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Please welcome Ramon Narvaez to the show. The entire Last Stand audience will know Ramon best for his music: He wrote and performed each of our theme songs. But some will also know that Ramon is my (Colin's) best friend, and has been for 20 years. And recently, he came to Virginia to visit for a few days. While he was here, I knew I had to sit down with him for an episode of Sacred+, because as I understood things, he's rediscovered video games in a pretty major way. Thus, we sat down for a lengthy discussion about his history with our hobby, how he lost interest and lost touch following college, and then rediscovered them with great vigor in his mid-to-late-30s. Hopefully, this will be a relatable chat for many of you, who are close to people in your lives who nonetheless don't quite 'love' or 'understand' the medium quite like we do. Turns out, there's always hope. Nonetheless, we chat about many, many games and eras here: The NES, SNES, and Genesis, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, sports games galore, Tony Hawk, Mario, Oddworld, and Hades... the list goes on.



Joe Perez

Welcome, Ramon! ✌️

David Wilson II

You guys’ friendship makes me all warm and fuzzy. Love it!


Looking forward to it!

Dennis Johnson

*Insert Guardians of the Galaxy "Finally" meme* Let it be know that the Constellation theme song is his best work yet. A real Ramon Narvaez joint, as it were. Excited to give this a listen.

Noah Friscopp

The Switch is a wonderful “catching up” machine, especially before he is tainted by higher fidelity. Happy that he is back in!


After years of hearing about “My Friend Ramon”, we finally get a moment with him and Colin. This is absolutely wonderful. ❤️

Napoleon in Rags

I’m the same age as you guys (37) so your gaming experience growing up is very similar to mine. I played mostly fighting games, sports games and racing games. It’s funny how I don’t play those genres at all anymore…

Brannon H

This was probably the most relaxing episode y'all have done. Great episode. Ramon seems like a very chill dude and has a smooth voice.

Brandon Soto

Ramon’s a good dude. I would suggest Super Mario 3D World for both of you, as well as Micah. Truly great game.

Kenneth Oms

I agree with both of y’all’s opinion that sports games really will get you into the sport and help you understand it better. After the World Cup I picked up fifa 23 on pc on sale, and man I’ve been hooked. I started watching the English premiere league and the league in Spain called la liga. It feels awesome to finally have a sport that I actually enjoy watching


I used to use Newsday as well for my NBA Live rosters. I remember when they even added in all-time fantasy drafting and everything. Playing the games is the only reason I even know of most athletes. 😅

Sam Myers

felt like i’ve known ramon for years - such a soft spoken man - tremendous conversation Colin.

Josh Gamez

Even though I'm a few years younger than you guys (I'm 32), Tony Hawk's Pro Skater definitely has had an impact on my taste in music. That game and being the perfect age for bands like Linkin Park a few years later can be seen in my Spotify history to this day lol.

Drew Lee

Ramon, I literally too became “Sega kid” because my siblings pushed me into it. I always wanted SNES and my older brother was the SNES one. I did grow up watching him play FF2 and FF3 (American)

Liz Folley

This was a great discussion. Ramon seems like a kind soul and a good person.

Kevin Cooper

The R.B.I. Baseball theme song will forever be embedded in my brain. The Kid Nikki and Ring King music also lives rent-free in my head until the end of time.

Geno Felino

Great conversation! I’d love to hear Dagan and Ramon together as you go through all the permutations of last stand hosts/friends!