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Hey All! It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 118 of Defining Duke.

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, 4/5 at 3 PM ET to make your submission.


Alex Castellanos

Matty & Cog: Correction from last week: the online portion & servers of Multi-Versus is being taken down, but those who purchased the game can still play locally. Even though it's a digital game, you should still have access to play on your own, use the training area (The Lab), and play local matches on your machine. Humbly, Alex C.


Hello Dukes! Another handheld competitor has entered the market, the ASUS ROG Ally was announced on April Fool's Day but its very much real. With better specs than the SteamDeck but a yet to be revealed price tag (at the time of writing). So my question - does this further reduce the necessity for Xbox to create its own handheld device? It seems very much to me that with the SteamDeck, Logitech G Cloud and now the ROG Ally- all supporting Xbox games and Game Pass to some extent that Xbox has zero need for dedicated handheld hardware. Have a "Oh my god, they killed Sonic" kind of day


Hey dukes, The question I have for you is, in working for last stand media, and the way Colin is looked at as super villain in most circles in the gaming industry. has the relationship of working for last stand, hurt you or made other people in your circles look at you differently? Have a I got a promotion at work but now I’m two weeks behind on all my favorite video game podcasts kind of day


What up Lord Cognito The Chef and Mr. Mac Daddy Matty, Since Cog made the comparison between the 2 Lords of Turn Based Strategy with Hip-Hop Legends Rakim & Nas, I was wondering what rappers (or artists from different genres if you want) would you guys liken some other gaming legends with? I have a list of some to pick from but to make sure this segment doesn't go too long, let's have each of you pick 5 and give your best comparison. Have a "Lord Cognito admitted on ILP that he prefers good Story and Graphics to Gameplay innovation" kinda day. Shigeru Miyamoto | Todd Howard | Hideo Kojima | Hideki Kamiya | Masahiro Sakurai | Cliff Blezinski | Shinji Mikami | John Johanna's | Will Wright | Sid Meier | Darrel Gallagher | Hironobu Sakaguchi | John Carmack | Rod Ferguson | Mike Ybarra Ed Boon | Katsuhiro Harada | Jason Jones | Testuya Nomura | Dan & Sam Houser | Neil Druckmann | Amy Henning | Tim Schafer | Josh Sawyer | David Jaffe | Akira Yasuda | Keiji Inafune | Gabe Newell | Yuji Naka | Harvey Smith | Ken Levine | Kim Swift | Eiji Aonuma | Brian Fargo | Michel Ancel | Peter Molyneux | Randy Pitchford


Duke Boys, Everyone can finally say that Sega killed Sonic! Matty, I'll let you explain! Have a "I knew this game was an April Fool's joke from the YouTube thumbnail, but didn't realize it was a real game until the Wario64 tweet" kinda day.


Regarding Diablo 4, can I play single player? Never played a Blizzard game before.


Dukes, what would be your finishing moves if you had to participate in a wrestling match with another content creator?? Who would you face and would you go over?

Shane Bailey

G'day from Sydney, Australia good Dukes! The ongoing discussion about Game Pass' value and the impact it has on developers' and publishers' bottom lines has me thinking about ways Microsoft could improve the service to make it a better investment for studios. My imagination led me to this crazy idea, not just for Game Pass but for the Xbox store generally speaking: what are your thoughts on a digital tip jar for each game on the Xbox store? Xbox fans often talk about wanting to support a developer more by buying DLC or higher tier editions of games, but what if a game doesn't have any DLC or any other way of giving the developer money other than buying the game? For example, I really loved Death's Door. I initially bought it on Steam and later downloaded it on Xbox and finished it there. Other than buying the game again on a different platform or gifting a copy to a friend, there aren't many ways for me to directly financially support Acid Nerve without platform holders taking their 30% cut. If Xbox offered users a way to give a tip of any amount to developers and publishers via the Xbox Store and only took a 1-2% admin fee, how do you think this would be received by the community and industry at large? Would love to hear your thoughts on this idea. Have a 'Would love to be at an LSM live show but my stupid country is about 15,000 kilometers away' kinda day!


What is the most memorable mission, gameplay moment or cutscene in gaming for you personally? For example, the mission "All Ghilled Up" in Call of Duty 4 is an unforgettable experience for a lot of gamers.


Howdy boys, The deal is most likely going through, let’s say Xbox makes everything exclusive. This question sucks to think about but it’s a potential reality, how many more publishers would they have to get and make exclusive to be number 1 in gaming? I think 2 more would be too much for PlayStation’s revenue and player base to take. Cheers and have a cheering for consolidation kinda day 😬


Greeting Dukes of the Xbox Realm, During the last few "What we are playing" sections I have noticed Duke Matty has not mentioned Destiny. Duke Matty of Plays, have you given up on our beloved Destiny? Duke Cog of the Iron Lands please help return our Duke to Destiny if he has strayed from the light. I would hate for Duke Matty to give up before he has had chance to run a raid. As always keep up the great content my Dukes.

