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Hey All! It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 117 of Defining Duke.

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, 3/29 at 3 PM ET to make your submission.



Duke men, What is up with Microsoft rewards on Xbox? They've taken away getting 50 points every day for an achievement. And for weekly rewards, they have been changing the values of items, such as unlocking five achievements in a week instead of three. What do you think they're doing to the service and how would you improve it?

Dick Justice

Greetings Dukes, Will Xbox be getting an exclusive Spider-Man game? I know that sounds crazy but hear me out. The Activision merger looks to be going through which means Microsoft will have access to a ton of old ip. Including all the Spiderman games Activision used to publish. It's not outside the realm of possibility that Xbox may talk with Disney and work out something where they can remake, remaster, or even simply rerelease one or a few of them as Xbox/PC exclusives? Questions thoughts and concerns should be addressed in the podcast. Have a, I was web swinging but then the sun got in my eye kind of day!

Juan Paolini

Hey Dukes, Short story for ya. I’ve always had a special place in my heart for the TMNT. Loved the cartoon as a 90’s kid, Turtles in time on SNES was the first game I ever played, Shredder’s Revenge was one of my favorite games of the year. Following Matty’s recommendation I bought “The Last Ronin” a couple of months ago and devoured the whole thing in one day. Last week I see that a mystery developer is working on a game based on this awesome, gritty dark story. My first thought was “What’s my boy Matty think?” Of course my beloved Cog, please chime in, as well. Personally, I’d love to see some Batman Arkham DNA with some freeflow combat, dark artstyle and perhaps even Metroidvaniaesque exploration. Have a “my cousin owns the SNES and only allows me to use Raphael, but jokes on him because he’s the most badass one” kind of day!

joseph lemons

Do you think Papa Phil will end the E3 showcase bringing out Bobby & announcing together that the deal is done?


Dearest Dukes of the Shooter-Box, Happy episode 117. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to hear y'all talk all about your experience at PAX, and of course clown on E3 for losing Ubisoft… but the episode number also demands we make the time to talk about Halo. I know Master Chief has not exactly had a flawless Warthog Run since the Dukes made their debut, but I am pretty happy with how things have been trending with Halo Infinite as of late. More Forge maps are said to be being folded into the fray, the new 343i maps are excellent, they've had a steady cadence of Season 3 events already, and continue to indicate Season 4 will arrive as scheduled in late June. With that late June target in sight, I believe it is inevitable we see Infinite at the June 12 show. The return of infection is the worst kept secret over at 343i, and they say the Career System looks like it will be ready by Season 4… but what else do the Dukes want to see shown this year? Do we NEED to see Certain Affinity's Tatanka project, or should it get more time to cook? Does Halo 3 anniversary need to happen? What does 343i need to do in y'alls eyes to get any resemblance of a W this June? Wake me, when you need me (to organize a Defining Duke BTB custom games night), Aidan


Sup Dukes I was wondering if you could shed some light on touch controls for xcloud. Is it Microsoft or individual developers who push for this. I’ve recently started chained echoes and was excited it was on xcloud but no touch controls. Is this something you would like Xbox to push more for especially in games that work well with touch controls (RPG’s,Turn-Based,Strategy) Much Love

Broderick Fleming

Hey Resident but hopefully not Evil Dukes, I know the excitement of Pax East shared the weekend with the beloved Resident Evil 4 Remake, have either of you gotten your hands on RE4R yet? I’ve completed the original over 20 times and personally, Remake is the classic experience reimagined in the best possible ways. I was hesitant at first but completely blown away in what Capcom has done with the game. Have a “I got my trusty Red9 by my side” kind of day!


Yo Mega Matty and Midnight Cog, hoping you gentlemen are in great health. To continue my fighting game focused write in’s, Power Rangers Battle For The Grid leaves XGP at the end of the month and I was hoping to get an opinion on if either of you have tried it, or maybe would give it a go before it leaves? I introduced a coworker to it a few days ago by explaining offhand how TOD’s (Touch of Death combo’s) work, and to not hop online right away when he reminded me of its departure. Would be happy to hear your thoughts on the Rangers. Keep up the stellar work and have a “pinched myself and The Last Ronin IS real” kind of day.


