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We won't lie: The going gets a little rough from this juncture on. HBO's Game of Thrones series, by this point in its run, had far-outstripped its source material. As such, they're flying on fumes through the seven episodes of the seventh season. Released in 2017, this penultimate offering is controversial to say the least, but if anything, our problems with it amount to a backhanded compliment. The reality is: The plot, the characters, the world... they all deserved a lot more room to breathe, to reach the quality that had been met so consistently up to this point, and HBO failed in letting that happen. The result is something contentious, but not without merit. It's just a shame to think of what could have been had they really bought-in on finishing the journey as epically and strongly as they began it. And sadly, it only gets worse from here.




I think my favorite example of an actor being over this show is Conleth Hill, who plays Varys. For anyone interested, watch him during the final table reads for season eight. That is a man who loved the show but hated where it ended up.


I haven't been watching the series, but it's been really great to vicariously reexperience it with you guys! Thanks for the quality content as always my dudes.

Mitchell Lundsberg

I still enjoyed season 7 a lot. I think it is hard to whittle down a story like this into a definitive ending since everything is kind of a mess the way things intertwine. Keep pushing through that book brother. Can’t wait for season 8’s knock back, you guys have done a great job with this series.

Alex Cabrera

Hey Colin/Dagan, R+L = J Is the long running fan theory that Jon Snow is in actuality the legitimate son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. It's hinted many times during the books as well as in the early seasons of GoT that the accepted story of Lyanna's fate is incorrect. That she was not raped and murdered by Rhaegar and that Robert's Rebellion was built on a lie, that Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen) is the rightful heir to the throne of Westeros. He is the literal song of Ice (Lyanna) and Fire(Rhaegar Targaryen) The question of Jon's mother's identity comes up in the first season. The lie that Ned tells seems completely out of character for a man who is honorable to a fault. He tells Jon before he heads to the wall that he'll tell him the truth about his mother. In another scene early in the series Little Finger is speaking with Sansa in front of the effigy of Lyanna in the crypts of Winterfell. When she says that her Aunt was raped during this conversation he tilts his head knowingly and replies with something cryptic suggesting that this may be untrue. Sam in the late seasons discovers that Rhaegar secretly had his marriage annulled since she could not provide him with an heir, further feeding this theory. There's also a whole bunch of other stuff that also points to this but I feel these are the most telling. There is a fantastic breakdown of the theory on YouTube he sites quotes from both the books as well as the show. I'll post it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHqzFwodZqQ

Angel DeJesus

Completely agree that HBO should have taken the show from the show runners if they were tired of doing the show. Maybe we could have gotten something more befitting the characters and the earlier seasons.


The books are awesome, glad you’re reading them. I read the first 3 in a 2 week duration when I was a round 12 years old. GRRM doesn’t owe me anything, but I have soured on him since he has not released another for so long, I really don’t read his work anymore unless he finally delivers. He used to be a top 3-5 author of mine. He has some great sci fi and a really good vampire novel (Fevre Dream, set during the steamboat times).


Exactly. HBO is the steward of the show, not the tired and bored showrunners. They really fucked up.


When George first met Benioff and Weiss to discuss making the show he asked them who they thought Jon’s mother was as a sort of test. They said the R + L = J theory, George confirmed it and agreed to let them do the show.


Just catching up with these episodes and it's been great to relive the series through your eyes, if at times frustrating to not be able to yell at you when you get things wrong. If there's one thing in which I must set the record straight its Stannis, the Mannis. You got his motivations wrong, and hopefully the books will help you see the one true King as he deserves. The main point is: he doesn't want the throne, he is not greedy or power hungry. He is fighting for it for the sole reason that he is (or at least believes to be) the rightful heir, and as such it is his duty to fulfil. He is all about duty and honor, and much like the real actor, just goes along relunctantly because it's the right thing to do. Also bear in mind that none of the heinous things later in the series happened in the books (at least yet). Looking forward to the last episode, and would really enjoy a special episode after you finish the books! Cheers

Carlos Moreno

I want to hear the saga of Dagan getting to play D&D with these guys


I'm definitely seeing his claim more as I'm in the second book now. I don't think the show does a good job of introducing him or putting him into context.


The series needed to end (it was originally meant to be a seven season series—one season per book) and for as much as people may feel the last two seasons were rushed, the cast and crew did an amazing job trying to land the jumbo plane without a goddamn pilot, ie JRRM. Lighten up everyone!


The Iron Bank gets their money by hiring mercenaries like the Golden Company or funds the enemies of the person refusing inorder to kill them or seize what's owed.