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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, March 30th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Hey boys. This one’s for Chris the Cunnilinguist. Once in awhile, I see a comment or two on YT calling you out for being pessimistic and unenthused about everything… as if you loathe it all. Personally, I find your sometimes-fatalist takes quite endearing and funny. I also find that my own perspective is starting to mirror yours as time goes on. I wanted to give you this chance to share what, if anything, you ARE currently excited about in the gaming industry. Are there any games, studios, hardware, or projects that you are GENUINELY stoked about and hyped for right now? Or is everything just kinda… “meh” at the moment? Feel free to give your own answers too, “Colon & Justin.” Thanks and stay studly fellas.

Jordan Fugate

Hey CDC, How we feeling about the news regarding a possible new TMNT game centering on The Last Ronin comic book? I know the three of you aren’t comic book fans, but I think this story is perfect for a video game adaptation. Just to summarize, The Last Ronin is an alternate universe story that takes place in a dystopian future where three of the turtles have been killed and the lone survivor of the four is out for revenge. The rumors also state this game is going to be influenced by the God of War series, which makes me even more excited. I know Colin is the bigger TMNT fan on the show, but curious to hear what the sacred sons thoughts are as well. Keep up the great work gentlemen.

Rob Kvasne

Dear Sacred Bois, I was discussing RE4 with a friend who said that they were interested but would wait on a sale. I thought to myself, "Resident Evil 4 already feels like a sale at $60". Has Crying Jim Ryan successfully broken me? The last $60 AAA game I purchased was Forbidden West, and that was obviously just to be cheeky and get the free PS5 upgrade. Why do you think some publishers are slower to adopt the $70 price model than others?


Hey CDC, So as someone who takes advantage of PS Plus Premium game trials how do we convince Sony to let us delete trophies, or at the very least turn them off? I discovered the gem that is Ghostwire Tokyo this way, but I'm tired of looking at my trophy list and seeing Sonic Frontiers with 1 bronze trophy unlocked. Surely there's a remedy for us who value completion percentage. On an unrelated note, I want to shout-out Micah for the incredible quickness with which she sends out stickers with. The cute cat stamp was an amazing touch, however, the sheer amount of adhesive faculty that the envelope displayed almost left me with the ability to climb walls like Peter Parker himself after opening it. I would just like to issue an amiable stand down to Micah for her ample glue stick use. Take care and remember, loose lips sink ships.


Hello you beauties! I have a question in regards to “DLC”, with Horizon Burning Shores set to release April 19th, do you think it would of been more wise to market it like Miles Morales as a side game, the word “DLC” has stink imo, I get that in Miles you get to play a different character but according to HowLongToBeat.com it took about 17 1/2 hours to fully complete the first Horizon DLC Frozen Wilds. Seems much longer than what the term DLC suggest. What do you guys say? Keep on killing it with the content and making my trips to work far more enjoyable.


Hey there Sacred slug-slurpers, I wanted to talk about Colin's defense of day one DLC. If there is content developed during the development as a game, as a part of the game, that is complete and ready for release at the same time as the game is, what possible reason is there to remove that from the game and charge extra money for it? I genuinely do not see a single valid reason beyond greed. I would love to hear all of your perspectives on this, alongside perhaps a better explanation of Colin's stance. Thanks for all the content, and for god's sake take that chicken out for a nice steak dinner first

James Sprules

Hello CDC, In the discussion of how Sony contests the first person space, it would be remiss of me to not remind you of MAG. It was marketed poorly as a giant game but what made it so popular was that it was asymmetric, squad based with voice chat for squads, divisions etc, it had a built in clan system and the servers worked consistently unlike cod. While I understand the 128v128 was what everyone saw, the smaller game maps were even more popular. Anyway love the show and sorry for another post about MAG but it does have a hardcore fan base. Peace James


Hey fellas, happy to finally be at the $5 tier and knowing it was worth it to see the recent live show in Houston. It was hilarious, informative and fun to spectate via Patreon. Quick question… what are your thoughts of the seemingly never ending “tug of war” modern and previous games have against their hardware? Let me clarify, every time a new piece of tech is introduce such as the PS5 or Xbox one, it’s robust tech advancements are showcased and we are promised shorter load times, sharper resolution and faster frame rates but then get stuck with 5 min load times for games such as BioWares Anthem or locked at 30 frames for Gotham Knights. What gives? Our hardware can’t seem to keep up with our imaginations it seems. I Would love hear your thoughts. I’ve never missed an episode and don’t ever plan to. Thank you!


