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Let's get wild: Please welcome legendary game director and designer David Jaffe to Constellation. As you might expect, Jaffe comes packing an interesting topic: What happens when we die? Specifically, what do we make of scientific and anecdotal evidence alike suggesting that dying may not be as straight-forward as we think? Lightening things up is Dustin, who wants to get into the nitty-gritty of movie theater etiquette, which naturally spirals-off into a conversation all about societal etiquette generally. Dagan prods the roundtable about a problem that's currently cropping up, mainly that his son is dealing with a bully. What gives?! Were we bullied (or bullies?) as children? And finally, Colin wraps things up with a Colin-like topic, indeed: The ways anxiety affects our lives in ways big and small on a day-to-day basis, and how we all deal with whatever ails us.



Matthew Two T's

Always a pleasure to hear more from Jaffe at 2x speed.

Andrew roman

Hell yeah! You got Jaffe on Stelly🤘 can't wait to listen, thanks for the great conversation Sacred Crew


Thank you for the new "Stelly".

Jason Bolla

Oooh nice, just heard Jaffe pipe in, this should be a fun one.

Michael Mashpotato

My wife and I went to see “It Follows” at an AMC where they have the Giant recliner seats. I snitched on the teenage girl next to my wife giving her boyfriend a hand jibber. No regrets. Maybe sit all the way in the back. Although I would have wanted the same if I was in High School. On another note I remember seeing Freddy’s final nightmare in 3D with those red and green glasses when I was about 5 years old in the 90s. That movie still haunts me until this day. Shout out to my mom for that great family night at the commodore theatre in Brooklyn NY.

Gaelan K

Good topics, good crew, super excited for this!

Gene Park

dream blunt rotation

Chris Evans

Dagan, your dad was right when it comes to bullies. Doesn't matter if your son gets in trouble or even if he loses the fight. The only way to end bullying is is to throw down. The bully realizes it's not worth it to mess with you if you're going to fight them even if you "lose"


💯💯 My 9 year daughter recently got in trouble because she slapped a boy on the bus after he threw her backpack. They told her she should have used words, I told her I wasn't mad, the boy didn't do it again. Obviously this is going to vary from child to child though, there's a difference between standing up for yourself and using violence to settle every problem. Then ultimately, it's up to each parent to raise their own kids so they see fit.

Conor Wilson

I love that David doesn’t backdown from asking provocative questions. Best episode yet imo!

Derek Davis

13/10 would absolutely body anyone who dared bully dear, sweet Dagan.

Brian Presley

Colin, I just don't think people fathom how big 1 billion dollars is. I think sharing this exercise on the show could make people go wow. If someone gave you $1 every minute of every day, it would take one year and 330 days to earn a million dollars. However, to earn a billion dollars it would take over 1,902 years!! People think of having a million dollar home as a major deal. If you had a billion dollars you could buy one thousand homes that cost a million dollars. One billion dollars is just unfathomably big.

Sutter Kaine

May I make a suggestion? I'd love time stamps for the different topics.


Shout out to Dagan for saying "Fraser" properly. It's my last name too and it's not like the TV show. Fraser is like laser. Frasier? Do whatever you want

Dakota Brown

Love Jaffe on this episode. He is incredibly intelligent.

Jacob R.

Jaffe is a good dude. His passion and compassion opens hearts and elevates the conversation. Can’t wait to hear from him again

Andy T

What a great show. Far out, this is such an interesting listen every week.

Joseph Gedgaudas

Tried listening, but this Jaffe guy - this is not my kind of guy.

Luke Silletta

You guys talking about how people just don't help anymore like you helping that woman with her purse Colin resonates with me. That's one of the reasons I moved from Vancouver to Calgary. I like that everyone is so friendly here and willing to go out of their way to help compared to Vancouver. And just recently a guy was stabbed to death at a Starbucks in Vancouver and died in a bloody mess while a guy in the background is sipping his fucking coffee. Like what has this world become?

Alex Gates

Jaffe just might be my favorite person I’ve never met. I could listen to him forever. Loved the episode! Please more Jaffe!!

