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Going Pro | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast Episode 204

When PlayStation 4 Pro launched in 2016, it was fairly divisive. Why did we need two iterations of the same console? Isn't it a waste of money? Wouldn't developers have more work to do? It all ended up being needless worry, and so it should come as no surprise that -- if indications are correct -- PlayStation 5 Pro is en route for 2023 or 2024. What's the potential of the machine? Do we even need it? And how will potential consumers respond to a higher-end console when they can't even find the base version? We discuss. This news-thick episode also touches on lots of other issues, from God of War: Ragnarok's release date and Death Stranding 2's seeming leak, to lots of PlayStation Plus drama and new nuggets about PlayStation's PC and acquisitions strategies. Our lengthy podcast ends, as always, with listener inquiries. Why do people insist on scapegoating video games for societal violence? Will Square Enix ever re-package and re-release the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy? Can The Callisto Protocol earn the survival horror crown? Did one listener's car accident bring a deer within striking distance of this very podcast?! Follow the hosts on Twitter! Colin: https://twitter.com/notaxation Chris: https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun Dustin: https://twitter.com/DustinCanFly A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia #SacredSymbols #PlayStation #PS5Pro Timestamps: 0:00:00 - Intro 0:15:48 - Deer hate Sacred Symbols 0:21:10 - Stand Down, Jeff. 0:23:01 - Days of Play sale is coming May 25th. 0:30:46 - Sony has been sued for discrimination again. 0:31:18 - Electronic Arts will not take sides in the culture war. 0:31:42 - Raven’s QA team has unionized. 0:35:31 - Xbox passed on an opportunity to make Spider-Man. 0:47:24 - Final Fantasy XIV can be played solo. 0:54:20 - Firewall is getting its 10th and final season update. 0:55:06 - PS3 and Vita are no longer able to transfer files between themselves. 1:00:07 - Dragon’s Dogma may be making a return. 1:00:29 - The Quarry will be released on time, but without multiplayer. 1:00:44 - Resistance: Retribution is likely coming to PS4 and PS5 with trophies. 1:01:59 - What have we been playing? 1:26:49 - Rumors suggest a PlayStation 5 Pro is coming in 2024. 1:43:40 - God of War: Ragnarok has been rated in South Korea and appears to be on its way this year. 1:54:18 - Death Stranding 2 rumors are circulating from Norman Reedus. 2:08:38 - PlayStation Plus’ revamp is slowly rolling out and we have new details on the service. 2:37:51 - Sony is teasing a wide array of games for PSVR2. 2:51:07 - PlayStation is bringing in the bucks on PC and has plans to bolster their offerings there. 3:09:26 - TV shows for Horizon, God of War, and Gran Turismo are apparently on the way. 3:19:22 - Electronic Arts is looking for a buyer. 3:27:57 - Modern Warfare II will release October 28th. 3:35:37 - The Lord of the Rings: Gollum will release September 1st. 3:37:42 - News Wrap-Up 3:41:25 - Do video games correlate to real-life violence? 4:01:58 - Would we take access from Sony? 4:11:20 - Do we want a digital visual of all our games on a shelf? 4:11:20 - Why has Square Enix stranded Final Fantasy XIII? 4:14:02 - How accurate are trophy stats? 4:15:19 - Could the release dates change for The Callisto Protocol or Dead Space remake?



The lighting actually looks pretty dope with the refresh the camera does. F it and leave it I say lol.


I'm sure someone else has pointed this out, but in the hypothetical world where Xbox signed with Marvel and partnered with Insomniac on the game, wouldn't Sony's ownership of the Spider-Man licence still have prevented Xbox from ever being able to have that game for themselve?

Tommy Larsen

On the deer topic......take it from me and don't hit a deer when you're on a cross country road trip and you're 2000 miles away from home. It's not a good time.

Giovanni D'Amico

I think the cascading light effect on the shelves - even if unintentional - looks sweet. People sometimes have moving backgrounds in video - maybe it'll look awesome with the shelves stocked?


For me, as someone who is from the UK and plays violent video games and ones where you shoot people, I definitely not don't feel games have desensitized me from real-world violence because I saw about 10 seconds of the Buffalo shooting. I felt sick to my stomach and couldn't sleep that night. I don't know how someone could do that.


Thanks for answering my inquiry Colin. I should also say I am just like you, as pacifist as they come despite being around and enjoying violent games since I was a kid. The lighting and camera refresh is kind of calming honestly, certainly not distracting.

