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Shattering the Silence | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast Episode 203

In the coming weeks, the all-new PlayStation Plus will begin rolling out, and we've finally learned more about what we can expect, especially when it comes to games. First and second party are well-represented across PSone, PS2, PS3, and PSP, and of course PS4 and PS5 will have plenty of fodder for you, too. And yes: PSone games can have Trophies! Apart from talking deeply about PS+ and its evolution, however, we also get into other news. Rumors indicate The Last of Us Remake -- still unannounced! -- might be PlayStation 5-bound sooner than we thought, while Final Fantasy VII Remake: Part II and Final Fantasy XVI may also receive much-desired updates. Oh, and even more Silent Hill rumors, if you can stomach them. Then: Listener inquiries! Are the Mafia games overrated? What's with the paranoia surrounding Naughty Dog's output? Will we predict the next 'water cooler' game? Can Chris and Dustin steer the ship while Colin goes to take a call? Follow the hosts on Twitter! Colin: https://twitter.com/notaxation Chris: https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun Dustin: https://twitter.com/DustinCanFly A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia #SacredSymbols #PlayStation #LastStand 0:00:00 - Intro 0:10:46 - Nintendo does have games, actually. 0:15:40 - Saudi Arabia’s wealth fund has purchased 5% of Nintendo. 0:25:27 - PlayStation will be donating to a pro-choice cause. 0:52:45 - Sony intends to be carbon neutral by 2030. 0:55:54 - New York is investigating Twitch and Discord for their supposed role in a shooting. 1:05:45 - PlayStation has reiterated its commitment to PC. 1:19:47 - New PS5 cover colors have been announced. 1:23:15 - PlayStation may have the marketing rights for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. 1:28:38 - Embracer lost some money last year. 1:31:15 - Test Drive: Solar crown has been canceled for PS4. 1:37:29 - Fall Guys is coming to PS5. 1:37:48 - Could Take Two go after the FIFA license? 1:39:16 - The Witcher 3 is coming to PS5 in Q4. 1:40:21 - Battlefield 2042’s 128 player mode has been cut in half. 1:41:04 - Marvel’s Midnight Suns and Skull and Bones have been rated. 1:43:58 - An Alan Wake TV show may be in the works. 1:47:44 - What have we been playing? 2:03:55 - Shatter will come to PlayStation 4 and 5. 2:07:43 - Colin takes another call. 2:15:05 - The Last of Us Remake is looking more likely for a fall release. 2:27:29 - More information about PlayStation Plus’ expanding service have been revealed. 2:55:15 - Ubisoft+ is coming to PlayStation. 2:58:42 - Final Fantasy news could be coming next month. 3:08:08 - Rumors indicate we’ll be getting more Silent Hill. 3:1630 - Techland is teasing something new. 3:23:10 - News Wrap-Up 3:25:53 - Did PlayStation beat us to the punch with their gaming terms list? 3:28:16 - Are the days of light guns and steering wheels nearly behind us? 3:34:12 - Are the Mafia games actually good? 3:42:44 - Has a non-gamer ever surpassed our skill level? 3:46:17 - Is Guerilla’s pivot to a different genre the exception or the standard? 3:54:35 - What will be the next water cooler game?


Brandon Soto

I would sue if I were Ex-Tripwire CEO. It was HIS company, regardless how people felt.

Frank G.

Well thanks Dustinnnn I was having a great time enjoying Hades and now I want GT 7. Forza 4 and 5 reignited my love for racing and cars that I was trying to avoid it. 🤧😏 Nah I really wasn't, but that puffery was beautiful. And I saw that pic on Twitter with Asuka (Eva 2) 😍 and well let's say...I love that fiery bitch.


You have no idea how much your podcast helps in getting me through my boring AF job. Thank you.

Luke Silletta

Colin did you ever see Halt and Catch Fire? Since you are such a Mad Men fan. Its another AMC show that I would describe as Mad Men but in the 80's about building computers.


4 hours YEEES


Just as good as Mad Men, would highly recommend to anyone that likes Mad Men.

Kenneth Oms

When I worked at Zillow years ago, when Trump won I remember the GM of the branch I worked at doing a simile email to Jim’s about respecting other peoples opinion etc. it didn’t spark any level of controversy and Zillow is pretty left leaning.

