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Game of Thrones (Season Seven) | KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast Episode 228

We won't lie: The going gets a little rough from this juncture on. HBO's Game of Thrones series, by this point in its run, had far-outstripped its source material. As such, they're flying on fumes through the seven episodes of the seventh season. Released in 2017, this penultimate offering is controversial to say the least, but if anything, our problems with it amount to a backhanded compliment. The reality is: The plot, the characters, the world... they all deserved a lot more room to breathe, to reach the quality that had been met so consistently up to this point, and HBO failed in letting that happen. The result is something contentious, but not without merit. It's just a shame to think of what could have been had they really bought-in on finishing the journey as epically and strongly as they began it. And sadly, it only gets worse from here.


Walker Simmons

Season 7 and 8 start to turn more into a generic fantasy spectacle which was never what game of thrones was about. Some cool moments but with such a massive budget I wish they had 10 episodes to really hit home the character arcs instead of focusing on more zombie action

Simon Pusateri

With the mention of dropping books in the bath or pool - I just wanted to mention when I was reading the second book in the series A Clash of Kings, I was taking the book to bed with me so I took it with me into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Due to some combination of clumsiness and bad luck, I ended up bumping the book off the counter and right into the toilet...

Lee Duncan

Season 7 and 8 were short because Disney offered them to direct a Star Wars movie.