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Rewind (if you will) back to early 2005. Resident Evil 4 -- long-in-development and showing a lot of promise in preview form -- finally comes to GameCube, and it blows everyone away. Fast-forward nearly two decades, and audiences are still wild over it, whether on GCN and PS2, Wii (the best place to play the original), or even more modern consoles. And in Capcom's recent trend, RE4 has been given the full remake treatment. Thing is, no Resident Evil game is more beloved than this one, and so there's a lot of risk going and messing with a good thing. But Capcom wildly succeeded. Resident Evil 4 Remake is a triumph, and we're thrilled to spend more than two hours dissecting it.




Wow, that was fast


Thank you for the RE4R review


I absolutely love that Dagan is appearing more often, love his input!

James Good

I played dead space and re remake 4 on PC and I agree that dead space looks better but at least my on setup the gap was fairly small or seemingly smaller then on console. I have to think that last gen is holding all versions of the game back. Good show !


Just a tip. For some reason enemies don't react to to the rifle shots but when you use any other weapon they know. You can literally shot a bunch of guys next to each other with the rifle a few feet away and get away with it..

Mitchell Lundsberg

Great review. It simply put it, it is a fun videogame to play which is missing from many games today. I am hoping for a code Veronica remake but would welcome a RE5 remake. RE5 is a good game but doesn’t have all of the resident evil chromosomes….if you know what I mean lol. Side note: I haven’t commented in a while but I’ve been enjoying all recent content, constellation is awesome.

Adam Barnes

The merchant is Australian, not British lol

Ryan Zimm

I am holding off until Capcom releases more info about the VR version. I really wish I hadn't played Village before the PSVR patch...so I'm trying my best to hold out

Shadi Haddad

Just blast his ass

Jack Sibert

I played on XSX but the 3D audio sounded great for me. In fact, I definitely found a few of the clockwork figures based solely on sound. But yeah, I enjoyed the game overall very much. I don't think this replaces the original game for me- it sits alongside it. For some reason Capcom did remove some of the charming hammy moments of the original (Leon planting his knife in Salazars hand in the middle of a long-winded speech comes to mind).

Will Ellis

Hey bros. Thanks for the review. Colin in the original RE4 (particularly in the castle) you would constantly hear chanting and sometimes laughing from the enemies. Helped to add to a feeling of tension and claustrophobia in some of the tighter spaces of the game. Made them feel like they were right on top of you at some points. Now doesn’t mean you have to like obviously but I can only assume it was intentional of them in this game as well to add that to it. The audio for the clockwork dudes and the mines felt perfect to help with my awareness of their location. So it’s not like they don’t know what they are doing. Also to address the abundance of 10s the game has received ( which I have a bias for and agree with being it’s my all time favorite game) I think most of it is due to the pacing and variety of locations and gameplay options it throw at the player. I’ve always thought as far as pacing goes that I have never played a better game in that regard. And it’s no different here.

Kenneth Oms

Great episode. Really appreciate Dagan powering through the game to be on the spoilercast I know his time is limited. As a Spanish speaker the original and the remake has been a lot of fun, the enemies will tell you a lot in Spanish. They’ll tell you in Spanish that they’re right behind you or next to you. My favorite is the cult members in the castle, they even added nun looking female enemies that weren’t in the castle before. They’re chant is always morir es vivir which means dying is living or cojelo, cojelo, cojelo which means grab him

Bobby Woods

I always thought that dead space was better than RE4 just in the horror aspect. RE4 is this first mistake in the series where it went more action focused. Way more shooting, RE4 is basically a really fun arcade 3rd person shooter. Still one of the great RE games and thank god capcom is still putting out quality content like this.


The texture pop ins have been a big problem for me, but the audio is driving me crazy. Only 4 chapters in but there was one section where enemies were up high in an unreachable place but I was running round for ages looking for the fuckers in case they grabbed me from behind!

A Hind D

Bolt caster RULED lmfao it’s meant to hit and stun so you can melee and kill and conserve ammo on higher difficulty. Came in mega handy.


So glad that Dustin mentioned Mike and Leon's exclamation from the original. That part was hilarious and stuck with me. It's a small, missed opportunity to continue adding that cheese factor.


I know I’m in the minority, but Ada’s new voice didn’t bother me. In many ways I actually liked it. She sounded cold, yes. But she sounded like an actual person. How someone with that demeanor would talk in my mind. I did at least appreciate that because the alternative is just *insert crowd pleasing generic femme fatale voice*. I get that a exaggerative femme fatale voice still fits within RE’s general cheese, but idk, new voice wasn’t something I took issue with. It was kinda hot too.

Brandon Soto

The attachable mines were a lifesaver, especially when there were groups of enemies.

Forrest Hunter

The lake section was actually featured in Resident Evil 5, complete with the chicken village!

Bogey Zero

Just a heads up on the cultists when the plagas pops outta their heads, you said that sometimes they’re crazy bullet sponges. You do way more damage to them when you shoot them when their mouths are open. You do hardly any damage when it’s closed.

Nikitas Gagas

Had the same reaction: even on my PC with max settings and RT on I thought 'This looks like a PS4 game. Did a model comparison between it and Village and found that Village looks better. It's a shame. Hopefully we get a current gen Code Veronica remake next. That was an excellent installment and is sadly overlooked. Puzzled how it isn't a numbered title and 4 is. CV has a closer association with the first two games. Also agreed that certain aspects of Dead Space were better. The combat felt like it had more weight and dispatching the necromorphs was more satisfying. DS had better visuals, especially, lighting but its environments were less organic and were probably easier to render than the forest and castle settings of RE4. That said, RE4 had more personality, better characters. better creature design. Excellent spoilercast as always,

Samuel Zamora

Just got the Platinum last night (4/6/2023) just before Mercenaries dropped. All in all, favorite main line RE title. Thoroughly enjoyed every bit, had one minor gripe with the game but a high quality game nonetheless. I’m hoping they remake Outbreak File #1&2.

Michael Mashpotato

I finished the game yesterday (Saturday). I absolutely loved this game and the RE series have some of my all time favorite games. Those blind wolverines and the regenerators had me stressed. If I wasted too much ammo or just got wrecked I went back to my auto save and started over. I finished the game in 23 hours and pretty much did a complete run with all treasures and all side quests. I missed 3 bobble heads unfortunately. When I reached the final boss I had max power weapons and 10 viles/first aid sprays which made it a breeze. I definitely enjoy dead space remake over RE4 but I still hold this game in a very high regard and recommend it to anyone. What a blast.


Just finished the game yesterday on Easter. Overall I’d give the game a 7/10. I went through the entire Resident Evil series last year and when I played 4, I was perplexed by people saying 5 was when the more action focus started. 4 is essentially 80 percent action with maybe 20 percent horror. The remake was pretty much the same and while the game is good, I prefer Remake 2 and 3 to this remake of 4. Ada’s voice actress was horrible and I don’t like the changes they did with Luis and the flirting they took out. I feel like Luis was supposed to be this ladies man character without actually acting like one besides giving him the Antonia Banderas voice so it was kind of hollow. The chemistry between Ashley and Leon was alright but I just feel like in this remake they stripped out some of the soul of the character interaction. Though it isn’t nearly as bad as the VR version where they really stripped stuff out.

Piyush Pant

I just wanted to say, motion aiming was a big help for me in this game