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The Heroic Gene Park | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 234

Please welcome Washington Post journalist Gene Park back to Sacred Symbols+. First and foremost: Gene has gotten through chemo, and he looks to be on the upswing. There's a fight ahead, but things are certainly looking up, and we talk all about it. And then: Our show itself. The topics are manifold. We get into the weeds with Xbox's and PlayStation's ongoing war over Activision-Blizzard, and the often-conflicting intersection of creativity and money. We also discuss some of this fall's biggest games, particularly Gotham Knights, which -- controversially and confusingly -- is launching on PlayStation 5 at 30 frames. How can this be? (Gene says it's "an L.") We've also witnessed a significant erosion of games media in the past week, with the destruction of the likes of Fanbyte and G4. Where does bad management and decision-making end and poor talent performance begin, as this game of musical chairs continues at speed? And then there's the small matter of authoritarian money in games, pouring in by the billions from Saudi Arabia and China, places that frankly share none of our cultural or societal values. But the cash is green all the same. Come join me (Colin!) and Gene for a deep-dive into our industry, with more hopefully to come.


Sean Kramer

Gene. Fucking. Park. Baby. 🙏


Gene's rad. More Gene please.


Absolutely love Gene and so glad he's back!

Maxx Lazos

Love that Gene is not afraid to push back on Colin. V healthy and interesting convo!


What a wonderful human Gene is, so glad he came back for another episode!

Keith Golfer

Funnily enough I was just thinking about Gene's previous appearance on the show and here we are again, he brings good vibes, so I'm glad he's back. Excellent to hear his treatment seems to be going well, that made me smile, wish him all the best.

Giovanni D'Amico

The Fassbender Assassin's Creed movie fucking sucks and Gene Park fucking rules. That is all.

Wretched Spawn

Wow Gene, way to show your leftist sympathizing hand against any criticism against obvious wokeness. Both of you implying only "woke reactionaries" cared about Frosk's woke-ass rant is disingenuous. Yes G4's revival did have a stupid underlying business model too, as Colin said, but to say that Frosk and her ideologue cronies, who constantly attacked fans, had NO impact in it's demise (Colin: "No one really cared") COME ON, GUYS. Good to see Colin just gives lip service to being against woke, but wimps at when it matters or is around his leftist friends. Also good to see that the lip service stops when it's something you didn't like or hated (colin said and implied hating G4 tons of times in this). Seems like he'll only give a damn when they come for IPs he likes (hope they dont woke Megaman or GI Joe hahahaha) Also Gene, implying that it was just "conservative" viewers that made Top Gun Maverick successful is also disingenuous and shows your hand against ppl that criticize leftist/woke ideology. YOU DONT GET 1 BILLION DOLLARS JUST MARKETING TO THE RIGHT!!!! While all these overly woke shows/movies JUST SO HAPPEN to do bomb or underperform, commercially and/or crititcally. Love how yall will go in on the CCP, as you should, but put kid gloves on for this ideology that is destroying culture (and had TRIED TO DESTROY BOTH COLIN AND CHRIS). Yes, I have lots of problems with the right too (I'm moderate) but this coddling of leftist shit is why we are currently in this dumb zeitgeist.

Tim Jones

Just want to correct Gene on Top Gun Maverick - Tencent was involved initially but dropped out and weren’t involved in the final product. The movie wasn’t even released in China and his patches were restored to his jacket.


This was awesome. I've been a LSM lurker/freeloader but my respect and admiration of Gene's work got me on the Patreon. Colin, you're so on about how the class War is being buried beneath the facade of woke and identity politics. The upper crust want us to keep attacking each other and not unite because if we could, there might be some real change that would threaten their chokehold. Anyway rant over, happy to be here. Much love.


Thank you for writing in. I'm glad you see it, too. The more they can distract you, the richer they get.