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Discord Grills Colin | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 189

It's a little slow in the games industry right now, so let's enjoy the quiet. For the first time ever, I (Colin) conducted a mailbag-centric episode using Discord inquiries only. Our Discord, nearing 5,000 strong and made up of all $5+/month LSM Patrons, provides a different flavor of inquiry, but ones still very much in line with our show. Does Sony need to get God of War out in 2022? Will Naughty Dog release a multiplayer-only AAA game? Why don't I like Metal Gear Solid 4? Is Gotham Knights' cancellation on PS4 a sign of things to come? When will we see Infamous return? Click play, PlayStation nerds. You'll be glad you did, for we talk about all of this and more.



Read somewhere that the effect of Disney losing its special status in Florida will result in billions of dollars that the state will have to cover. This is no small matter for Florida and a huge decision.

Luke Silletta

I can never get enough of your rants against woke journalists.

Tyler Floyd

Love this episode. I’m pro choice as well but I’m not going to pretend that that “clump of cells” would be a baby and have a life most likely. I think abortion needs to be an option for safety, but I really dislike those who can’t see how a large group of people would perceive it as ending a child’s life at the starting line. The KF comments of “there is a right and wrong side of this, And you are wrong.” Really bothered me. I often think of my wife who had a miscarriage and we lost the baby. Watched no heart beat. It broke us, and to see some saying yeah I proudly had an abortion cause I don’t want to ruin my life is hard to see. Also Richard Hoegs friends channel Uncivil Law does a great breakdown on the overturn of Wade, and shows how roe v wade isn’t necessarily that strongly supported when scrutinized based on the constitution.


It's widely-known (or at least was, when I was in college) that Roe was a house of cards. The only reason it didn't crumble sooner was because a lot of people who could have chosen not to remove one of the cards from the structure over the last 50 years.


I could literally listen to Colin rant about it every week. It's cathartic.

Wayne Moss

This was a really good idea taking questions from Discord I really enjoyed the episode. Maybe we could get Dustin & Chris do a episode like this in the future 👍🏻. Thanks for all you do guys amazing content once again.

Ryan Daly

Oh baby this one’s spicy, love it

Tanner Brant

That was fun! Love these lil "Fireside chats" ;)

Jaime Martinez

As person that works in a Publix Deli, I recommend getting the tender sub tossed in Sweet Sriracha sauce. You’ll thank me later.

Greg Dawson

Colin Meatball Moriarty. Can you please read the names in alphabetical order at the end. If we need to listen to it (usually as I have my hands full at the time (o)), at least don't punish is with a random list order. I thought you of all people would sort that out. All the best 👍