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In the coming weeks, the all-new PlayStation Plus will begin rolling out, and we've finally learned more about what we can expect, especially when it comes to games. First and second party are well-represented across PSone, PS2, PS3, and PSP, and of course PS4 and PS5 will have plenty of fodder for you, too. And yes: PSone games can have Trophies! Apart from talking deeply about PS+ and its evolution, however, we also get into other news. Rumors indicate The Last of Us Remake -- still unannounced! -- might be PlayStation 5-bound sooner than we thought, while Final Fantasy VII Remake: Part II and Final Fantasy XVI may also receive much-desired updates. Oh, and even more Silent Hill rumors, if you can stomach them. Then: Listener inquiries! Are the Mafia games overrated? What's with the paranoia surrounding Naughty Dog's output? Will we predict the next 'water cooler' game? Can Chris and Dustin steer the ship while Colin goes to take a call?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:10:35 - Nintendo does have games, actually.

0:15:29 - Saudi Arabia’s wealth fund has purchased 5% of Nintendo.

0:23:27 - PlayStation will be donating to a pro-choice cause.

0:50:07 - Sony intends to be carbon neutral by 2030.

0:53:12 - New York is investigating Twitch and Discord for their supposed role in a shooting.

0:59:19 - Colin takes a call.

1:02:45 - PlayStation has reiterated its commitment to PC.

1:16:36 - New PS5 cover colors have been announced.

1:19:59 - PlayStation may have the marketing rights for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

1:25:23 - Embracer lost some money last year.

1:27:54 - Test Drive: Solar crown has been canceled for PS4.

1:34:04 - Fall Guys is coming to PS5.

1:34:22 - Could Take Two go after the FIFA license?

1:35:47 - The Witcher 3 is coming to PS5 in Q4.

1:36:51 - Battlefield 2042’s 128 player mode has been cut in half.

1:37:31 - Marvel’s Midnight Suns and Skull and Bones have been rated. 

1:40:23 - An Alan Wake TV show may be in the works.

1:44:07 - What have we been playing?

2:00:00 - Shatter will come to PlayStation 4 and 5.

2:03:55 - Colin takes another call.

2:11:15 - The Last of Us Remake is looking more likely for a fall release.

2:23:31 - More information about PlayStation Plus’ expanding service have been revealed.

2:50:49 - Ubisoft+ is coming to PlayStation.

2:54:10 - Final Fantasy news could be coming next month.

3:03:21 - Rumors indicate we’ll be getting more Silent Hill.

3:11:30 - Techland is teasing something new.

3:18:00 - News Wrap-Up

3:20:43 - Did PlayStation beat us to the punch with their gaming terms list?

3:23:00 - Are the days of light guns and steering wheels nearly behind us?

3:28:46 - Are the Mafia games actually good?

3:37:13 - Has a non-gamer ever surpassed our skill level?

3:40:38 - Is Guerilla’s pivot to a different genre the exception or the standard?

3:48:43 - What will be the next water cooler game?



Greg Dawson

Regarding the Sony Roe Vs Wade statement. I work for a large company and we do the whole gay pride month flags etc. We mainly do it because its important to the employees and the leadership team believe its the right thing to do. It's entirely possible that the Sony statement is borne from internal discussions, and due to the topic at hand being so heavy, the statement ended up trying to be uncontroversial.

Doug Hogancamp

I have so many things I want to comment on in this episode. However the one thing I have to say before I forget. I need a SS pull out t shirt. Please feel free to use my idea. A ps vita with a physical game being pulled out. " Gamer battalion do your part.. PULL OUT" LOL


I don't have any gay employees, but if I did, I hope they'd realize we're not doing anything like that as a company, and that they are our equal always. No need to celebrate nor segregate nor other them.


This episode felt like snatch.


