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Biggest Fears, Easter, Sleep, Best Season | Constellation, Episode 13

Welcome one-and-all to another episode of Constellation. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Last Stand's shopkeeper and coordinator Micah Watson and associate producer Ben Smith. Spring has sprung, and that means Easter draws near. Micah's curious how everyone feels about the holiday: The food, the Easter Bunny, and those peculiar eggs, too. Ben's topic is sleep, and whether it's something we actually enjoy or not. Sleep is necessary, sure, but is it a gigantic waste of time, too? Dagan delves into his greatest fears, and we all follow suit. From claustrophobia and being buried alive to destitution and sports mascots, it may not surprise you that our fears are wide-ranging. Finally, Colin brings a kindergarten-style question to the fore: Favorite season. It's that simple. You've got to choose. Get the show one week early! https://www.patreon.com/LastStandMedia


Michael Miller

If I ever have a daughter I’m gonna name her Stelly.


Colin, your bit about the San Francisco gas people being kinda sketchy. In Northwest Florida, we had Gulf Power, that was part of the enormous Southern Company power company based out of Atlanta, I think. Some legit like mafia level shit went down here in the late 80s. I'm gonna share the Associated Press article, no joke sounds like the plot of a movie. A potentially sabotaged plane crash, a dead canary left on an attorney's porch. Sketchy from top to bottom. https://apnews.com/article/c6bef92e83bcc6a49c4b18975ab2953e


My biggest fear, by far, is sharks. I went on vacation to Florida a couple times as a kid, and I REFUSED to go into the ocean. It’s all because of a little movie called Jaws. Thank you, Steven Spielberg.


Dagan was talking about a big toy in the Easter Basket. I still do that now that I have a child. She's getting Super Mario 3D World this year! (Best part of having a child gamer, is her gifts are my gifts lol)


dunno if youll see this micah, but my friend and i have the thing where we get stuck in these fucked up vivid dreams, so what you said is very relatable. one exception is that i can fall asleep really damn fast. but i just wanted to let you know that, on the topic of being stuck in rem sleep dreams, my friend coined the term for that as "vortex." anyway, hope you can stay vortex free tonight and take care. good cast!

Zack Apuzzo

Did Colin finally end up trying psychedelics right before the show he was extra hilarious on this one

Justin Credible

My biggest fear is dying. When Colin says people normally don’t think about death every day, but I do. I’m constantly thinking about it every day and night. Like I’m watching a ticking time bomb. The concept freaks me out so much. I hate it.


https://pastebin.com/mfrhgayb Vegans.

Dylan Michael

As someone with 10+ years of New York Deli experience and now multiple years of Publix deli experience, the differences are real lmao. I do wonder though if it’s a southern thing or attitudes have just shifted with time. Feels like most people just say “I don’t get paid enough so fuck it”.


I really don't know how I could live without last stand media


One of my favorite things about listening to Constellation/SS is when someone says something that you KNOW is going to leave an opening for Colin to do the sopranos “Oh!” - is trying to time it so that I match my Oh! Up with his. Meta game for LSM

Greg Dawson

Qq. Is it "ham" or "haaaaaaaaaam". Americans think vowels will disappear if you don't over pronounce them or something? 😂 In all seriousness though, great episode again. Always good to hear from Micah and Ben. 👍


When Dagan said he will just crap himself, I busted out laughing at work. Great episode, great conversation!

Jordan Knepp

Logged in just to say I audibly gasped when Micah gave her stale food hot takes lmao


For me, I get very little sleep Sunday-Thursday, and then just collapse at like 7 on Friday and wake up around 10 or so Saturday morning. Works great for me, but I can see why this could be problematic when I’m older. The struggle of being a night owl and a teacher

Jason Hjartarson

Constellation is a treasure, love these


I feel like Dagan's easter joke at the end about Rabbit eggs just clear everyone's head by miles. I just want to say to Dagan.. I laughed at your joke bro.

Kevin Cooper

Dagan... You can't be in your forties and only functioning on 2-3 hours of sleep. Less than 6 hours of sleep at that age is a known contributor to developing Alzheimer disease later in life. I turn 43 this year and in recent years I have been working on appreciating the value of a good night sleep. As a fellow night owl, I know that it is a difficult change to make, but I'm glad to hear that Dagan is at least acknowledging that it is an issue is his life. But yeah... getting old sucks hairy dog-balls. No doubt.