Hello Divine Blade of Wind Matty and Midnight Sun Cog - Matty - I’ve been playing through the Trails of games and have so far finished Zero/Azure/CS1 and am currently in Cold Steel 2, determined to make you proud and to finish all the CS before Reverie. I was already a huge Ys fan but am loving Falcom’s other series. But I have to ask - WHY ARE THESE GAMES NOT ON XBOX!? Falcom is a very small developer and I can’t imagine it would cost much to get an Xbox port/Game Pass deal for these games. Seems like an easy win-win where Falcom gets more money and Xbox continues their Japanese expansion. Cog - keep preaching the good word of Midnight Suns my turn based brother and Have a “when are we getting the Ys deep dive on retro rebound” kind of day

Lucius Augustus

Hello Rancher Matty and Farmer Cog. The Chickens have come home to roost! Recent news coming from Axios is reporting 11 members of Congress are using Sony's and the regulators own market definition of "high performance consoles". A 2019 U.S.-Japan trade deal calls for "non-discriminatory treatment of digital products" by both countries. One of the letters presented to the Japanese government states: “Today, we write to bring to your attention the imbalanced Japanese video game market, which we are concerned may be a result of a discriminatory trade practice that could violate the spirit of the U.S.-Japan Digital Trade Agreement,” I would never imagine the ABK deal causing a trade dispute between two allies yet here we are. This market definition is dangerous to Sony because once you remove Nintendo, they make up over 90% of "high end console market" in Japan. How do you think this all turns out, will Japan take a serious look at Sony's policies, do you think this gets Sony to sign the deal faster, what silly thing do you think will happen next?

Iqan Adil

That's a special number right there!

Adam Belgharbi

Hey dastardly Dukes, Xbox has recently removed the 1 buckaroo gamepass promotion worldwide, and it's unsure if it will return. What kinds of promotions would you like to see from Xbox to push gamepass harder? Either way the system probably needs fixing because I would get the 1 dollar/euro offer nearly every single month for PC. I wouldn't even have to change accounts and it would cycle through 1 month of ultimate, 3 months of regular GP and 1 month of regular GP. Have a "Don't mind if I do", kind of day...


Hey Dukes, With Microsoft in an arms race for AI and Chat GPT 4. I'm curious about your opinion on how you think games and video game development will go with the new emerging technology of Chat GPT 4? Will game development be quicker for AAA titles? I think it's an exciting topic to explore, because Chat GPT 4 seems to have a lot of potential for creating immersive and interactive experiences. Maybe we'll see more games that use natural language processing and dialogue systems to create realistic characters and stories. Or maybe we'll see more games that use generative models and procedural content to create endless and diverse worlds and scenarios. What do you think? I hope you have a " I used Chat GPT on my essay and got an A+" type of day.


Fellas, have you seen the Avatar game leaks? I did not expect this game to be a first-person shooter. Personally, that’s a letdown. What say you? Thanks and have a “I did not expect to get distracted by Cog’s pythons during the watch of the Houston event” kind of day. 💪🏾💪🏾


Greetings Dukes, I played Diablo 4 over the weekend and it made me realize how the video game industry is shifting toward GaaS. With many GaaS titles coming out in the near and far future, I feel like the industry is at a turning point. D4 felt too grindy for me yet still extremely addicting and this was only the earlier levels I'm sure this will be amplified at max level. Sony previously announced that they are working on 10 live service games and other publishers also seem to have multiple GaaS titles in development. As someone who is not committed to any live service game, I worry about how this trend will impact the industry. I already struggle to keep up with recent game releases and my backlog, and I fear that if I get hooked on 2 or 3 live service games, I won't have time for any AA or A games or any ~70 Metacritic AAA game. I know the Midnight Knight loves his Destiny, so Cogg, how do you think you can balance your game variety if one or more upcoming Live service titles hook you in like Destiny did? I'm curious to hear from the Dukes about their thoughts on this and whether they share my concern about the impact on A, AA, and non-must-play indies. Have a "games are becoming more of a full-time job than actual full-time jobs" kind of day.


Hi boys, I'd like to offer a shout-out to Cog for recommending the strategy indie game, This is the Police. Having heard him bang on about this game over many episodes of Defining Duke I decided to give it a go as it (and the sequel, which I haven't tried yet) is free on PS Plus. I'm glad I did, as it's a very addictive game with a decent story, told through good voice acting and some beautiful and stylish art panels. I played it through a few times to collect all the trophies and am now looking forward to checking out the sequel in the near future. I'm a PlayStation guy, and the only time I have ever played an XBox was in the 360 era, when all my mates were 'Microsoft for life' and were playing Modern Warfare, so I borrowed one to join in the madness. Take care guys, and have a "you're my third and fourth favourite dukes behind Daisy and Marma, kinda day!" Brian


Please cover the legal updates to the Chris Avellone/Justin Roiland situations.


Hey Dukes, What are your thoughts on the new gameplay for The Legend of Zelda: Nuts and Bolts? Are you guys interested in this game? Have a "LSM will never have a Nintendo podcast" kind of day.

