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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, April 6th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Thoughts on Diablo 4. Can you single-player it?

Bobby Woods

Hey Sacred crew, E3 is officially dead this year and I genuinely want to know why E3 had to die. We all know how long E3 has been a part of this industry, we all have seen the good and the bad shows to come out of it. I just don’t understand why you Colin and the rest of games media had to destroy what was left of it. E3 was our “Super Bowl” of course and it kept our big 3 in check every year. It was the show to see what had the industry would come up with against its competitors and to see how far games could go. Seeing all the teams there, meeting developers and hearing them talk about what they’ve been working on was the true E3 experience. So what was the problem sacred screw? Are these million dollar companies really complaining about the costs of advertising? Everything we see nowadays is so WATERED DOWN and LIFELESS (thank you Geoff keighley). All we have to do now is look for a bunch of text on Twitter to see what the future of the industry looks like. Does this global digital world seem right for the industry sacred crew?


Hello Sacred Men, First time, long time. Just wanted to write in about a piece of news from last week regarding Tyr's VA mentioning that you haven't seen the last of the character. Colin gave three possibilities as to what this means for the future of GOW but I wanted to throw out another very probable possibility. Without spoiling specificities about endgame content, Eric Williams has said that in the end game for Ragnarol, there are certain things related to Tyr that players can find that relate to the future of the series. That factor, in tandem with it being shown since the 2018 reboot that Tyr can and has been able to travel to different realms, is it possible that the next GoW game takes place in a new realm but somehow with the help of Tyr's realm traveling abilities and that Tyr's VA might've just slipped and spilled the beans on some early game story development that's taken place for the next installment? Thank you for all the work you guys do to keep week one-thousand percent less dreadful and remember to tell the chicken you love it every once in a while.

Benjamin the Warped Nuclear Test Subject

Hey CDC, Have any of you seen the PS5 advertisement on the PlayStation Asia YouTube channel? It's simply titled "Playstation 5 - Trailer". The ad is difficult to explain but is a must watch if you enjoyed Sony's marketing from the late 2000s to the early 2010s as it very much has those vibes. I genuinely laughed at how bizarre it was.

The Fred Durst Death Hoax

Gentlemen. Short time patron, first time inquisitor. regarding Bluepoints potential next game, a rumored MGS remake. A hypothetical for you, They craft the definitive gameplay experience, modernized perfectly. But all of Snake's lines get re-recorded by Keifer Sutherland. How much would this impact your enjoyment of the game. (There is no godly reason this would actually happen) P.S. LSM Fucks

Angel DeJesus

Hello CDC, Rumors are abound of a sony handheld being streaming/remote play only. Do you think this could be successful at a $150/$200 price point? Or do you think sony would be better served making a $300/$350 version, that would allow you download all the same games a ps5 could, from the ps1/2/4 generation? Thanks for all the content, have a good weekend.


Sacred Men, When you guys use a walkthrough, what kind of device do you use while gaming? Laptop. Phone. Tablet. Old school with paper? Thanks for all that you do!

Jim B

Greetings to the team. I am primarily an audio only lisenter in the car on my commute. Honestly I couldn't pick any of you out of a lineup for a million dollars if you didn't speak. However, since you have been talking about the youtube channel recently, I have been playing the videos on mute behind my other windows while I am work. Just hoping to give you some more views and watch time. Even though I have already heard the content just trying to do my part to help the numbers. Your content is amazing and the best part is that it is authentic. You don't bombard with viewer with these practiced and rehashed ads for merch or patreon (so many others make it sound like a used car advert). You just remind them once at the top of the show and always talk about in a heart felt and humble manner. I really appreciate that. Thanks for all you do. Jim


Jedi fallen order is on the 28th but Trinity Trigger is 25th and Live a Live 27th I think they are just going to get buried. Sad

Benji BOP

Howdy CDC, a long-time Duke with their first Sacred write-in: Intial reactions to the handheld rumors seem bearish. But I wanted to run some upsides of a streaming device by you, courtesy of what the Logtiech G-Cloud has already proven. While PsPlay is already possible on your phone. There are compromises you must make. You can't actually use your phone. And even if you prefer a tablet the connection, stability, or latency isn't always great. But with a device *built* for streaming, like the G-Cloud, plenty of reviewers said its hard to tell you're not playing it natively even at the highest settings (ask Matty if you don't believe me). Those tech savvy enough will figure out how to jailbreak it to locally emulate games up to the ps2 or even the psp & vita to get your retro library fix. The battery life on streaming devices can be pretty long, unlike the steam deck. And It would mean developers don't have to scale for a new SKU. People dont like the G-Cloud because it costs $350 retail but it is a sound machine. if Sony could subsidize the cost down to about $150 it could be a compelling offer as a companion device. Could these factors assuage any contempt you have for a streaming handheld? Thank you


Hey there boo boo bunnies. I just wanted to let you know that if I was a female I would fuck you guys so hard. At the same time too. Fill all 3 holes. But alas, I'm a male, and I'm not gay. Sorry. But, know that somewhere in a different multiverse, I'm out there letting you rail me.


Hey CDC, Where are things at with Bioshock 4? Any more information that you are able to share? Do you anticipate that the game will be marketed with Sony and make an appearance at the upcoming rumored showcase? Take care and be well, Steve


Howdy sacred gents! Who’s more attractive? Boulder-punching Chris? Or Brooding Leon?

Russell Garrett

Yo! After successfully launching the PS3 with Sony, the Xbox One with Microsoft, and Stadia with Google, Phill Harrison has silently left Google. Where will he end up next, and will he continue his trend of successful and highly praised gaming product launches?


