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Pizza, Falling in Love, Kid Money, War | Constellation Episode 5

Welcome -- one and all! -- to another episode of our conversational podcast, Constellation. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Last Stand's duo of producers, Dustin Furman and Ben Smith. Dustin tells us the tale of how he fell in love with his wife, and wonders how and when we knew we knew we loved our significant others. Ben asks about so-called 'kid money', or the cash young people earn and spend. How did we raise funds as children and teens, and how do we feel about the ever-growing economic power of kids? Dagan's topic is nitty and gritty: Pizza! Geographic specificity, topping choices, snootiness. The whole deal. And finally, Colin wants to talk about war, and an American society that seems to find itself militarily-engaged once a generation as if history never happened at all. Should we fear the repercussions of prolonging, escalating, and facilitating a conflict that has nothing to do with us? NEW MERCH: https://laststandmedia.store Tickets to An Evening with Last Stand in Texas are ON SALE NOW: https://my.thehobbycenter.org/5706/5708 Get early access to Constellation at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia


Frank G.

The American military is "kid money" gone out of hand. We are the world's iron curtain. Fuck it.

Miky Sh

Hi Colin, out of the topic, but will the next tlou review episode release on Saturday or the same Tuesday schedule?


No one supports sending troops to Eastern Europe, there's a huge line in the sand between sending weapons and throwing lives into the conflict. Both political parties understand this. And while yes we don't have traditional ties to Ukraine they bore brunt of WW2 arguably more than any other nation. More Ukrainians died fighting the Nazis than the French, Canadian, British, and Americans combined while having much of the Eastern Theater fought on their soil. The parallels to Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan,...etc are fundamentally bad comparisons given their lack of receptibility to our values. If Ukraine makes it out of this conflict intact in some way as a nation they will be a western liberal democracy unlike the nations we've involved ourselves in the past with since WW2. I understand the Isolationist position and believe it to be the best approach for most regions. I just think we should be careful with what we wish for when people suggest we need to back out of NATO or disengage from Europe as a whole. The majority of that continent is "our people" imo. Great episode as always

Jesse spivey

THE MAYOR IS IN THE BUILDING & More Dagen inject it right into my veins!!! Money was weird growing up i didn't get an allowance but every once in a while money would come my way i.e. grandma, aunts & i would be at blockbuster or Hollywood video for a game rental & maybe an anime on vhs ninja scrool was always on my movie rental list.

Nemesis Enforcer

Philly Pizza overall is good. Angelo's is amazing. Burbs pizza is mediocre but still better than most of the country that isn't NY or north Jersey.

Mike D

At some point we're gonna need a supercut of Dagan saying "this is a great topic"

Omar Rosa

Dagan, sorry bro but you cannot be more wrong about there being no good Pizza in Philly. Here is just a quick list. https://philly.eater.com/maps/best-pizza-philadelphia-restaurants


Ukrainians are good guys. Ukrainians want aid, so we send them aid.

Travis B

The tanks you want sent over there are killing the Russian populous Dagan.

Travis Johnson

Legos are indeed expensive but shout out to them for keeping the majority of their manufacturing in Europe and Mexico (which probably contributes somewhat to the high costs). Seems they did recently open a chinese factory to reduce their need to import into a growing Asian market, but the bulk of it happens elsewhere, and I think that's pretty neat.

Sean Hatfield

Sprouts store made pizza is fantastic.


I always get pineapple on my pizza if it's up to me. I see you Last Stand, I will not take this sitting down. P.S. Love you guys.

Michael Hedrick

To Dustin, I get extra pineapple on my pizza and I'll smile and think of how much you hate it from here on lol Rent free


Really Fantastic Episode. I love the crew just hanging out and talking anything and everything.

Brandon Soto

Shoutout to Domino’s pan & Brooklyn-style pizzas. Very underrated.

RU46N2 (REY)

Chris has a nickname. Now so does Dustin. Now Dustin '' The Deep dish Defendor'' Firmen. Pineapple is ok some times it's good but not all the time.

Andrew B

The Pizza topic was best.

sean McGuire

Dagan is the man. I gotta start listening to knockback.

Jazz Hynkel

a few things on the last topic, putin was called "crazy" more or less multiple times, by multiple people here. did yall ever watch the oliver stone putin interviews? it's not very long and i do suggest to watch it. . . . i thought it was rather funny for 9/11 to come up because there is a thru line/similarity with this recent war . . . 9/11 happened because the terrorist's hated our freedom right? surely it wasnt anything america did . . . this recent war which if it wasnt obvious is already a world war, surely it was started because putin is "obviously" a mad man and not anything america did . . .

