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A Legal Deep Dive On Xbox VS The CMA ft. Hoeg Law | Defining Duke Ultimate Episode 90

On Defining Duke, it's easy for us as hosts to speak from the consumer's point of view regarding the Xbox-Activision merger. However, the legal side of things requires a more trained and professional eye. That's where our friend, Hoeg Law, comes in. More and more regulator comments continue to pour in with Xbox and PlayStation beginning to really speak on how they truly feel about one another. Helping me (Matty) parse through all of this is Hoeg to offer valuable legal insight on what Xbox's emergency plan could be, whether or not the CMA is truly keeping PlayStation's best interests at heart, and what PlayStation's ultimate goal is. This is only skimming the surface of what is a deep dive through all that has transpired in the past few weeks as we need the conclusion of 2022 and, potentially, this deal.


Adam Razak

That thumbnail is AMAZING 🤣🤣🤣


So I'm curious. Is Activations current situations, and want to sell, play any roll in this decision... I mean, just say the deal gets blocked. Activision probably is still going to want to sell. So doe's Sony get to sweep in and make a deal with Activision now.... Or god forbid does 10cent try and bye them out. Do they get the same scrutinization and concessions. And, is the CMA taking consideration how much worse it could be for consumers if another Company byes Activision, who's may be less cooperative with exclusivity and what not.


P.S. Would it be a possible thing to have a questioner thread for a DD ultimate like these. I would have loved to pop in a question straight to Hoeg. More so than anything great episode, and a much needed conversation with lots of info we needed to help understand this deal. Thank you so much Hoeg for coming on. #HoegLaw #DDUHoeg #LSM


Very good episode. I have found the whole discussion around this to be somewhat tiring. Filled with out of touch opinion and baseless assumptions. Hoeg is not gospel but he certainly shares a lot of great insight. Most importantly he is balanced. Even if he is a fan of one over the other, he presents a great impartial perspective and will play devils advocate to outline potential scenarios.


I’m not fully educated by any means, but from my limited understanding, Sony couldn’t afford Activision. They would only get with them in some sort of merger, which they wouldn’t do anyway (I don’t think). It could open the door for some sort of different party to buy the, for sure though.