Hayden Glass

Howdy Dukes! So am I crazy or is WB completely out of pocket on this? Multiverses has been out a while and to my knowledge had no indication of being delisted and relaunched at a later date. This “Open Beta” was monetized with multiple battle passes and a store front, so what gives? I can appreciate the nuclear approach of trying to come back stronger like Final Fantasy 14 did, but something about it doesn’t sit right with me. What say the Dukes?


What’s up Dukes? Have you ever had a game that you revisit and know the ins and outs of its mechanics like the back of your hand? I don’t enjoy speaking in reductive terms but I’m going to do it anyways lol. Should Capcom be celebrated and circle jerked to with 10/10s left and right for discovering after 14 years that all they had to do to modernize the resident evil formula was let the player move while shooting? The already established gameplay loop in function is by almost all accounts identical to the original (from 2005) and ended with RE5 in ‘09. I don’t know but hey, at least this is (probably!) going to be gameplay formula (thank god) moving forward. Have a “Call of Duty BOOTS ON THE GROUND return to form” kind of day.

Andrew B

Hey guys, If Starfield runs at a maximum 30 fps on Series X upon release this Fall, I will strongly consider selling my XSX and bowing out of the XBOX ecosystem entirely. Is this an overreaction? Personally, I am tired of waiting for the first-party slew of games and will typically prefer PS5 to experience 2nd-, 3rd-party, and Indie titles.


Hey duke boys.. well it looks like we may be finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel to get Diablo on gamepass. But with how much noise Sony has been making about "high end consoles" it seems they may soon regret that decision. Because with those parameters that they set to try and exclude Nintendo to make there argument appear in their favor. With the "high end console" market in japan, Sony has a 98% market lead. Now you have senators asking Japan to take a look at how sony has been doing their buisness transactions. Now that might be the next story that will need to be followed. But until then with the deal pretty much appearing to be done within the next couple months. Now People asking questions about their buisness dealings. Then if the deal goes through now, id bet everything that COD will not be on PS Plus and only purchased for $70. What are your thoughts on all this? Are the tables turning on Sony? I appreciate all you guys do. You make my drive to work so much better. Have a great day!!!


Just a quick question. I know matty likes card games and you both enjoy Marvel. I was just just curious if your guys have checked out Marvel Snap. Its a card game they i have been playing since October and have thoroughly enjoyed. The monetization is fair and only for cosmetics. The games are quick, easy to learn but still has some complexity the more you play when you aquire more cards. Just think its something you guys would enjoy.


Hey dukeys, I got some thoughts on the Redfall criticism that there are not enough abilities for each character. Every Arkane game has always limited the set of abilities you can use in a given playthrough. In Dishonored, the morality system limited your ability set by dictating lethal abilities would give you a bad ending and nonlethal abilities a good ending. Similar in Prey but with alien vs nonalien abilities. In Redfall, the studio ultimately decided that they'll give a build to improve upon rather then build yourself based on whatever criteria. Is it really a bad thing if there trying streamline the experience? Thanks guys Have a 10 years of COD on Luna kinda of day.


Morning Dukes, I’ve been playing RE4 remake and absolutely loving it. It got me thinking of something that has been on my mind for quite some time. Do you think Microsoft should look into remaking Halo 4 - Infinites campaigns. I say this because while playing RE4 remake the narrative changes made throughout has really enhanced and fixed the story from the old game. Perhaps the same can be done for the halo franchise since most fans are not impressed with the narrative since 343 took over. If you go back and look at Halo 4, 5, and Infinite each game had a different head writer. Which means whatever previous plot structures and character development done before were probably thrown out to fit the new writers vision. You may as well call this trilogy of 343 games the Kathleen Kennedy era of Halo. And it shows throughout each game.


Dear Inquisitor Matty and Warden Cog, Last week news broke that the legendary Mark Darrah was returning to assist Bioware with Dreadwolf in a consulting role. Matty, does this bring you optimism or more concern? Tying this topic into Xbox should the Dominus and crew lean into their seemingly good relationship with EA to heavily market/associate themselves with Bioware? My thought is you already own Bethesda, Obsidian, Inexile, and (maybe) Blizzard why not tie Bioware and CDPR to your platform through marketing and really dominate Western RPG’s? Thanks for the great content each week. P.S. I hope you both have a “Starfield’s Metacritic drops in the mid 90’s so I can see Messy Cog outside with the fullest of chest” kind of day.


