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Some Ways Times Have Changed | KnockBack, Episode 258

If you wanted to ask your friend to play in 1990, you had to call his house phone and hope for the best. Was anyone there? Who would answer? Would your friend be available? Maybe you'll leave a message... It was a weird tradition we repeated ad nauseam, one of many peculiar and lost customs we were subjected to in our analog childhoods. And it's those traditions that are the subject of this episode of KnockBack. Wild rumors and speculation on the playground? The internet solves that for today's youth, but in our day, we believed it all. Wanted to know if you had a snow day? You had to start watching the local news the night before and into the next morning, hoping to see your school district appear in the scrolling marquee. New year teacher assignments and quarterly grades? Sent through the old-fashioned mail, easy to intercept or lose. Waiting was a rite of passage for all schoolkids. Now, youngins can know anything at any time, about everything in the world. The mystery is gone, yes, but we hope this show rekindles it for a moment.



Colin: I love voice memos, if you have something to say just say it. Also Colin: Don't you dare leave me a voicemail, just send me a text. 😂 I'm not insulting. Just thought it was a funny string of thoughts.


This was a really good Knockback! It is crazy with teen children, just how much times have changed.

Matthew Cooper

Great episode, these are the best kind. It's crazy how so much practical knowledge isn't taught in school. Personal finance is so much more important to everyone's daily lives than ancient Egyptian history, but I got none of the former and assloads of the latter in school. Thank God I found Dave Ramsey on YouTube 10 years ago or I'd probably still be broke. The overemphasis that the culture places on college is really wrong. Lots of people are racking up insane amounts of debt to get degrees they don't need or are outright useless. Society is lying to people and it's destroying lives. There are plenty of blue collar jobs that can rake in good incomes. Sure, college is necessary for many jobs and is the right choice for some people. But there are other options that shouldn't be looked down upon; and if you do choose college, have a specific goal in mind and go where you can afford. Don't let college be this "safe haven" where you go to hide from real life as long as possible, racking up debt and degrees for half your life.

Zack Apuzzo

Loved this episode! Brought back a lot of memories

Jordan Falduto

As much as I respect the trades, the thing that's never mentioned by anyone who hypes them is the people you'd have to work with. You really have to be a man's man to not stick out like a sore thumb in those fields.

Marco Maluf

I love when you make fun of the family things, it reminds me so much about my interactions with my brother, and we laugh so hard, just like you guys did when talking about the long phone cord, so good. Great show! love you.

Kaz Redclaw

The Korean writing script actually is phonetic, but they kept the "one square = one syllable" thing, so each square is composed of a starting consonant shape, a Vowel shape, and an ending Consonant shape. Their Hangul phonetic writing system dates back to 1443. Before that, they used Chinese characters.

Travis Stockton

I know I'm late but the part of the convo about how kids can vet every piece of information they get and how there's no more believing all the schoolyard bullshit reminded me of when my group of friends all started getting our first smartphones in high school. We'd shit talk at the lunch table as usual and anytime someone claimed something that smelled fishy, someone in the group would go "I'ma Wikipedia that" and proceed to fact check. The anticipation was fierce while we waited for the shitty EDGE cell connection to load the webpage, hopeful that we could shove the truth into someone's face. Good times.