Walt Duncan

I have a different perspective on war. I was neutral/against the Iraq war, and am now in favor of supporting Ukraine by gifting weapons. Though I absolutely do not mean that we should rush to sending our own troops; realize, I think we are a long way from having any business involving our own troops, so don’t mistake me on that distinction. I agree completely that the Industrial Military Complex is a threat, and the externalities of it are very corruptive of our politics. And also, I agree that we are a few coin flips away from being involved more directly, including nuclear holocaust. And that’s why I conclude differently. Russia marching on Ukraine is an existential risk to our species. US and RU promised Ukraine peace if they gave up their nukes. Ukraine is one of only a few states to give up their nukes, and they were probably the most independent and stable country to do so. We MUST be involved in guaranteeing that there are consequences to breaking that promise, as Russia has broken their promise. Our global system cannot survive being multinuclear for very long—mutually assured destruction does not work as a deterrent when 9, 13, 20 nations have nukes (look into people who run these war game simulations, if you doubt that). And the whole disarmament program disappears if the world learns a lesson that giving up your nukes is tactically fatal. We must not learn that lesson. If there is no way to reverse course, some nuclear war is bound to occur on a long enough timeline. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Nuclear weapons remain a high existential risk, even before the annexation of Crimea. I don’t want war, but the threat that we’re ready to make war must remain credible. That unfortunately remains true even though we and many nations have caused great tragedy with our mistakes in war. We more than most in recent history. And another aside, Ukraine is not, and will never be the next Vietnam, Laos, etc. Ukraine defending themselves is just a traditional war. Allies lend resources to those in traditional war since forever. Ukraine could become another very big planetary destabilizing war, but it’s nothing like us getting involved in civil wars—we’ve done that a fuck ton, but this isn’t that. Point of correction: Colin says Russia was doing poorly in this conflict before we got involved. We have been softly involved since 2014 at least. Parts of our military have the core mission, particularly the Green Berets, to go into allied risk areas and train them extensively to fight their own war. When Russia marched in, in February 2022, we had already marched out a shirt time earlier in anticipation. We continue to do this in various areas of the world. Not to take anything away from the strength of the Ukrainian people, but they did not become ready for this war in a vacuum.


Finger on the pulse with Boston pizza. The only decent option for me living there was Regina's, which had a location by Fenway.

Cole Medvec

Loved the episode. War segment was good, but want to add something. Sure, Putin is evil, but we DO NOT talk about George Bush, or Obama that way, and they’re no different. Iraq and Libya aren’t different than Ukraine. That’s oddity is what gets me in the national conversation.

Walt Duncan

I mean the following with all due respect. I have no love for the warmongering that Bush or Obama (and many administrations in the past) committed, but to equate those to Putin is absurd. I think our leaders’ actions in Iraq and Libya were wicked overreaches, but they are not at all the same thing. Most of our allies agreed with our concerns in those regions, and supported us to varying degrees. And perhaps the greatest distinction—while not sufficient to make them good acts—the US sought to change regimes to ones that legitimately favored the people, such that the people would rule themselves. We didn’t make puppet governments, but rather, we sought native leaders that better aligned with our values. I agree that that was grossly incorrect, and we can see in hindsight did not work. That’s nothing like annexing those territories as our own land, nor like banning all media except our own propaganda. You might even argue our meddling is even more Machiavellian and dishonest. And fair enough if you want to argue that. But practically, the differences are significant.

Walt Duncan

It’s not letting me edit. But the clearest distinction is regarding civilians and human shields. We don’t use human shields, and furthermore, we are legitimately deterred by human shields. Those are not true of Russia. How the Russian military handles civilians is starkly different from anything the US has ever done, except rare outliers like the My Lai massacre.

Jazz Hynkel

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0NQDbSpT9k this is a 7 minute clip of Dave Smith and Scott Horton discussing russia

Hybrid Theory

Whole heartedly we shouldn’t involve ourselves with the conflict in Ukraine. We can’t even take care of our own troops post war. I’ve lost a friend who was veteran and know many others who’ve taken their lives. There has been more non-profits that help our troops than government aid itself. The government doesn’t care for you, but fortunately the American people do. We should fix ourselves before helping others. Just like how you put your Oxygen mask first then put it on your child during a plane incident. It’s not to say that we can’t help the Ukrainian people in other matters, just not on terms of war.