that factor alone will be blamed for any issue? In part, I platinumed both the Ps4 & PS5 versions of Elden Ring (no cross save there), played games like Nioh, Forza, Halo & Gran Turismo via streaming either from PlayStation or PC with nary an issue. Is it all just a gamer myth, where only pro players can really tell and are actually good enough for latency to be a factor at all?

Kurt Lewin

Hi CDC. Forgive me if I'm wrong but from memory, each of your favourite game of all time are from your childhood or teenage years. It would be the same for me and I suspect most people. What I wanted to ask is whether you think you will have a 'new' favourite game between now and the time you fall off your perch, as my Nan would say. Have you now played too many games for a new game to have such an impact on you for it to become your new favourite? Do our favourite games require some element of nostalgia for it to be our favourite game? What do you think?

Brent Lindquist

Hey fellas, Spider-Man 2 is supposedly coming out this fall, so why would PlayStation decide to remove the original from PS+ next month? Seems counterproductive to me, but then again, I’m not one of their money guys. As always, thanks for the show!

Gabriel SG

Hey SS crew, Does Xbox’s incompetence make life to easy for Sony? Sony seemingly has very little in the pipeline that we know of, has not had a proper showcase in forever and no one bats eye that there last & next State Of Plays are 3rd party focused. Steal sharpens steal and through fierce competition we get the best products but Xbox just doesn’t seem to do anything that actually makes Sony need to up their game. Curious to hear your thoughts! Take care, Gabe

Chris H.

Hello Sacra Symbola, I've recently found myself almost obsessed with seeing other peoples gaming setups. Many an evening has been lost to browsing r/battlestations and forums with people showing off their living spaces and computer desks. As someone currently relegated to playing my games (uncomfortably) from my bed due to a living arrangement, I'm currently envious of everyone who's able to play from a nice comfy couch in a living room setting. How do you guys primarily play your video games? Would you be willing to show off your gaming spaces and setups? Thanks for being the best in the biz and keeping us all entertained.

Billy boob

Hello team. So Media Molecule are cancelling support for Dreams, the same year they are nominated for a BAFTA for best ongoing game. This game which I bought at full price and believed in but only ended up played like 3 times over the years and felt no real change or reason to come back is dying before it went to PC or got a new VR update. A definite Colin was right moment and MM need an absolutely banger to save themselves now surely? What say you sacred boys about this wasted potential?


Hello boys, I wanted to ask if anyone has tried “bluetoothing” a Dual Sense controller with their phone or computer and using it to remote play their PS5. I have successfully done this with both my newer phone and a computer and while using the small phone screen is not ideal, it seems the DualSense has full functionality as it does when playing on the console, though I haven’t fully confirmed all functionality. Do you think this could undercut any interest, minor as it might be, to the new Q Lite handheld that seems to be on the horizon? Thanks for all the great content that helps me on my commute,

MonstaPontes93 (Ricky Pontes)

Heyy collin this question is mainly for you but Chris and Dustin please chime in if you like! So I just finished the episode of constellation! I listened to your bucket list was to go to space I found that super interesting I know you primary play is on PlayStation which might affect this! But do you have any interest in starfield at all and if so could you see your self getting lost in it? the way you described space and what you find fascinating about it. This could be the closest thing to it or no man sky on PSVR2! Flying ur ship exploring the lands etc! Anyways love to hear your thoughts and thank you for all the great content!


Hey big D and the C's, I love when you guys drop nuggets on older games. A few years ago I got back into proper gaming after 15 years of only playing WoW. There's so many great games I'm trying to catch up on. Right now I'm playing Vanquish and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night based on the praise Colin has recently given. Last month I played both Dishonored games based on Dustin's praise. These games are all masterpieces. I don't know if it's possible, but I would love a recurring segment where you guys just bring up a game over 5 years old that you loved so young people, or people new to the hobby can have some guidance. Thanks!

James Kinslow III

Hello, Sacred boys. My co-worker asked me a question yesterday that I thought was a great question for you guys, too. What's your favorite console of all time and what console brings you the most nostalgia? For me, my favorite is the PS3. It's what introduced me to Playstation and it had a shit ton of excellent games, however the N64 is the console I find myself being most nostalgic for. Being born in 1988, it's what I played most as a kid.


Gentlemen, With next week's highly anticipated release of the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster, will we ever see FF13? To my knowledge it (and FF11) are the only mainline Final Fantasy's not playable on current hardware. I don't see FF11 coming due to the online nature, but is there a chance we see 13? Will it come via the eventual backwards compatibility with the PS3, or will Square decide to port it? Thanks again, and take it easy!

Ryan Harvey

Hey guys, if anyone plays Gran Turismo 7 I posted up the Sacred Symbols logo and the Last Stand Media logo, you just search 'lsm' when searching for decals if you wann throw it on a car. Have a good one!


Have you guys listened to the “new” Linkin Park demos on the Meteora 20th album? Some hidden gems for sure.