I don't know where you got the statistic that 30% of people believe that only agree with pro-life statements and 70% of people choose choice. I've only ever seen it in surveys that it comes out a lot closer especially when you start to define what does choice mean in our modern-day era. Most people who think of pro-choice arguments are thinking oh it's just 6 to 8 weeks. However most of these retards today who are arguing for pro-choice or arguing for 9 months that's a human being inside that womb I don't care who you are you might as well just claim yourself to be a f****** nazi. And I don't care what your opinion on the matter is. That's a life inside that womb. Especially after six freaking weeks. Anybody that says it's not a human being and not a person well they're only obviously wrong side of history. Furthermore we've seen it time and time again when any political side starts to claim that somebody isn't a human being and doesn't have protective rights. That side always gives way to some of the most horrifying and disgusting human rights in history. they will be a point where the amount of humans who have been killed because they started to allow late term abortions. That we will eventually surpass the amount of people who starve to death in China dude communism or the amount of people who starve to death and Ukraine once again due to Communism. And we're already way past the amount of people that the Nazis killed in concentration camps so congratulations left wing idiots. On killing more human beings than the Nazis. For the more I don't really think Colin knows a whole lot about this issue nor does chris. They just hear the words pro-choice and they go oh my God that just means 6 weeks. No it doesn't people want it to be a lot longer than that they won't late term abortions when it obviously could survive in an incubation chamber. People who argue that late-term abortions are okay 👍 you people are literally the worst human beings on the planet.


Dude what the hell are you even talking about. This is what happens when people who have below 69 IQ have access to the comment section

Sam Lee

Ah... all this talk of accessories reminds me when my mother bought me that DDR dance mat for the PS2. I had to play DDR for an hour before I could play any other game. That was how my mother made me exercise.


I'm pro-life, life at conception etc. I found Colin's comments on his Discord video Sacred Symbols+ 189 showed he had a very nuanced understanding of the issue. Quite similar to Tim Pool. SammyJay, you need to calm down, your passion is driving you to insult people, while making you ineffectual. Go watch some Abby Johnson.


I grew up Catholic; I know plenty about the issue. If you don't know where my polling came from, I would suggest maybe you're more unfamiliar than you think, respectfully.

Superhero Jagganath

Colin, I'm a massive Silent Hill fan (played through the first 4 games multiple times, SH2 is up there with my top 5 games of all time) and even I totally agree with you about being sick of the rumor mill. It feels like shit-or-get-off-the-pot time at this point—I want them to either announce a new game without any nonsense or just abandon the franchise altogether, nothing in between. That said, if Konami's going to do anything, I do think I'd rather see a new Castlevania. I played through the Advance collection last year (along with the Igarashi Curse of the Moon games, which were amazing) and now I really want to see them revive that old-school 2D vampire hunting action for the modern age. It'd be sick.

Mark Whittington

You don't know how to deal with the US mass shooting issue? Look at what we did in the UK the first time someone shot up a school. We've had very few mass shooting incidents since then.


I’m not American, but it’s in their constitution so you’d have to alter that, which is doable, but difficult. Also, didn’t you guys have a bunch of acid attacks in the UK? What are you doing about that? Is that acid’s fault? Insane people are gonna find a way to cause chaos.

Henry Morgan

I agree with Chris’s take that big corporations taking stances are often shallow and performative, and inserting themselves into the conversation usually adds nothing of value unless they commit financially. I’m staunchly pro-choice and believe abortion should be federally legal, but expecting Sony and Microsoft to fight that fight for us is just kinda naive. They’re not on our side

Greg Hommel

Microsoft forcing other companies to offer a service that isn’t financially sustainable might make business sense, but it is terrible for games and gamers. Too many of Microsoft’s decisions are a detriment to games and gamers. For all of Sony’s gaffs, blunders, and mistakes, they are rarely in opposition to the advancement of quality and technology. Just look at Outriders. A title that should have been successful but due directly to its inclusion in Gamepass it didn’t even break even. I would charge whatever it takes to break even to put my game on Gamepass. Of course I have no game so what do I know. Thanks gentlemen, I appreciate all of your efforts.


I think you may be right about Outriders. The argument is that Gamepass was it's only prayer. The reality is, we will never know how it would have done if it didn't have that cheaper 'stench' associated with some AAA third-party launch games.