After being blown away by playing through RE7 on PSVR, I held off on the release of RE8 in hopes it would come to VR someday. Alas, that time has arrived. I just finished up the campaign after a little over 10 hours. The only downside was the game has no trophy support whilst playing in VR.

Angel DeJesus

Hello CDC. So once again congress members are chiming in without knowing what they are talking about, and sounding out of touch. At last count, 11 members have stated their thoughts on Sony having a monopoly in gaming in Japan. They must have not bothered to check Japanese sales charts to see that it's Nintendo, and not Sony who dominates the Japanese sales charts with exclusives. What are your thoughts? P.S. Colin thanks for talking so much about intermittent fasting. I started January 23 and I've managed to loose 24 pounds so far. Still got a way to go, but I'm on my way.


("Enter" does not skip a line) Just wanted to give a PSA to listeners, as hopefully they get patched in later. Cheers!

Tommy Murphy

Hey you kooky kids! My question is simple! Where is Suikoden Remasters? I feel Konami has been very quiet since they were announced back in September. I know you are not a big fan of the series Colin, but will you be playing the Remasters when they come out? Lastly, I open the floor to Dustin and Colin (As I know Chris is not a fan), if you could choose the next 90s JRPG to get the Remaster treatment what would it be? Personally I would love to see Breath of Fire (Especially 3) or Azure Dreams get a HD makeover. All the best from Rainy Ireland, Tommy Murphy

Miracle Peach

Colin, when you mention The Last of Us having lower tier sales compared to Sony’s other IP, with the utmost respect, you’re speaking about it inaccurately. TLoU part 1 hit around 26mil units sold as of 12/2022, making it the best-selling PS exclusive of all time as far as actual announced sales (though Spider-Man 2018 is likely higher). This number can be deduced from the update Sony gave in January that, as of 12/2022, the TLoU series had sold >37mil units. If you add 1mil to TLoU part 2 since it was announced hitting 10mil in Spring 2022, you get 26mil for TLoU part 1. TLoU part 2 would have been another 20mil+ seller if it wasn’t for the leak and resultant horrendously bad press it was getting pre-launch. Even despite that, it became Sony’s fastest selling first party game of all time (all the way until GoW Ragnarok), selling 4mil copies in 3 days. In a normal situation, that would have easily translated to >20mil sales lifetime, but the sales legs were killed by the bad press.

Jon Barnett

Hey CDC, Are casual gamers giving developers less incentive to pursue next gen potential? Tchia launched at 30 fps, players of an "unnamed" popular shooter turn down their fps settings in menus, and games like Gotham Knights and Saints Row sold much better than they should have last year. Games like Ratchet and Returnal were built around instant loading on the PS5, but they were both outsold by God of War: Ragnarok, which has tons of masked loading screens like a certain cinematic PS3 game. Are we ever going to reach this gen's true potential? Thanks, and keep on keeping on!


Hey boys, Is the strangest phenomenon we experience as gamers how quickly we lose our muscle memory for controls? We can spend countless hours in a game and then completely lose our muscle memory for how to play that game after a few weeks of not playing it or by playing something else concurrently. I haven't ridden a bike in years, but I can still easily ride one, but if you make me jump into Horizon or God of War right now, I doubt I'd remember any of the advanced mechanics in the game. It's just so strange how our brains work, isn't it?