Shane Bailey

Good day, Dukes! You might recall a question I asked last year about Forza Horizon 5’s Premium Add Ons Bundle; a DLC upgrade available to Game Pass subscribers at a discount to get access to future content without actually owning the game. With roughly 2 million people getting early access to FH5 via this bundle or the Premium Edition of the game demonstrating it’s clear success, you both agreed with my hypothesis that we’d see this model replicated for future Xbox exclusives. Lo and behold! Arkane has confirmed that they will offer the Redfall Bite Back Upgrade at launch for $30, which includes some cosmetic items and two future Heroes. Clearly, this is a monetisation model that Xbox will rely on to make up for lost sales due to Game Pass. My questions to you: what can we expect from other upcoming 1st petty titles like Starfield, Forza and Hellblade? What concerns do you have, if any, for this practice? Have a ‘My name is Quantum Break and I’m not welcome in Game Pass anymore’ kinda day! ;)


Buongiorno Dukes, hope you are all having a great day! A couple of weeks back there was a report that 4A Games (developers of the Metro games) said that their latest game was playable from beginning to end and yet there hasn't been an announcement trailer for it or a peep on what the game is about. I found this sort of decision kind of odd instead of just releasing a trailer that could start building the hype on the latest release, what do you guys think about it? Have a "I have endless blistered thumbs after HI-FI Rush and Pizza Tower" kinda day!

Lucius Augustus

Hello Sensei Matty and Acquisition Cog, Acquisition Season is back! There’s buzz going around that Sony will respond to Microsoft’s ABK deal by buying something in their home base of Japan like Koei Techmo, Bandai Namco, Capcom, or Square. Outside of some of those companies being outside of Sony’s financial range there’s also Sony’s issue of their market dominance in Japan compared to Xbox. Now don’t get me wrong, I think Microsoft is mostly to blame for their situation in Japan. But considering recent conversations about exclusive policies specifically about Japanese content, I thought it might be worth it to look at this fully. Japanese games that come to Xbox in the West and have Japanese language support in the West, aren’t on the Xbox in Japan, why would that be? The original Destiny was and still is PlayStation exclusive in Japan. Monster Hunter World also never came to Xbox in Japan. The game has Japanese language support, it's a game published on the Xbox but Xbox players in Japan that want to buy Monster Hunter World simply can't on the Japanese Store. Digimon Survive, that came out on Xbox with Japanese support in the west, you can't buy that game in Japan on Xbox despite the game having the necessary support. Could Microsoft used situations like these, to prove that Sony is using its market dominance to stop even multi-platform games from showing up in Japan on Xbox? Am I the only one for finds these things suspicious? All the work is done outside of flipping the switch to make the game available in another region, even if the Japanese sales on Xbox are minuscule compared to PlayStation is flipping a switch really that costly or is it logical to conclude that there’s something else at play?

Dylan Michael

Hey Dukes, was wondering if Cog got the chance to jump into RE4 or if Matty got the chance to finish it. Personally, while I’ll really like it, I still love 2 Remake way more. The slow and heavy walking feels great in a game like 2 where the biggest enemy horde is like 3-4 zombies. But in 4, when the game sometimes throws 10 or more guys at you, it becomes quickly stressful. Thanks and have a “I hope Silent Hill 2 remake is better than Dead Space and RE4 but let’s be honest, it won’t be” kind of day.

Cody Farren

Hello there Dukes, hope you guys are doing well! I wanted to write in about Cog’s mentioning on the Final Fantasy lack of diversity conversation from last week. I understand the want for more diverse characters in games, but developers should never be forced to include every group of people on earth. Some games that get this criticism, like Kingdom Come Deliverance, are actually diverse with German and Cumans minorities and Czech majority. This is a very American idea that just because you have the same skin color means your all the same. Those Final Fantasy characters can be from different cultures or backgrounds because it’s a fantasy story. Ps. What we should be pushing for is games set or inspired by new cultures and places. I’d love to see a Skyrim style RPG set in the Mali Empire for example. What do you guys think? Have a good one!

Tyler Lederer

Hello and hope all is well with the Duke's,

Patrick Pruitt

Gentlemen, I've got a most pressing question for you both: When writing it out (as I'm sure you both do often), and in the context of following the initial "sup", do you spell the word as "dog", "dawg" or Snoop style "dogg"? Thank you.

