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Bullies, Movie Theater Etiquette, Deathbed Phenomena, Everyday Anxiety | Constellation, Episode 12

Let's get wild: Please welcome legendary game director and designer David Jaffe to Constellation. As you might expect, Jaffe comes packing an interesting topic: What happens when we die? Specifically, what do we make of scientific and anecdotal evidence alike suggesting that dying may not be as straight-forward as we think? Lightening things up is Dustin, who wants to get into the nitty-gritty of movie theater etiquette, which naturally spirals-off into a conversation all about societal etiquette generally. Dagan prods the roundtable about a problem that's currently cropping up, mainly that his son is dealing with a bully. What gives?! Were we bullied (or bullies?) as children? And finally, Colin wraps things up with a Colin-like topic, indeed: The ways anxiety affects our lives in ways big and small on a day-to-day basis, and how we all deal with whatever ails us. Get the show one week early! https://www.patreon.com/LastStandMedia



Hell yes!

Luis N.

Jaffe should guest appear more often!


WOOOOOOOW the big D is here!!

Jerison Reidell

YES!!! Would love to see Jaffe on more things, especially gaming related. I know you've done some interviews with him, but I think he could bring an interesting perspective on a Sacred Symbols episode as a guest appearance, or even a Sacred Symbols + episode where he tells tales of his time in the gaming industry.


Nice to have Jaffe. As for the anxiety subject, I don't suffer from a tons of it, but I will be anxious over the dumbest shit like "oh my god my backlog is too big" or if something is broken or wrong in my house, then I will obsessed over it until it is addressed or I just forget about it a couple of days later, but generally my anxiety level is low. At least my level of self aware anxiety is, because I have stomach pain or burn from time to time when there is more stress I guess, but it never really stops me. I do sometime feel like when I obsessed over the stupidest shit it's probably to hide something. I also had vocal and physical tics when I was younger, but again I feel it's more stress than anxiety, I don't project myself in the future too much most of the time.

Josh Paradysz

My favorite episode so far! Always appreciate hearing Jaffe talk just about anything

Matt Morley

This is my first episode of Constellation and I am really enjoying it. I feel lucky to have Jaffe as a guest for my introduction to the series. Colin, Dagan and Dustin aren't too shabby either. Thank you David Jaffe (by the way) as Twisted Metal started my love affair with the Playstation and Callin' All Cars created so many early PS3 moments for me and my friends

Dylan Michael

So happy Jaffe is on this. An episode with him and Gene would be insane. Also, love how it’s only episode 12 and there’s already been two episodes talking about dying 😂. On brand.

Miky Sh

I love constellation a lot, but this episode is the best one yet imo 🤩

Peter Thompson

Great episode guys! Colin and Jaffe should seriously start a philosophy podcast. So fascinating to listen to their back and forth. And Jaffe with the HARD HITTING questions haha! I love it, he always get to the root of the problem.

Benjamin Schultz

Great episode. Jaffe should come back again. Loved his chiming in and his questions. It helped with a joke or helped them develop their thoughts even more. Great show.


Colin, since you brought up main character energy, you should check out the subreddit r/iamthemaincharacter


Love me some Constellation episodes!! My second favorite podcast right behind Sacred Symbols.


Lost my girlfriend 3 weeks ago to cancer. There were times in her last days about seeing people who weren’t there in the room.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Fantastic! I love Jaffe… and getting him back with Gene would be awesome! Can’t wait!

BettyAnn Moriarty

I’m so sorry for your loss, John. Witnessing someone death journey can be very difficult - I was in the room when my dad crossed over. but at the same time, we are blessed by getting a small glimpse into what lies ahead for them. Sending hugs.

Gooch Gobbler

In regards to the quiet snacks, my Dad ushers at an opera house and they specifically tested every kind of water bottle to find the quietest one and that's the only one they sell. That bottle was really damn quiet lol something more venues should invest in. I HATE talking in movies, makes it impossible for me to enjoy it


I need some links to the Long island fights Colin was talking about.

Ben Haner

Best episode yet! Love it


Thank you. The last moments were pretty hard with the death rattle sound and just waiting around until she slowly stopped breathing. She was only 38. Funeral is on Tuesday I’ll be glad when it’s over.

Jordan Knepp

Dustin, not sure if you'll see this but I was a heroin addict for close to 10 years and kicked dope and once I got off suboxone I used kratom as a tool/crutch as I have a very addictive personality. But it was just crazy hearing you talk about it! 12 years clean from the needle September!


Top tier conversation. An episode with Jaffe and Gene would be next level for sure. Thanks so much for the work and passion!


Exactly my thought! Gene and Jaffe would make a hell of an episode!

larry Seitz

It's hard to listen to David ever since i found out he lets his daughter destroy her body. I dont care about adults destroying their bodies but confused kids thats fucked up


Man, Jaffe is probably my favorite guest so far on Constellation. He’s just so fucking wise. The way he injects very grounded perspective, logic and insightful wisdom when he chimes in on every topic is great. I really appreciated it. Hope he can come back for future episodes. Glad this show exists for Last Stand.

Gooch Gobbler

He literally explains this in the episode. Let their family do what they want. Not looking to debate you. Their family don't care what you think and they know what is best for their kid

larry Seitz

No he's ruining his daughters future that simple. We dont afrim our kids with crazy thoughts we protect and guide them when they need guiding not confusing them.