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Welcome one-and-all to another episode of Constellation. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Last Stand's shopkeeper and coordinator Micah Watson and associate producer Ben Smith. Spring has sprung, and that means Easter draws near. Micah's curious how everyone feels about the holiday: The food, the Easter Bunny, and those peculiar eggs, too. Ben's topic is sleep, and whether it's something we actually enjoy or not. Sleep is necessary, sure, but is it a gigantic waste of time, too? Dagan delves into his greatest fears, and we all follow suit. From claustrophobia and being buried alive to destitution and sports mascots, it may not surprise you that our fears are wide-ranging. Finally, Colin brings a kindergarten-style question to the fore: Favorite season. It's that simple. You've got to choose.




The modern Last Stand schedule always has me guessing 😂, however it is always an absolute delight when I see a new episode of Constellation.

Mateusz Kuklinski

Personally I am not offended when people say Polak, but I think some people do use it in a derogatory way.

Kenneth Koepnick

Micah is such a great add on this show… especially when food topics are involved. Cracks me up.

Joshua Brown

I remember it being on Gamescoop or Knockin’ Boots that Daemon told everyone that Hilary’s house just exploded while he was out walking his dog as they were signing off the podcast.

Angel DeJesus

Colin when they cut my cold cuts too thick, I take them, and drop them in the freezer at the supermarket


The pandemic got me to confront my two biggest phobic fears; shots and roller coasters. The shots is rather obvious. Having to repeatedly get vaccines, and to choose to do so helped me learn to manage this fear better. Roller coasters happened indirectly. The pandemic instilled in me such a strong, primordial urge to GET OUT and do things, it motivated me to confront my absolute fear of Roller coasters. It took like half a year, but I went from only riding less than 5 coasters my whole 30 years of life, to marathoning a 300ft giga coaster. For context, Thanks to my smart watch, I could see how bad these effected me at the time. Both would raise my resting heart rate from 60s, to 140+.

Michael Mashpotato

You guys ever read the article about a 26 year old man named John Jones who was spelunking in a cave and became stuck upside down? He unfortunately expired after like 30 hours. This story horrifies the shit out of me. Also the Deli guy at my Wies in Allentown absolutely hates my wife and I. Dagan is right about there being no number tags. It’s a free for all.

Lou & Rei Loper

I have only 2 real fears honestly. Losing my wife (but everyone feels that way likely)....and like Ben said...our house burning down. I check every burner and smell every single night before bed and every single time I leave home. Back in 2017 I remember we had just come home from Disney World and the next morning I went out to check the mail...I saw smoke in the sky but wasn't sure if it was just some weird rain clouds lingering. I walked to the front of our house and saw DARK smoke that was unmistakably from a fire. A neighbors house 3 doors down was on fire. I took off running down the road towards it but just before I got there, a TON of sirens were going off and lots of emergency services started pulling in thankfully. I left IMMEDIATELY and went to the hardware store to buy multiple fire extinguishers to replace our older ones. I had to buy multiple types so that we were prepared for whatever. I've had that fear for so long and then to have that happen just a few doors down?! I was all fucked up nerves wise, especially when another house on the outskirts of our development had a small fire as well. Sadly the first house burned to the ground and someone lost their life, it was very sad. I don't know that I'll ever kick that fear honestly, whether rational or not.


I heard drowning is one of the most peaceful ways to die once you accept it and stop fighting it.

Robert Graham

“A circus peanut left out” might be the most insane food take sentence I’ve ever heard 😂

Christopher Peterson

Publix has an app where you can order your boars head in advance.

Mama Micah

If you’re talking about the Nutty Putty Cave Incident: YES! I didn’t mention it because I thought it would be too scary for Dagan! -Micah


Wild stuff.


Micah saying ham is the king of the meats is just begging to get that LSM Food Podcast ep. Someday.


Great podcast! I didn't know Micha was an ex-jw. As a fellow ex-jw, I'm glad to see you are well. Cults suck!

Gareth Handa

Great episode as always. I'm the same when it comes to worrying about money, I'm in a good position and have a property before I moved in with my partner. I could sell and be mortgage free on our main house. Yet I panic when I'm down on the month due to a sudden expense. I can't explain it, but it feels like I'm losing control of the month. It's good to hear everyone gets these worries.

Travis B

Save Dag from staying “informed” by listening to NPR 😢

Travis B

Has micha ever tried “flavored drink”. You can drink it right away. No need to worry about the carbonation

James Buck

Man I was so certain that Micha was raised as a Jehovah's witness being one myself. And now it's confirmed. She's so great on the show. Love her stories.