Mike Collins

Still have an hour left, but having Jaffe on this is fantastic.

Lou & Rei Loper

GREAT episode as usual, one counter argument to the theater talking/disruption topic. I understand that some of you (mostly Jaffe?) might think that it's more of a 'what did you expect when you go at "time-X or show-Y" kinda thing. HOWEVER the problem with that is that those people went to a place where the rules are very clearly stated on signs as well as the enormous screen AND typically said out loud in some form of commercial before the movie starts. Don't talk, don't text, don't use your phone...don't ruin the movie for someone else. It'd be different if the rules weren't literally posted and reiterated in each and every theater.


Loved having Jaffe, he brings an interesting perspective and isn’t afraid to talk about or ask anything.

Andrew Christensen

If you're ever cornered in the bathroom, get to SUCKIN'.

Vinny Pepperoni

Jaffe's questioning always brings out such interesting conversation. Love the flexibility Constellation allows to have all these other guests on

Asique Alam

Bullying was a new concept to me when I came to America, and I believe it was mostly racially motivated towards me growing up. Conversations on the topic are triggering lost memories, and it feels like a constellation coming together. Ooooo

Ryan Harvey

Truly a great podcast, love having Jaffe on, and can’t wait to see Jaffe and Gene Park on at the same time 🤩!

Jesse V

Great podcast. The problem I have with the billionaire subject is that - and I am out of my depth here - but do we think the money is just sitting in Scrooge Mcduck-type bank? Whether it comes from narcissistic need to "do more," or generate new wealth, these types of greedy, problematic human behaviors - by their nature - lead to the expansion of goods and services, and the creation of new ones. Its kind of the beauty of capitalism - it civilizes us. In turn, I think if we put some kind of cap on wealth, it would led to an even more decadent society.


Wasn’t expecting Jaffe but what a treat. Calling it right now: the ep that he gets on with Gene is probably going to be the all-time fan favorite, or at least most commented. 😄


Best episode so far definitely need more jaffe on every show.


Best episode since ep01! Great conversations


Great episode yall, and Jaffe is always such a treat. He brings so much conversation to the table.

Jose Horrach

This episode can't be good for my crippling fear of death

Raymond keys

Man this was a great conversation. The one about death that trickled into Religion has me riled up. I think it’s silly to imply that intellectual people shouldn’t have Faith or a believe in God. Most people can see there are elements to our existence that are beyond human logic, no matter what you believe. I choose to believe in the God of the Bible based on its historical accuracy and it experiences in my life. All man made religion is probably flawed to some extent because we do not understand the complexities of a higher power. That doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist. But the whole point of Faith is believing without understanding every detail. Some will agree and some will disagree, but those are just my thoughts.


Jaffe is so out of pocket, I love it.

Sam Lee

Huh, could've saved myself years of bullying if I'd just got to sucking.


My biggest etiquette thing since becoming a parent is these assholes who use “family “ restrooms instead of waiting in line. Like several times I have needed to like rush my son to the bathroom and low and behold there is just some prick using the family restroom cus they couldn’t possibly be bothered to go to the regular restroom and wait 2 damn minutes.

Robert F Friemering (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-01 12:37:40 I really liked the Bully topic. I mostly didn't experience that growing up. I was usually the tallest then biggest kid in school. I was also shy & quiet so I never used my size to bully or intimidate. I like Colin will get out of the way of people. I would see my size as in the way of others so I should make room for others.
2023-05-01 09:39:16 I really liked the Bully topic. I mostly didn't experience that growing up. I was usually the tallest then biggest kid in school. I was also shy & quiet so I never used my size to bully or intimidate. I like Colin will get out of the way of people. I would see my size as in the way of others so I should make room for others.

I really liked the Bully topic. I mostly didn't experience that growing up. I was usually the tallest then biggest kid in school. I was also shy & quiet so I never used my size to bully or intimidate. I like Colin will get out of the way of people. I would see my size as in the way of others so I should make room for others.