Andrew Tomassone

I used to purposely get the refresh effect from lights on my dslr because it looked nice in the right environment. I never put any rigor around how to achieve the affect but I’m pretty sure it had to do with the relationship between framerate & shutter speed. Don’t know what camera you’re using but to avoid it try sticking to ShutterSpeed = 1/(2*FrameRate). For example if you’re shooting at film/tv standard 24fps then shutter speed should be 1/50. Similarly, if shooting broadcast standard 30fps, try 1/60. If 60fps, try 1/120. I think it looks nice though not a big deal if you don’t fix it!


Sony doesn't own the Spider-Man license; they have the license to make Spider-Man films. There's no doubt there was some fusion there between entities internally -- it's possible, and even likely that Insomniac and Xbox would have made something different within Marvel's stable -- but there's no doubt that Spider-Man's origins are with Sunset Overdrive.


The problem is if I get everything on the shelf and it's fucked, I need to take everything down to get the lights taken care of. It's not a huge deal, ultimately. I need to get it sorted!


Hey Colin, long time listener, first time caller here. I want to add a comment to your discussion about the tweet of Russ Peterson about guns in videogames. I agree with pretty much all of what you said about the topic, but I think you just addressed the general topic of video games causing violence and not the tweet itself. My interpretation of the tweet is very different from what you guys discussed. For context here is the full tweet again "If you work on a video game that uses modern day firearms to shoot other humans you need a real hard look in the mirror tonight." I don't see any comment about video games causing violence in this tweet. The way I understand it, Russ specifically talks about "modern day firearms". If I'm not mistaken the way these guns are used in video games is through licensing. So if a studio wants to add real guns, instead of fictional guns,to their game, they have to license them. Which means they are in part funding the weapons industry, which in my opinion is something no studio should do. I didn't follow the story enough to know if there was any clarification from Russ about his tweet. But I hope I could at least offer a different interpretation of the tweet and further the discussion. Greetings from Germany


Hey! I understand your interpretation, but think it's a cop-out. He meant what he meant, in my opinion.

Giovanni D'Amico

Good point! I hadn't thought of that. Thanks for another great episode! (And yes, FFXIV is amazing - takes a bit to get into, but I play all solo except for when I group up for a main story battle or dungeon - nobody really talks during those, and yes, you can totally play through the entire experience as a healer - or swap classes whenever, because your one character can play every class!)

Joseph Baker

Great episode guys! Really enjoyed it. Just wanted to say my kid is taking full advantage of PS Plus and Gamepass. Would have loved these services as a kid. I played The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for at least a year before I got something new. Want to also say the Steam Deck is great. I downloaded a Linux app that allows for flawless PS5 remote play on the device. Anyway, thanks for all you guy do! Watch out for the deer!

Kaz Redclaw

On Final Fantasy 14 as a single player game, Final Fantasy 11 did this previously, and it turned a game that was nigh on impossible to progress in without a lot of effort, into a reasonably accessible game where I've soloed the first two expansions so far. For the parts of FF14 I've played so far, which is mostly just the pre-DLC content, the story has been very good. FF11's story was also solid by Final Fantasy standards. FF14 as Solo seems like a good way to fill out the positions in the party that are hard to fill in the random dungeon finders (Tanks and Healers.) I'm a healer main in FF14, so it might be fun to try to do trust dungeons as a healer. On FF11, I always play as a support character, which lets me be an all-around character when soloing.

Kaz Redclaw

Per gun violence, the theories I've seen have been saying it's the Contagion effect. There was a case of a rash of suicides on train tracks that suddenly happened in a city, and they realized that it was the coverage of these suicides that was causing other people to think of the idea of committing suicide that way. They muted the way that they talked about them and changed the language in all of the coverage of these events, and they started dropping and eventually disappeared. Columbine and the media reaction was the start of a contagion effect in the US. If they stopped covering these events flashing the face of the idiot on the screen constantly, and talking about the body count constantly... Maybe we wouldn't get people who are losers who think that this is a good way to compete on a big score board. Perhaps they need to start publicizing the people who stop shooters instead. Turn the current narrative around and make it so the people who are popularized are the people doing good things instead. New Zealand did this following their event, but they basically exercised complete control over their media to do it and blocked anyone who didn't play along. I'm not sure how we would do it in the US unless we could start picketing newspapers and TV stations who publicize these details.


Lot of stuff here seems reasonable, but don't think the media would go along with it. Also after violence like this, everyone is always asking the "how", but not the "why". If they start with why this happend and going over events that led up to it maybe it could help to prevent some future shootings.


Colin, I hope you're enjoying that blue PS5 controller! I bought one a few weeks back after hearing you say it looked sneaky good on an older podcast, and I love it. Something about the candy coloring that really stands out in a soothing way in my living room.