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Iron Man 2 | KnockBack, Episode 256

It's time for we, The Brothers Moriarty, to continue our slow trek through the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thus, we've come to the third film in the seemingly never-ending run of new Marvel movies: Iron Man 2. Released in 2010, Iron Man 2 was actually in-production when Disney acquired Marvel, and while it's not the literal start of the MCU, you could call it the figurative beginning, one with a master plan, a host of characters, and a legion of spin-offs both planned and intended. This leaves Iron Man 2, at least from our perspective, as transparently interstitial. That said, it's still a fun watch full of interesting characters, and we're thrilled to discuss it here on KnockBack.


Trevor Deal

I cannot wait for Colin to watch The Winter Soldier. Man, he's going to love that political thriller theme. Everything you liked about this but done well by great directors. It's still the GOAT.


This was the first marvel movies I went to see at the theaters for the MCU. I watched every MCU movie until endgame with the same friend, don't think I will ever have a moment like that


I know that Knockback is "The Brother's Moriarty," but I really believe that Micah would serve as a ratings boosting third chair. Maybe not for every topic, but after she has appeared on TLOU Spoilercast and Constellation I find myself wanting her on this show.

Zac Lebeau

Dude Colin you're the first person that I've ever heard that likes fox and the hound that was my favorite Disney movie growing up! Don't know why tho that movies fuckin dark lol

Samuel Mills

I wonder if Tony Stark would buy Gwyneth Paltrow’s vagina candle?

Alex Roberts

Glad you didn’t Google anything about Iron Man 3, Colin, that’s gonna be a fun episode for sure! :D

Silas Koenig

Love that movie, but it’s also the reason why I have an insane fear of bears lol

Michael Miller

Glad you guys are back on the MCU! Can’t wait to hear Colin’s thoughts on Captain America.


Love Dagan listing X-men's Juggernaut and Mortal Kombat's Reptile as Spiderman villains! XD We need that movie! love you guys haha

Trevor Deal

Colin just as a heads up. You keep saying "Marvel doesn't own X" That is no longer true. Marvel owns all of X-Men, Fantastic Four and etc. They bought 20th Century Fox for like 90 Billion. The only properties they don't own is Spider-Man and technically Hulk but that is a weird one. They have partnered with Sony to use Spider-Man for a hand full of films. So they have every single character under Marvel comics available for like the next 10 years.

Trevor Deal

Also Colin, this movie is back when they used a practical suit for a lot of scenes. So you said why don't they just make a suit. They did, and used it as much as they could. One of the issues is the suit doesn't align very well to the person so it often was missing either arms, or legs depending on the scene. It was mostly used as a sample for CGI replacement I believe. But it was made.


Dagan my man, you came through with my dad joke. Indeed the lizard has been having trouble with the wife lately, that much was already clear from the gecko. Iron Man 2 also a decent movie, 'I want my bird!"