Sean Mason

Greetings Dukes, It appears that Ghostwire: Tokyo, a first party triple AAA game, will not have a physical release. When searching across various websites the only option was to preorder it digitally. Could the soft sales of the PS5 version be a reason for this? In a world where a game can be lost forever if taken off a marketplace, I feel this only harms game preservation. Best, Sean M.

Michael Limauro

Hey dukes, what’s up with game pass’s weaker indie presence so far this year? By this time last year we had Nobody Saves the World, Tunic, Spelunky 2, and Death’s Door. Do you think they will start to focus more on indies in the coming months? I keep finding some of my favorite games in this space, most recently The Knight Witch. Side note to check out this beautiful shoot ‘em up!

John Warner

Hello Mathew and Cognizant, toilet paper man here. I was just wondering if you guys had any tattoos? Maybe this topic has already been broached.. but I figure big bossman Colin is always over there bragging about how meaningful his historical ink is, so what about the dukes?! Show us all some supple skin!

Brian Wagers

Hey Dukes, Amazon announced layoffs this week to its gaming division. Even though they have invested quite a bit of money into gaming, Amazon just can’t make a splash in the industry. Why do you think they haven’t been able to break in? Have a great week

Gabriel SG

Greetings Dukes, No question just a grim update. Cog has ruined my life. His constant mentioning of Destiny and praise for The Witch Queen peaked my interest and I have now completed a legendary solo run of Witch Queen and brought 2 more expansions 😅 I have no interest in playing anything else, all thanks to Cog… Have a good one guys, Gabe


Hey mighty dukes With all the great remakes which have been releasing what game do you guys think should get a remake? To make it more challenging Matty can only choose Xbox IP before Bethesda was bought and Cog can only choose from Bethesda IP. Thanks for all the great content and have a great day lords.


Hey dukes I recently picked up gears tactics on lords turn based recommendations. I was loving the game but I came across a bug on the pc version that won't let me play anymore. It has something to do with the gpu memory. I'll go back to it again once again but just wanted you two know


Hey Dukes, with the release of Starfield still being a few months away have you given thoughts on who would be on the spoilercast? This could be a chance to invite some big names at Bethesda onto the podcast. Or, you could invite someone who is interested in astrobiology and space travel like Lex Fridman.


Good day to you Dukes! It’s been a while since I wrote in but I wanted to bring something to you guys that I have not heard any one discuss. As an agnostic gamer that jumps wherever things interest me, I do not have a big problem with the Microsoft/ABK deal. However, I think something missed in discussing this deal is the reality that the money for this deal is not coming from the gaming market. Microsoft as a software company is a behemoth in the open market, Xbox is just a small side hustle for them. Nintendo is only video games and Sony is mainly video games with PlayStation. The reality is that Xbox as a brand could not pull 7 Billion together to buy Bethesda, and definitely not 70 for ABK. The whole thing makes me nervous because Xbox has not proven that they can take care of what they already have, let alone taking control of the biggest global 3rd party publisher. So that’s my biggest personal gripe, this is not Xbox successfully taking the lead like the 360 days with Halo, Left 4 Dead and great multiplayer focus, this is a team that shoots itself in the foot over and over again, backed by unlimited capital from an entirely separate market. Love this show and you Dukes are kings! James from Colorado


Alright Lads! First time writing in from across the pond. (Its the Plane listener/watcher). I have just joined Patreon to indulge in much more DD goodness! My Question is, do you think that Cyberpunk 2077 will end up on Gamepass when the 'Phantom Liberty' DLC drops? CD Projekt has stated that the game isnt ready for that stage to be on there. Its a 3rd party Xbox-Marketed game that i think a lot of people would check out being essentially "free-99" as Cog puts it! You would still have to buy the DLC but the base game being on there. Makes Sense right? Anyways Chaps have a great day! Cheers! Mark,

Omar Rosa

Hi Fellas, Not an Xbox question but speaks more to the rise of retro gaming. Seeing how the value of old school games has sky rocketed in the last cople of years and recent mini systems that have come and gone; why doesn't Nintendo, Sega, or Sony, build and sell modern versions of the classic systems that would accept old school cartridges and CDs? I can see this having the same impact as vinyl in the music space. Love the show and keep up the great work. Thanks,


Howdy Gents, I wanted to write in about the potential TMNT Last Ronin game, and my excitement for it. As someone who's always had an interest, but never jumped into the turtle fandom, the idea of such a game interested me. So I picked up a copy of the Last Ronin, and I'm sold. If this mystery developer can nail an adaptation of this book, we'll be in for a fantastic game. I bought Shredder's revenge at the same time, and I can now say I'm a TMNT fan. I'm now going to be giving the current IDW comic run of TMNT next. Cog and Matty, where else would you recommend a turtle newbie go next to enjoy the best TMNT has to offer? - Cheers