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It's time for we, The Brothers Moriarty, to continue our slow trek through the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thus, we've come to the third film in the seemingly never-ending run of new Marvel movies: Iron Man 2. Released in 2010, Iron Man 2 was actually in-production when Disney acquired Marvel, and while it's not the literal start of the MCU, you could call it the figurative beginning, one with a master plan, a host of characters, and a legion of spin-offs both planned and intended. This leaves Iron Man 2, at least from our perspective, as transparently interstitial. That said, it's still a fun watch full of interesting characters, and we're thrilled to discuss it here on KnockBack.



Joshua Brown

Yeah Favreau wanted to adapt the ‘demon in the bottle’ storyline after the first Ironman movie which goes into Tony’s alcoholism but I imagine that went out the window around then because that’s when Disney bought Marvel.

Josh Gamez

As a big comic book guy, I honestly think Colin would really dig a lot of the political themes and plot points that have always been inherently a big part of American super hero comics, but they don't always necessarily translate into the MCU style storytelling, which is my biggest complaint about them (well, and the annoying James Gunn style of writing for literally every damn character now).


I’ve yet to listen, but let me commend you guys for deciding to keep the topics secret. It’s so much better to be surprised by what you guys cover than knowing ahead of time. It also is exciting to hear Colin drop the tiniest of hints in another show for the topic, makes me feel special lol.

Bogey Zero

Honestly Colin, I would stop at Avengers Endgame. It’s all downhill from there and it’s the perfect ending if you just stop there.


I want to answer Colin's question on Robert Downey Jr and having him be in an actual suit. Iron Man 1 was the first and last time he actually wore an iron man suit(Adding to why it looked so good in that movie). Future movies the most he would wear would be a sort of chest only version, the rest of it being being CG. RDJ just didn't want to wear the full suit anymore.

Noah Friscopp

I love the Iron Man-Endgame run of the MCU, but now I lament that each movie isn’t just Always Sunny.

Joshua Brown

Yeah in IM2 it was the body piece with mocap legs. Probably the same in the first Avengers since it looked real during the night time woods scenes and after that in RDJ’s words "when the mask comes down I’m in Starbucks"

Trevor Myers

Colin says he wants to get though Iron Man 3 to get to what they are setting up but Iron Man 3 takes place after Avengers 1. check your timeline.

Robbie Agnew

Iron Man 2 above 1. Good lord! Dag come now. 😂👍🏻

A Hind D

Excellent episode my guys!! Happy y’all doing the MCU it’ll be cool to hear your takes as these movies revolve (good or bad). Again y’all are the best


Just so you know Colin, Mike Myers has RECENTLY gone on record saying he would be interested in doing another Austin Powers. We can only hope.

Bryce Mccloskey

Great episode it's good to see the ball rolling again. Regarding the feeling of falling behind if you can commit to watching the movies quarterly you'll be faster then marvel is releasing them. Even 3 times a year and you won't fall further behind, it's up to you though. I watched the whole slate with my GF who hadn't seen them over the course of a month pretty comfortably. The Marvel movies are generally at least good with a good chuck of them being far better then that.


Comic book adjacent Wiki pages are like crack. You start looking up Iron Man and two hours later, you end up on Squirrel Girl.

A Hind D

Also cannot wait for y’all to get to the movies directed by the Russo brothers


Both the fantastic 4 and X-Men are going to be integrated into MCU at some point as Disney has bought the rights to the those characters. Also X-Men the animated series based on the original 90s cartoon is coming back on Disney plus!


Sam Rockwell is so good as Justin Hammer in this.

Silas Koenig

I can not wait for Colin’s reaction to the captain America trilogy, especially winter soldier and civil war… I feel like he’s going to be surprised how much he loves them

