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It's a little slow in the games industry right now, so let's enjoy the quiet. For the first time ever, I (Colin) conducted a mailbag-centric episode using Discord inquiries only. Our Discord, nearing 5,000 strong and made up of all $5+/month LSM Patrons, provides a different flavor of inquiry, but ones still very much in line with our show. Does Sony need to get God of War out in 2022? Will Naughty Dog release a multiplayer-only AAA game? Why don't I like Metal Gear Solid 4? Is Gotham Knights' cancellation on PS4 a sign of things to come? When will we see Infamous return? Click play, PlayStation nerds. You'll be glad you did, for we talk about all of this and more.




If you ever wanted to hear Colin go all Ivan Drago: 24:07 😂


Personally, I'd love to see a sacred symbols plus about the future of game engines and tools. Something that explains why exactly developers seem to be flocking to unreal engine. Maybe touch on machine learning and AI again and the practical application now that we've gotten things like the GTA remastered trilogy.

Raymond keys

Your trophies from uncharted 4 on ps4 carry over to the Legacy of Thieves collection, I believe.


Colin you won't be happy about the MGS4 trophies when you see them. I believe you have to beat the game 9 times and do dumb stuff like roll through a doorway 100 times.


Colin I also grew up on GI Joes. I still have all mine in a few boxes in the garage. I dont know what they're worth but I was going to sell them off some day. I have 50+ action figures with all the accessories in good condition. Some vehicles and other random stuff. If want to pick through them to see if there are any you want just dm me and i'll send pics.

Greg Hommel

I’m not sure why but while playing Gears Of War back in the day, a longtime friend and I opined that we would love to see that style of cover-based shooter reskinned with GI Joe characters. Another idea I had was a more adult oriented version of Skylanders with GI Joe in place of the whimsical animals we all have come to know. I know that was a diabolical cash grab but if the game itself were high quality I would have been in to it. Although I will admit, a side scroller would be more likely to be good.

Sam Lee

I wonder if Sony Pictures would consider making an InFamous film. After all they've been trying to make their own tentpole superhero movie franchise with Spider-Man and Bloodshot with mixed to poor reception. But this is Sony Pictures we're talking about so maybe it's better if they don't. Tom Holland as Cole and Mark Wahlberg as Zeke?


This episode was awesome 😊 Colin thank you for being the voice of common sense.

Kevin Cooper

Oh man, I would donate a major organ to have a Mega Man-esque G.I. Joe game with different Vipers as the Level Select. I can practically see this game in my mind's eye already.

Nathan Densley

Colin went off halfway through and I'm here for it. He has been more measured lately and it was good to hear him cut loose.