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Back in 2016, Sony did the unthinkable (at the time) and created a reasonably affordable console VR headset using established hardware and retooled peripherals, appropriately called PlayStation VR. While the headset itself wasn't a game changer in terms of specs, it helped to create an entire new vertical in the gaming ecosystem. Fast forward to 2023 and Sony has released their next generation headset, PlayStation VR2, featuring vastly upgraded hardware and features. The big questions are, is it any good and does it warrant its $550 price tag? I (Dustin) brought on one of best content creators to discuss PSVR2, Bryan Paul of PSVR2WithoutParole! So let's take a deep dive into the hardware, software, and future of the of the platform. Hit play!



Joe Perez

I’ve been looking forward to this one! 👍

Dakota Brown

Glad the new CEO is taking control and doing the interviews now. Great job Dustin!


Thanks Dustin!


Good job Dustin. It's been cool to watch you slowly take over Sacred Symbols. Word of advice, have an alibi ready for when Colin tragically has an "accident." 😂


happy to see brian back! Without parole was the only place keeping my hyped leading up to the launch of ps vr2!


Dustin, you're a great host man, don't know if you get enough credit for that. I've never had a VR headset before, always been interested though. This podcast has me really intrigued, but I'll admit that I'm just not confident about the investment because I'm not sure how committed Sony is to this, and the price is a little steep for something I have very little experience with. Do you think there might be a price cut coming this holiday? I think $400 would be an easier buy-in for me.


Think the fact only 25% of LSM contributors who got PSVR2 are participating in the review discussion speaks volumes as to the appeal for it. No knock to Dustin’s show here, but obviously this product was a miss.

Ryan Zimm

Good stuff. I might be misrembering, but didn't Tom.from Moore's Law say the same thing about Sony wanting more Flat/VR games? I really hope this happens. There are so many games that VR could breath new life into

Alvin Toro

Excellent discussion.


Just want to say that this was an awesome episode. Great work Dustin!

Kevin Cooper

While essential, that charging dock is just not functional at all. The packaging claims that it has a "click-in" system, but it's virtually (pardon the pun) non-existent. You shouldn't have to fiddle around this much to get your controllers in the dock. It looks dope, though.


I don’t find the VR2 is comparable to the PS5 flatscreen experience at all. I’ve played around looking for the sweet spot to death but it is never crisp and clear. I’m still playing it but I’m underwhelmed and wish I knew how to see what everyone else is seeing.

Aiden Gonzalez

Just catching This now but Dustin killed it as the host! Hoping for more in the future.


I think the 'all these games are already elsewhere' point for me is more about the idea that I didn't buy most of this crap before, why would I buy it now? It doesn't matter if this has the best version of Pistol Whip now, the game's 4 years old and I'm over it. Honestly though, if this was compatible with PC or backwards compatible with PSVR1, I would have bought it already. Hope they can rally after this misstep but it seems the audience isn't into it much.

Jack Lennard

Never commented here before but this was such a great episode I had to compliment Dustin on his hosting skills and the awesome chemistry both you and Bryan together. So much fun to listen to even though I don't care about PSVR2 much atm (no space in house to use), look forward to guys catching up again *longer next time!*.

ur ppnballs

This is such a great episode! Great work! Thanks Dustin and Brian! Thanks LSM ^_^