Dennis Johnson

I really enjoyed this conversation. Surprisingly, it got me recognizing all of my latent knowledge of the marvel comics and the MCU, as a lifelong fan from an outsider perspective; it's a lot to take in. The biggest strength and weakness of the MCU is their reliance on at least a cursory knowledge of the world. When it's at its best, you come in with some idea of the character,they present you with their version, and everything clicks. However, when they miss the mark, you find yourself looking at videos of nerds trying to explain why said character is dope, which was the job of the movie. Luckily, the MCU has been going for a while and its world exists in its own space. So, over time, as you both mentioned, you'll gain the knowledge to understand these characters more intimately. And, for me, that's the key. Over 15 plus years the MCU has turned normal movie goers into comic fans. That includes all the dumb leaps of knowledge and else-world type shit. It's really dope. You are in for a bit of a slump, in my opinion, but once you reach Avengers (2012), things will start clicking. Iron Man 2 is pretty underrated overall. I agree with all the criticism you both had, but Dagan's take that it was just fun is sadly missed on a lot of fans. It's not as dramatic as the first and felt more like a serial or quick off shoot comic, but it kind of makes it special because it was the first movie to feel like this – you can imagine this formula will be used again. The garden fight with Tony and Rhoades still stands as one of the best fight scenes in the MCU. Yes, X-Men are coming! Including a continuation of the 90s cartoon! And so far Sony is playing nice with Spider-Man still being the anchor for the MCU – for now. Sorry for the novel. I can't wait to continue this journey!

Jordan Wray

Sadly, the MCU really hasn't converted many of it's viewers to actual comic fans, the US comic industry is doing somewhat okay but it's still a shadow of it's former self and getting throttled by Manga both US domestically and globally, Marvel and DC need to come up with something.

Dennis Johnson

Yeah, it does stink. The movies help a bit I think. I liked marvel's couple attempts at synergy. The ultimate Spider-Man run saved marvel comics and was in lock and step with the sam riami era, which even featured in an issue of ultimate Spider-Man. Then you had Matt Fraction reboot iron man to make his origin closer to that of the start of the MCU and, for me, his rendition is the best tony stark/iron man out there. But you're right, while these movies make people get into their world, it's hard to convert to actually reading. Honestly, the event movie or comic never really appealed to me, and sadly that's what the MCU is now. Don't get me wrong, the OG civil war story is one of the greatest runs out there but the likes of the original infinity story line don't really hold up decades later. And it's often been a way, more so now, to get readers excited. But events are never as good as one off stories or arcs. Unless it's Jonathan Hickman, who's reboot of X-Men was 10/10. And he handled the new secret wars super well, to name a couple of my favorite recent event books. And with what Amazon did to comixology, it's so hard to point to a one stop shop for people to dig into these stories. Yes, marvel unlimited exists, but it's not as easy as something "connected" in some way to the utility that is Amazon. And it's hard for a lot of people to find a local comic shop that can help guide them through such a deep history.


I appreciate you guys still trudging through these gradually. They are fun in doses. I’m a life long comics and sequential art fan. And not by any means just Marvel or DC. It’s probably my main hobby and interest. I do think that a lot of the original source material is often superior simply due to the versatility of the medium and the way the audience engages and interacts with said medium. You can convey things in a way that doesn’t necessarily take the reader out of it or interfere with their suspension of disbelief. Contrary to what Hollywood suggests, Marvel, DC, and just superheroes as a whole only make up a mere fraction of comics published globally. I appreciate that the MCU did at the very least showcase Marvel and its characters to a mainstream audience. But it’s hard to say if it really opened peoples eyes to the medium as a whole. I think there is still mass confusion on what comics are outside of the portion that is superheroes. To be honest manga probably has done a better job at introducing people to comics in recent years. Comics are an extremely diverse medium just like movies, tv, fictional prose, etc. And it’s created all over the world. Manga is just comics from Japan. Bande desinee are just comics from France and Belgium. Every genre you could imagine is represented in comics. It’s an amazing story telling medium and it’s always bothered me when it is are dismissed or distilled down to something so much less. Video games and comics suffer a similar fate and one that is truly unfair. The assumption that superheroes are the whole of “comic books” is troublesome. Anyway, keep it up with these when you can. Some are from from perfect. Either straying too close or not close enough to the source material. But then other times a perfect balance is found and something really special happens (Captain America: The Winter Soldier for example).


Happy to see the MCU back on KB. IM2 still held up for me although I have it 2nd so far after the original. “I don’t think you’re gonna make Mr. Fantastic cool.” Well Col, they already kinda did. 😉


Deadpool movies actually had a pretty faithful comic book representation of some of the X-men. ** Vague spoilers for the X-Men and Fantastic 4 MCU situation : ** // Alternate universe X-men and Fantastic 4 characters already made their first MCU apearences in phase 4. //