Hey cdc, This week I got my 25th platinum in the Legend of dragoon. This was a fun trip down memory lane and playing it with trophy support was a lot of fun. A few websites, such as games rant, and a few other are claiming thr game sold over 2 million copies since reemerging on the psn. True or not I was at work the other day and 5 people I knew were replaying the game, mind you I work at a grocery store not the assumed hub of ps1 jrpg fan boys. What are the actual odds Sony is doing something with this game? I think it's clear as day it's very popular and people either love it or remember loving it. The game is far from perfect but I would love to see a remake or a prequel. Cheers from Pittsburgh


Hello kings, Do y’all believe that trailers should not spoil so much for games/movies? With games like FFXVI coming out, I never watch trailers because I already know I wanna play the game. What do y’all think? Best, AstroParrotKing


Morning/Afternoon Gents, First time, long time. With FF16 going gold almost 3 months early, it has me super excited for a possible smooth launch. As a long time FF fan it does have me thinking, will Square keeping going with 17, 18, etc. or will they ever just start over the count? I know they are all different (with a few direct sequels), but when does it start to become too much? People already ask, "Do I need to play the others?" FF20 sounds silly.. do they restart with FF: [insert year] or some other title to try to grab a larger audience? Cut this down/edit as you seem fit. Love you guys Regards, Greg


Hey Sacred Stew, What is you stance on emulating de-listed and unavailable-for-purchase games? With the current closure of the 3DS and WiiU eshops, I personally don't see any reason as to why someone shouldn't 'Homebrew' those consoles and just get their games off the internet. As these games can't be legally bought anymore - downloading those games isn't an act of 'digital theft', the way I see it. Same goes for de-listed games that aren't available for purchase anymore because nobody wanted to put the money in to keep their license. Thanks as always for the best gaming podcast online :)


Morning chaps. So I’ve just seen that the Final Fantasy Pixel remaster has been announced to release just next week. What a splendid surprise. Anyone else looking to go straight into this one? I think I just might, but what’s your thoughts on how I should approach them? I’ve played all ff games since 7 and have played part of 6 before but never finished it. Thanks for all the top notch entertainment. Antony


Hey lads With Tim Stamper showing off prototype footage of Conker 64 last week, what cancelled game would you love to play or at least see footage from? Personally, I’d love to be able to see more of StarCraft Ghost.


Hey sacred men have I got a story for all of you. I’ve been trying to get RE4 for a long time now and I just couldn’t seem to get my filthy hands on it it’s either been out of stock in stores or I couldn’t make it in time to buy it in the shop (works been making me do over time) so I eventually just ordered a copy online with instructions to be delivered at my house and LEFT AT MY DOOR, you know what message I see appear on my phone near the end of my work day…. “ your delivery is at the post shop” I yell out FUCK in my work place and colleague asks if I’m alright I respond with “I feel like I’ve been fuck in the ass” he just laughs. So at the end of my work day I’m racing to this post shop to find out that they are closed for the day and that they are going to take the rest of the days off for Easter so Friday to Monday I won’t be able to get this bloody game and now I’m in my car going back home yelling all types of profanity when I eventually stop at a set of lights and some dude just started staring at me so I just gave him the most furious stare until he slowly looked away. Finally as I get out of my car going to my house I’m starting to think Colin’s right about digital being better then physical games and as I’m telling my dad about my day he pulls out RE4 that he got from the post shop and I’ll tell you what I couldn’t of been more happier to see my dad that day. I know I’ve been long but just wanted to ask what have you parents or siblings done to make your day better then it would have been otherwise? Try to have the best day with what you got CDC.

Robbie Cooper

Hello Sacred Crew, I am hearing rumors of Sony potentially making a handheld similar to that of the switch. Do you think it could be successful? Should it have its own games or be an extension of current games? Love you guys! Your Pal-Robbie

David D

Hey DCC, I'm sure you were delighted to see "The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog" do so well on Steam, with over 1m downloads and becoming the 61st most liked game of all time on Steam. I just want to say I appreciate your genuine fear of the hedgehog's potential reprisals for mockery, too many people online dunk on the series and immediately pull up the drawbridge when there's any sort of pushback, but not the LSM crew, so for that I say thank you!

Greg Dawson

Final Fantasy pixel remasters coming 19th April. Boom. That is all.


Hey Boys, In the time that you've been observing the gaming industry, who do you feel are some visionaries or studios that you've learned to never bet against? Kojima? Insomniac? Hasan Kharaman? Thanks and be blessed


Hi CDC, Now that Colin did a spoilercast with Matty about Trails of Cold Steel, is it possible we will get more spoilercasts of older titles? What older games, favorite games, or games you just missed out on would you guys like to do a spoilercast on? I am still hoping for a Danganronpa V3 spoilercast with hopefully Colin, Dustin, Matty and Micah. Hope the LSM crew is doing well. Sincerely, Francisco

Tyler Lederer

Hello and hope all is well, I thought I could maybe add some more context to the Last of Us Part 1 PC port. Sure, the game could have fared better if released after a patch or two. However, a PS5 and PC are not built exactly the same. NX Gamer did a tech review/comparison video on the Spider-Man remastered PC port. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL2jQaZvQGw From 4:17-12:39 and 34:05-36:00 in the video he explains that the PS5 can stream data, mainly textures, seamlessly. Where as the PC has gaps between data going from the GPU, CPU, and RAM.