Hello Heroic Dukes, Matty: Congrats on 100k subs on retro rebound. It’s been really fun watching you delve into retrogaming. You don’t judge games based on what you want them to be but what they are. That’s very rare. Thank you. Cog: ILP’s Pax coverage was amazing. There was a lot to read and watch. You did it on your own time and for the love you have for games. Thank you. You are both killing it this year. Have a delicious Hawaiian donut kind of day.


Hey Dukes! Greetings from Sweden! This is a short one, mostly for Cog but Matty feel free to chip in; Jun Kazama is back in Tekken 8! Thoughts? Feelings? Surely this automatically makes it the best entry since Tekken 2?


Hi Dukes, Chris Avellone has won his case of libel. Now, I know neither of you like to be political; however, should the gaming industry continue to penalize figures like Chris Avellone or Justin Roiland when each respective case did not determine guilt. What happened to innocent until proven guilty or is everyone just guilty?

John Hanke

Hey Dukes, What are your thoughts on Multiversus shutting down temporarily and not providing refunds? I understand why people are frustrated, but I don't understand all the complaints; the game is returning. We all make impulsive stupid digital purchases sometimes, like buying a skin for a game we don't play much or a wasted battle pass, and I view it more as "buyer beware" am I missing something? Also, boy did that game fall from the hype when it first came out. I hope you have an "I bought the jump force ultimate edition and all the DLC" kind of day. John Hanke

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings PAX-amals. With just over two and a half months until Xbox's Summer showcase, we have yet to see any of those "Goldeneye type" announcements that were teased. How do you think they'll go about these announcements? Will they be random social media posts, or a part of other small shows? Will they be "shadow drops" or "coming soon"s? Will they be back to back or spread out? And most importantly, what do you think they'll be? Have a "Matty is celebrating 100,000 subs on his side channel but his video title had me worried" kind of day.


Hello Phantom Dukes of Hearts, Second write in but since Persona is a major topic, figured this is a good place to bring this up. Atlus announced Persona 5: The Phantom X, a mobile game for China that more or less turns the base Persona 5 experience into a gatcha game not unlike Genshin Impact. Is this the right approach? Part of me feels gross seeing elements that really made progression in the base game rewarding (earning party members, fusing Persona's, etc) get turned into Pay-to-Win mechanics. Have a 'I spent over 100$ to get a Golden Joker skin' kind of day.


Hello Dukes! I was wondering, have either of you guys ever attended, or plan to attend, a concert based solely around video game music? If so, what have you or do you wish to see? Back in September, we got the Distant Worlds Final Fantasy Orchestra here in Pittsburgh, and it was incredible. Last week, some friends and I traveled to Cincinnati for a Final Fantasy Piano concert that was wonderful, and I'm lucky enough to be attending ANOTHER Final Fantasy Orchestra (New Worlds) this coming Friday. I have also attended Zelda and Kingdom Hearts Orchestras in the past, and I cannot emphasize enough how incredible these experiences are. As a side note you guys rule, and bring so much entertainment every week. Hope you all have a splendid day!


Hello Dukes of York. The Last Ronin game has been announced and immediately I thought of Matty. This man has been an advocate not only of the comic but of a video game adaptation. Your dream came true buddy, revel in it. Which developer would you guys like to tackle this masterpiece and which art style would fit it best in a video game? Thanks and have a "I willed a game into existence" kinda day. P.S. Matty be a pal an will me a Lost Odyssey 2 into existence


Hello duke and dukier. Just wondering Matty, what the hell happened to HAM radio Live? It seemingly disappeared as suddenly as it started. I wish you both a last of us part 1 PC port kindve day

Mike Po

Good day Dukes, Both of you in the past have made news by revealing information provided to you by sources in the gaming industry. For example, Matty broke KOTOR remake being worked on by Aspyr before Jason Schreier posted his Bloomburg article. I'm wondering if you two could talk a bit more about the processes you go through to seek out this behind-the-scenes information, vet it for accuracy, and ultimately decide whether to go public with it. For us enthusiasts, this peek behind the curtain is fascinating, and I'd be interested in whatever experiences and insights you feel comfortable sharing. Thanks, and have a delightful day for once!


Hey Dukes, When's the NYC live show?

Sam Lee

M'dukes, it's been a year since Microsoft announced their intention to purchase ABK, and what a year it has been. With the benefit of hindsight, should Microsoft have acquired other less notable companies before embarking on the ABK acquisition? With the amount of scrutiny they've been getting from this deal, surely it will make future acquisitions more difficult. What say you?


Hey Duke boys, quick question for you. With Live A Live coming to every other platform except Xbox, does this pile more evidence on Playstation blocking these games from Xbox or do you think something else is happening? Have an peaceful middlemen go be tweener kind of day gentlemen.