Sup sluts, My question is mainly for Chris. What are your thoughts on FroggyFresh no longer being your opponent? From an outsiders perspective, it looks like he’s getting unjustly shafted (and you by extension) simply due to him training and communicating with another person (Sam Hyde) whom the hosts of CreatorClash don’t like. What are your thoughts? Also by the way, absolutely none of this would have happened if Idubbz didn’t try to make a Barbara Walters hit-piece documentary on Sam Hyde that he decided to not release. Why he didn’t release it? Well, watch that same documentary’s unedited version Sam Hyde released on YouTube. If you want to understand why Ian hates Sam Hyde, there is no better illustration and it’s hysterical.


Greetings Sacred Gents, Thank you for the endless stream of content produce! Long days in the kitchen are made delightful with your witty banter and unique perspectives on the gaming industry. I especially enjoy hearing everyone’s perspective on food and cooking on the various shows as I am a chef by trade. I am writing with another example of corporate fat cats getting another one over on us lowly consumers. We have noticed a seemingly deliberate shortage in my wife’s vitamins. The bottle of her Nature Made Prenatal Gummies states that there are 90 gummies in a bottle. One serving is two gummies but at the end of the bottle there is always one lonely gummy left. We have seen the solitary gummy left behind in three bottles and have switched to a different brand. Why are our cookies, cereals and vitamins changing for the worse while increasing in price? Why are they demanding more for inferior goods? Additionally, my wife and I own an ice cream shop and we offer homemade waffle cones in Osawatomie, Kansas. We will gladly serve anyone on the Sacred Food Mecca after enjoying a Sacred Sandwich in Ohio as needed! Have a great day gentlemen. I appreciate everything you do. -Chef Nick


Hey guys, I’ve been having a hard time with what I would consider “stressful gaming” lately. I used to love survival horror more than anything. RE2 remake was easily my game of the year in 2019. However, the last year or two I’ve found it really hard to want to play games that stress me out. Oddly my life overall has gotten more relaxing recently, but I can’t seem to get in the right mindset for games like Dead Space and RE4. I find myself putting them down after only an hour or two because my nerves can’t handle it. I’m an anxious person and am on meds and in therapy for it, but until now it’s never bled over into gaming. Can any of you relate to this? I know the three of you all deal with anxiety to varying degrees, so I’m curious if it has ever affected your gaming habits and if so, what steps did you take to mitigate it? Thanks for everything and keep up the great work.

Jose Vera

Hola Mi Amigos CDC, With news of the latest Sackboy hitting PS Plus for April, and Horizon Forbidden West free with Extra. My question is this: Did Sony put out Horizon too soon on Extra? For a game of that quality and level of polish it almost makes no sense to put it on Extra. When games like Spider-Man (PS5 version) ARE STILL locked behind buying the deluxe version of Miles, just seems odd Sony would want to rush Horizon over as a benefit. Should we then expect Last of Us and/or God of War to quickly come over to extra? Thank you for the fun discussions and deep dives on all things PlayStation!

Adrian Pinter

Hey gang, Is Resident Evil 4 really a Survival Horror game? I went back and platinumed RE2 Remake in anticipation for the launch of 4, and playing through Resident Evil 4 now, it’s more of a The Last of Us style game than a survival horror like RE2 Remake. And if it is still a survival horror, is The Last of Us one as well? Curious to hear your semi-intelligent minds discuss this. Take care.


Greetings Sacred Gents, Thank you for the endless stream of content you produce! Long days in the kitchen are made delightful with your witty banter and unique perspectives on the gaming industry. I especially enjoy hearing everyone’s perspective on food and cooking on the various shows as I am a chef by trade. I am writing with another example of corporate fat cats getting another one over on us lowly consumers. We have noticed a seemingly deliberate shortage in my wife’s vitamins. The bottle of her Nature Made Prenatal Gummies states that there are 90 gummies in a bottle. One serving is two gummies but at the end of the bottle there is always one lonely gummy left. We have seen the solitary gummy left behind in three bottles and have switched to a different brand. Why are our cookies, cereals and vitamins changing for the worse while increasing in price? Why are they demanding more for inferior goods? Additionally, my wife and I own an ice cream shop and we offer homemade waffle cones in Osawatomie, Kansas. We will gladly serve anyone on the Sacred Food Mecca after enjoying a Sacred Sandwich in Ohio as needed! Have a great day gentlemen! I appreciate everything you do! -Chef Nick


