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On Defining Duke, it's easy for us as hosts to speak from the consumer's point of view regarding the Xbox-Activision merger. However, the legal side of things requires a more trained and professional eye. That's where our friend, Hoeg Law, comes in. More and more regulator comments continue to pour in with Xbox and PlayStation beginning to really speak on how they truly feel about one another. Helping me (Matty) parse through all of this is Hoeg to offer valuable legal insight on what Xbox's emergency plan could be, whether or not the CMA is truly keeping PlayStation's best interests at heart, and what PlayStation's ultimate goal is. This is only skimming the surface of what is a deep dive through all that has transpired in the past few weeks as we need the conclusion of 2022 and, potentially, this deal.




What I think will happen after a set amount of time on game pass it will be able to come to PlayStation plus service as I think this is what PlayStation will fight the most for.


Hoeg episodes are always worth a listen 😁

Jeffery Carlson

Thank God. Show desperately needed an expert opinion on this subject in particular. Too much has been slipping by and not accurately covered


Right now it’s sounding like the concession will be that Xbox can’t put COD on Game Pass.

Thomas Rice

Why is everyone mad at the Country Music Awards?