Alom Mohammed

17:10 Colin im not a fan of Saudi but you continually just say stuff you heard from the grapevine (yes im assuming here). Did you know that the city of Madinah in Saudi was ranked the safest city in the world for female travellers? That goes completely against what you say --> https://connectingtravel.com/news/saudi-arabian-city-madinah-ranked-safest-for-solo-female-travellers Calling them socially backwards is dangerous and just immature, they have a different culture and thats it. The USA is the 2nd most depressed country in the world --> https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/depression-rates-by-country The USA is 13th for most rapes, (91% raped are women and it happens every 2 minutes) --> https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country Saudi's can say that "progressiveness" in the US has not really helped the women in the USA at all!! but other than that... yes, the current Saudi royal family are crooks and scumbags (Yemen is being bombed constantly). I just think its fair to portray all sides fairly (especially the people who have nothing to do with the government)


How safe would that city be for women if they weren't completely covered up? It's not dangerous, nor immature. The treatment of people in Saudi Arabia isn't something you'll ever see me defend.


As someone who is huge into fighting games I’m intrigued to see what Colin tries out and what he thinks of the genre nowadays. Great show as always guys.

bix hutch

Colin, as a consumer I don’t give a flying fuck about whether or not Microsoft is making a profit from Gamepass. I’m not sure why every time positive stats and news are thrown at you about Gamepass you have to immediately turn to “but does Microsoft make money off of it?”. What does that have to do with the consumer or the studios who are clearly both making out on it? If Microsoft says they can sustain it then great! They’re clearly playing the long game with Gamepass. If that means I get amazing games every month and in many cases games I wouldn’t have played otherwise then great! It’s not my job to count Microsoft’s trillions. It’s such an annoying take and a way to disregard how great it is for both the consumer and the game creators who seem to be very happy with the success they get from being included. Gamepass isn’t sinking Microsoft lol. I think they still have some 80 billion in cash reserves.

bix hutch

Alon, you’re also not taking into account that rape is not reported in very many countries where women don’t have the rights American women have because of the penalty they can pay for speaking out. How many women hold seats of power in Saudi Arabia? If your difference in culture condones killing gay people by throwing them off buildings and cutting there heads off is it not fair to say that’s backwards?

superbadisfunny .

Hey colin, I understand how maybe you don't want to talk about silent hill much at this point cause there's nothing really to report but doesn't it go the same for TLOU Factions? We know nothing about it, only a few words that said a long time ago but yet you seem to hype it up as though there's a lot to go on. I would say shelve both conversations until further notice.

Jonny Sousa

I would say that Silent Hill is relevant based on rumors, but Naughty Dog has confirmed and briefly spoke about Factions solidifying it more as a real product.

superbadisfunny .

That's a fact but it still stands that we know nothing of the game and it keeps getting talked about as though it's this huge, ambitious multiplayer game. Confirmed and briefly spoke of tells us next to nothing. I'm kind of tired of hearing about it until we get more concrete information.


I think Colin is contrasting Gamepass with Playstation's offering. People may ask "why can't Sony make their own gamepass" Well they could, but they couldn't sustain it medium to long term.

Matt Soucy

I think it would be cool if the Last of Us Remake added Abby to the story some how. Maybe you just walk by her or something.

Alom Mohammed

Colin -- First of all, we have no idea how safe it would be if women weren't covered up. Also it talks about tourists, many of them dont wear face veil. Also, there is nothing wrong with women covering up. Also -- I am not asking you to defend the "treatment of people in Saudi Arabia", but just like you said on the Discord grills Colin Sacred Symbol+ episode; you dont think the Russian video games company or the Russian people are to blame for the actions of the Government, the same thinking can be applied here Again, I am not from Saudi and think the Saudi Government are scumbags

Alom Mohammed

Bix -- RE: the reported numbers Ok, but evidence is to say that the rapes are happening if we dont have stats? According to RAINN an american is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds. That are those that ARE reported, so using your logic we should assume its way worse? https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence - "How many women hold seats of power in Saudi Arabia". No idea that is not part of my argument anyway - "killing gay people by throwing them off buildings" -- pretty sure that is ISIS and not the Saudi Government, they did however cut up a journalist which was disgusting again my point is not defending the Saudi Government.. its talking about the average Saudi person and their culture