Hey Sacred dudes, with the apparent bad start for PSVR2, low sales figures and just a real lack of hype in general. It feels to me like it just came and went. What in your opinions would be Sonys next move? Go all in on VR3? Give up having a parallel platform to the main console or my favourite option give handheld another go? Seems like the perfect time to get back into that market with the Switch and Steamdeck doing so well and cloud gaming getting better every day. Thanks as always and keep fucking that blurry chicken.


Hey CDC, How much technology should be in our gameplay? Sometimes I feel like certain games mix the medieval or sword and sorcery motif with technology (for example Link fighting robots in BotW with a sword). To me this seems too thematically inconsistent especially since space RPGs like Mass Effect make good use of the technological advancement in gameplay. Your thoughts?

Mitch Fallon

Hey Sacred Legends, Sony gets a lot of worthy praise for leading Microsoft with superior games this generation. Now that we are more than a couple of years in, is it also time to look back and give them props for the better hardware decisions as well? The decision to keep the inside specs the same in their Digital Edition console has helped them avoid the 'Series S is too underpowered for Baldur's Gate 3' fiasco, an issue that I strongly suspect will come to a head in the coming years. The Duel Sense controller has done a good job of sucking up the oxygen when talking about 'Next Gen' features in games (in way that's perhaps not as dry as discussing frame rates and pixel counts). The decision to allow any M.2 SSD to be installed in the PS5 has meant that consumers are now saving lots of money in comparison to Xbox gamers with their sole proprietary option. Even the recent PSVR2 release has been widely praised in terms of hardware, and gives Sony a major point of differentiation with Xbox, where VR gaming isn't even available. What say you mates, does Sony deserve more credit? Love your work and keep rooting that chicken (as we Aussies would say).

David Wilson II

Hello, virtual acquaintances! This is going to sound crazy, but by wearing polarized sunglasses in my PSVR2 unit, it greatly cleared up a lot of the mura effect for me. I’ve been fighting with it since launch, and this has been the best fix I’ve come across. Colin, if you’re still feeling it’s not sharp enough, it may be worth a try. It’s still not the “perfect 4K” that you see for VR games in commercials, but it’s great once you get into the groove. Have any of you heard of this weird workaround before?


Greetings to you cannoli, sfogliatelle and napoleon, Whaddaya hear, whaddaya say? I've recently been stuck in a mental loop the subject of cured meats, specifically of the pork variety. It's led me to questions such as: Is it fair that Prahjoot is treated as just fancy ham, destined to be delegated to the corner of charcuterie boards? Would breakfast plates be better off with the natural, subtle sweetness of Pancetta over the overpowering meat smore of hickory or apple smoked bacon? Could American pizza be saved if we ditched the Frankenstein monster that is pepperoni for a classic Soppressetta or Salami? And is Gabagool really the rightful King of Italian cold cuts or--dare I say it--overrated? (OH!) I hope you Goombahs are doing well out there. Thanks for all that you do. And maybe try swapping the chicken out for a pig every once in a while.


Hello boooyyss, What do you think of the Chris Avellone's news story not really being reported by the big outlets. IGN, Polygon, Gamespot where quick to report when he was accused but where are they now? Seems like these sites should be called for their hypocrisy. You know you fucked up when Kotaku reports on this and you don't.

Luke Silletta

Hey Sacred fellas What's up with Abandoned? This game was promoted by Sony and is now completely MIA. Where is the real time experience we were promised? Is this game just going to be quietly cancelled? Colin phone up Hasan Kahraman and see what's going on.

