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Xbox Must Avoid PlayStation's Embarrassing "Remakes" | Defining Duke Episode 92

In a jam packed week, we have many stories that could compete for the headlines. Google Stadia's closure, Xbox's Activision propaganda, the acquisition of various media outlets, or even CD Projekt Red's slew of game announcements. In the spirit of accountability, none other than PlayStation should dominate this one. In a rumored move showing little shame, they are set to do a The Last Of Us Part 1 style "remake" for 2017's PS4 exclusive, Horizon: Zero Dawn. As the goal posts have continued to move back throughout the generation beginning with $10 upgrades, we have now found ourselves collectively in a position where we must demand better. In the case of us, an Xbox show, we must plead with Microsoft that they do not follow a trend PlayStation is clearly trying to establish where there is much money to be made. Creative ventures will always be risky and there are such ways to mitigate that, but this slap in the face to consumers must be taken to task. Fret not, Xbox catches their own set of shade as they indulge in their own version of propaganda by forging a brand new website around the incomplete Activision deal. As it stands, the site shows off why this deal will be good for gamers, developers, and the industry at large. As always with the Dukes, we must call it as we see it. That said, this sour batch of news hasn't stolen the joy from Dead Space Remake's gameplay, the latest Game Pass drop, and CD Projekt Red's massive potential. Get some Defining Duke merch! LastStandMedia.store Follow the hosts! @MrMattyPlays https://www.Twitter.com/G27Status​ @Iron Lords Podcast https://twitter.com/LordCognito #Xbox #definingduke 0:00:00 - Intro 0:03:28 - Sending love to those impacted by Ian 0:04:39 - The Outer Worlds Spacer’s Choice Edition has been spotted 0:07:08 - Scorn’s release date has been moved up 0:09:19 - Frances Townsend has stepped down from Activision 0:10:33 - Overwatch 2 is interested in exploring brand collaborations 0:12:48 - Fandom has acquired Gamespot, Metacritic, Giant Bomb, and more 0:27:23 - A new Need for Speed is being revealed Thursday 0:27:40 - A gameplay trailer for Dead Space remake is in the wild 0:30:55 - New co-op campaign achievements have been spotted for Halo Infinite 0:32:43 - Halo Infinite is rumored to be switching to Unreal Engine 0:45:22 - Brazil has approved the Activision Acquisition 0:47:31 - Starfield’s Steam listing is getting toyed with 0:49:48 - Killer Instinct ranked play was hacked 0:51:39 - 7 minutes of Wild Hearts gameplay has surfaced 0:54:17 - Sledgehammer will work on Advanced Warfare next 0:57:25 - SEGA has signed a deal with Double Jump Tokyo for a blockchain game 1:00:47 - Ed Boon has clarified comments about Mortal Kombat’s 30th anniversary 1:04:20 - Multiple shows have been removed from Adult Swim’s website 1:07:30 - More info about FFXIV on Xbox has emerged 1:11:38 - What we’ve been playing 1:24:51 - What are our reactions to the Fallout 25th Anniversary celebrations? 1:30:24 - How should the Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver games proceed? 1:33:42 - A Horizon Zero Dawn remake/remaster is rumored 1:48:45 - Microsoft has published propaganda around the Activision acquisition 2:04:53 - Google Stadia is shutting down 2:17:08 - CDPR has detailed their future plans 2:33:26 - Coming soon to Xbox Game Pass 2:37:02 - Game Pass Pick of the Week 2:42:07 - Should developers show off their games earlier? 2:49:46 - Do we want to live in a world without PlayStation? 3:02:11 - How do we feel about developers being forced out of their companies?



Lol!! Matty got some balls making a title like that!


Should remake Halo Infinite in Unreal engine

Brandon Soto

People pretend that $10 is a lot of money, while they own thousands of dollars worth of games


The name of the episode is fan boyish. It could’ve been called “Why Xbox shouldn’t focus on remakes.” But nope he put PlayStation in the title to stoke the fire. I do feel the xbox crowd cares more about the remakes then Sony fans do.


They should *finish making* Halo Infinite first haha


I’m aware. I listen to the shows. The name of the episode is designed to ignite fan boy chatter.

sam croese

This is a click bait tier episode title. I’m amazed the thumbnail isn’t you with you mouth open and exclamation points shooting out.


That makes 2 of us. Tell me you don’t like console war talk while creating a head line that is inflammatory and creates console war talk. I love the show Matty just calling it like I see it.


Good ep dukes

sam croese

How specifically? Because I don’t count critically well received and well made games that no one is forced to buy embarrassing. Embarrassing to me is things like cyberpunks launch or halo infinites ongoing support. Not good games that work.

bix hutch

Great episode! The Halo rehaul is incredibly intriguing. This team seems to understand the hard choices that need to be made. Not sure why people are so triggered by the title. Do people really want remasters of 5 year old games? Remember when Jim Ryan said PS gamers don't want old games? Now they defend it.


Sam hold up their don’t go criticising halo infinite when last of us part 2 factions was originally meant to come with the game and it still isn’t out. Halo is also a great game it was praised at launch for how good the multiplayer was and the campaign was good it just needs more content. If LOUP2 was held to the same standards as halo people would of been saying naughty dog and Sony are a terrible dev/company for not releasing factions with LOUP2. Also if LOUP2 had to be made on ps5 and and pc market as well you would of probably had to wait for the game to come out as I don’t see a pc version of last us part 2 yet. If you want to bring up not good games how about destruction all stars or god fall PlayStation devs don’t know how to make a good multiplayer to save their life but they most certainly are the masters of that 3rd person single player experiences.


The last 4 episodes names. Xbox must avoid PlayStations embarrassing remakes. Have Xbox and PlayStation revived the console wars? The Activison deal is making PlayStation desperate . Xbox needs to capitalize on PlayStations mistakes. I’m noticing a trend….


Philip is PlayStation not allowed to get any criticism? Sony used to be the one making Xbox look like a idiot with their bad decisions but lately Sony have been doing a good job of that themselves.


Don’t Strawman me please. Where do I say that people can’t be critical of Sony? Look at the last 4 episodes titles of DD and tell you don’t see a trend. It’s silly


Gonna have to pass on this one if we’re gonna start going with the fanboy war inciting click baity titles.


Fans of DD need to keep in mind that the LSM community lends hard for Playstation (obviously they would of course). I just hope the people bitching about the title at least listen to DD.


I mean timestamps exist, and SS are covering it too. That said, yeah the title should have been about Grounded or Stadia imo.

sam croese

Where to begin with this one. Godfall and destruction al stars weren’t developed by PlayStation and I wouldn’t be caught dead defending them. The removal of factions was announced a year in advance and the game it self was judged based on that. It became the most awarded game in history. Also we aren’t talking about “ifs”. We talk about what happened. What in the world does multiplayer have to do with that I said ? I personably don’t play multiplayer but it sounds like you do. There’s a whole bunch of games coming so look forward to that. I didn’t say halo infinite was a bad game. I said it’s ongoing support is terrible. And it is. The industry and fan base both acknowledge this. You didn’t mention cyberpunk so I assume you agree with me.


I see the Dukes got some people In their feelings with this title 😂


Yeah I think it was very fair of you to differentiate the live service aspect of Halo Infinite to the core game that was generally well received at launch. Most hardcore Halo fans wouldn't even be that generous.


This is late if you see it though I’ll say this. I never said you said halo is bad but you definitely said halo is “not a good game that works” your text not mine. Why I mention multiplayer because what other part of the game has ongoing support not the campaign. Since you don’t play multiplayer games how do you know what good ongoing support is or are you just jumping on the bandwagon and judging something you don’t play?