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Micah will be recording a mailbag for an upcoming episode of Sacred Symbols+!    

You know the drill: Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas to Micah, and as always, pithy and well-written submissions have the best chance of being used. Walls-of-text and poorly-written submissions are ignored!

Please submit your questions before Wednesday, March 29th at 2 PM EST.


Shaun Sannerude

Hi Micah, really loving your appearances on Constellation & looking forward to future content you are on. I'm sure you stated you like reading, have you ever read a book based on a video game series? If so, which one?


What game gets yelled at in the household, by either you or Colin?

Turd Ferguson

hey Micah, Is there a popular game or game franchise that you've tried multiple times to get into but for whatever reason it just doesn't resonate with you?

Ember's Arcade

First of all, I want to say that you are delightful to listen to on the rare occasions that you appear on LSM content. Second, my question: the LSM crew is lacking in knowledge and experience about the MMORPG verticle of the games industry. I was wondering if you've ever indulged in these types of games. If you have, then which ones have you played? Are there any that you're interested in? All the best!

Alex The Mute

Hi Micah, how are you? Big fan of the show and you as well. When can we expect Constellation merch? Purple is my favorite color and I would love a t-shirt or sticker? Cheers, Alex

John Warner

What’s the hottest thing about Col-daddy?


Hi Micah - it's about time you get the question the boys are asked every week: Watcha playin'?

Jose Vera

Hi Micah it was awesome seeing you in the Last of Us Deep dive episodes! That was great content and enjoyed watching. My question would be would you and the other be down for a JRPG podcast? Think it would be cool just going over some favorites and keeping up with hidden gem games that drop every year. Take care and hope to see you in more shows!


Hi Micah, Have you played Like a Dragon:Ishin? I have really been enjoying it. You must convert Colin to see the light of the Yakuza games. Thanks and have a great day. P.S. I got my pope sticker in the mail and love it!


Hello Micah, First time writing in, hope you/Colin and the fam are doing well. My question for you is: Do you have a guilty pleasure game, one that may not be highly received but is one that you enjoy/continue to enjoy playing to this day?


Hi Micah, First of all congratulations to you and Colin, I’m very happy for both of you! I just want to know what some of your favorite games are, your least favorite genre of video games, and if you were up on stage in Texas, what would you have chosen as the most overrated video game of all time? You are the backbone of this company, so thank you for everything that you do!


Hi Micah. On one of Colin's Q&As, he mentioned that you were a fan of Alice In Chains. They're one of my favorite bands, and I was wondering what were some of your favorite songs from them? I personally like "Down in a Hole", "Nutshell", and "Got Me Wrong". Have a great rest of your day.


Hey Micah, Have you discovered the magic that is eating french fries with mayonnaise yet? Thank you for all your hard work.


Hey Micah What's one trait or behavior that you've adopted from your parents now that you're in you're adulthood and a homeowner? I for one continue this worn out practice of extracting every last ounce of toothpaste from out of the tube, going as far as using a butter knife to push whatever last drops I can get out of it.


Dear Micha I wanted to ask you if I may. Did you and Colin not watch How I Met Your Mother?? On the last episode of Sacred Symbols, a listener name Lorenzo Von Matterhorn submitted an inquiry. I, as I’m sure many others, saw the reference immediately, however Colin did not seem to notice. And I’m sure you watched the show. Therefore, I must ponder if Colin watched one of my favorite shows ever or not. I really cannot recommend it enough and I hope you two watch it. P.S. will there be merch shipments to Israel ever?


Hey Mama Micah, I hope you are well. Do you think we are going to see anything Gears 6 releated from Xbox soon? I know the Coalition has announced that they have cancelled several projects fingers crossed it doesn't effect Gears 6. I hope you get to play through with Colin for Gears of War on Knockback. Thanks for all your efforts

Sean Mason

Hey Micah, Thank you for all you do for the LSM community! It's much appreciated! One of my favorite memories from my childhood is unwrapping a gift on my birthday or Christmas and finding it to be a game I've been coveting for a while. What are some of your favorite gaming related gifts you received during your childhood? Best, Sean M.


Micah! Hope you’re well! How are you feeling on legend of Zelda tears of the kingdom? Seems to me the sacred boys are luke warm on it, I was curious on your thoughts. Are you much of a modern Nintendo fan? Thanks for all the hardwork you put into the community, it’s very much appreciated! Have a nice weekend!!


Micah! Recently on Stelly Ben recommended the documentary My Octopus Teacher. Have you seen it yet? If so, I would love to hear your feedback. Regards, Siggi

Sam Lee

Micaaaaaaaaah! Wazzup? With the recent closure of the 3DS e-shop marking the end of that era, regale us with the tales of your favourite games, features and memories of that mighty dual-screened handheld.