Brian Hunter

Greetings excitable ones, Over the past several years, advancements in AI technology such as DLSS and FSR have been introduced on PC's, and more recently, on consoles. In Digital Foundry's latest video report, it was revealed that the Dead Space Remake utilizes AMD's AI upscaling technology to achieve a resolution of 1440P, despite rendering internally at 936p. This is a significant improvement in performance without any notable degradation of image quality. It would have been a potential PR nightmare for EA as a 936p game would be considered unacceptable.in the current generation. What are your thoughts on this upscaling technology? Is it worth considering the potential implications for future console releases, including the possibility of the PS6 going all-in on such technologies including frame-rate interpolation and resolution scaling to basically eliminate performance issues altogether? Have a good day gents and remember that it's okay to throw a fit once in a while, I do it daily but that's just my style.


Hi folks, Just started playing Cyberpunk again. What a banger it is! By far one of the best PS5 games available at the moment. That’s all. Have a good one 👍 Dave (Wirral - England)

Sam Lee

Hey ho, there's a common saying that nothing lasts forever. With that in mind, which of the three giants, Nintendo, Xbox and Playstation, do you foresee being the first to fall and why?


Hello, How effective do you feel the power of suggestion is in video games? How can average consumers overcome such a calamitous media system?


Complete aside but who is dark daeg? Dagan has mentioned this twice now on constellation that "dark daeg is coming out". He prefaces this before stating an opinion of his that may be slightly offensive however I can't help but feel he is holding back. Colin, as his brother who is dark daeg, has he inadvertently harmed you or anyone else in the past, and should we be afraid of him?

Sean Mason

Hey CDC, With the announcement that Square is releasing Live a Live on PS5 I think it's safe to say this is the year of the JRPG. With bangers like Octopath II, One Piece Odyssey, and Trails from Azure already out and much more to come, I can't recall a year quite like this for fans of the genre. Thoughts? Is this the greatest year for JRPGS? Best, Sean M.


Wuddup Sacred Bois, Not so much a question this week, but I want to give thanks to Dustin for consistently talking about PSVR2 games week after week. I know the tech is still quite niche, but as a day-1 PSVR1 owner, it always felt like something was missing from Sacred Symbols when nobody on the show was speaking on behalf of PSVR or its fans. It’s a breath of fresh air for us PSVR2 owners to hear real conversations around it and it’s games every week, so I appreciate what you’re doing Dustin! I’m excited to see where the future of this platform goes, and hopefully people like Dustin spreading some positivity about it will help it in the future! Keep up the good work, and make sure to find that sweet spot (Colin make sure you’ve pulled the headband down, don’t have it sitting at the top of your head).


Is anyone going to check out Live A Live now that it is coming to PS4/PS5 in HD-2D?


Hello guys, I have one question for the people that listen to podcasts at 2x or movies or tv shows at 2x, 3x, etc. What then? Let's say that you successfully listened to all the podcasts that you wanted in 10x speed and all of the movies, tv shows, audiobooks in 10x. then what? do you just sit down and relax having nothing to do? I listen to podcast in my free time, because I HAVE FREE TIME to do something and so I watch a movie or a podcast. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you.


Hey guys, seems the ABK deal is close to be over, with Microsoft succeeding. What do you think Sony will do? Will they continue with their strategy? Or do you think this will put them in a defensive position, where they will try to buy a publisher as well? I personally will like them to continue with their strategy, because for me quality is better than quantity, but who knows companies sometimes take defensive moves even though they don't need it. Have a nice day everyone.


Hey CDC I just want to make a quick correction when Dustin said something along the lines of “there is no such thing as a perfect game” I will have say that you are so wrong Dustin the game does exist it’s called halo 3. just kidding, the perfect form of entertainment is obviously subjective for your own opinion but as a collective it is neigh impossible to get everyone to agree on perfection, like for instance I’ve been playing god of war Ragnarock and I think it is actually better then elden ring in my opinion. Have a great day CDC