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Our slow-and-steady voyage through the Star Wars films continues unabated this week, as we move our focus to 2005's Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (as voted on by our listeners on Patreon). Capping off a tumultuous and ill-received prequel trilogy, Episode III is widely considered the strongest effort in that specific arc. But do we, The Brothers Moriarty, agree? Not particularly. Revenge of the Sith was when Lucas ran out of runway, and as a result, we're met with a rushed film that sets the seeds of some good ideas, but barely sticks around long enough to see any of them grow. Worse yet, it ignores much of what would have made this movie shine, adding too much to a concoction already drowning in watered-down ingredients. Before you execute Order 66, however, consider giving our chat a listen, and discover what a couple of lapsed, curmudgeonly Star Wars fans think about Anakin's ultimate turn to the Dark Side.



Captain Bon Clay

I definitely recommend watching the clone wars animated series! It was made by a man who hated the prequels and wanted to work with George Lucas to make anakins fall to the dark side and fill in the very gaps you complained about in this episode

Trevor Deal

So many questions, frustrations, or concerns about a lacking robust story were solved with Filoni and his many shows. The Clone Wars does so much to fix The Prequels and make them fit into the world better. While they might not "fix" them entirely for you there is a lot of love and thought put into making The Prequels a more thought out and robust story that gives proper resolution and story progression into the later movies. Filoni knew what the problems with the movies were but he found a way to help solve them. The biggest being Anakin's arc. That arc from light to dark is so well done in the show. By the final season, you get such a better understanding of his distrust and hatred for The Jedi Council. I know Colin would likely never want to sit through that much content to experience it all but the final season of The Clone Wars does such a service to Ep 3. There is a fan edit of the final season and Ep 3 cut as one long movie that is awesome. The issue is the first season is pretty throw away so you really need to just get season 1 and the animated movie out of the way to get to season 2. That's when stuff gets good.


In regards to the discussion about the use/overuse of CG in the prequels, I just wanted to bring up that the prequels actually have more practical effects than the entire original trilogy. Just a fun fact other than that great episode as always Collin!

Josh Correa

Just a side note I listened to the TMNT episode of Knockback last night. Great episode definitely feel like you guys should revisit the first and second live action movies again. As for myself even though I was the perfect age when the prequel trilogy first came out in theaters I was about 11 or 12 when episode one came out. For me my first experience with Star Wars was the original trilogy when I first watched it on VHS special edition collection with Darth Vader’s face on the box. To me episode one was good but after watching episode two in the theater I knew they fucked up bad. I’m just glad I experienced the original trilogy and that became my first introduction to the magic of Star Wars.

Joseph Losinno

The generation thing is definitely a factor in your opinion on prequels. While most younger millennials (I’m born 1994) like the prequels enough I think most also would say nothing beats the original trilogy. I know I feel that way.


Wouldn’t it make more sense for vader to recruit the younglings to the sith instead of slaughtering them? An army of impressionable, future sith lords seems pretty valuable but I’m not George Lucas I guess lol

Carlos Moreno

If you guys haven't played Knight of the Old Republic 1 and 2 they touch on alot about the blurred lines between Jedi and Sith. Your conversation about the light and dark just made me think about the events, characters and philosophies of those games and how the movies have alot of catching up to do in my opinion. Here's a quote from one of the greatest Jedi ever written, Jolee Bindo; Love doesn't lead to the dark side. Passion can lead to rage and fear, and can be controlled, but passion is not the same thing as love. Controlling your passions while being in love, that's what they should teach you to beware, but love itself will save you, not condemn you

Reuben Barrett

Man how some of these write ins list this as their favourite star wars movie is so confusing to me... like how? Amazing episode tho, you two breakdown these films so well.


I couldn't imagine how anyone can watch Episode III and think it matches literally anything from the originals.

Michael (ObjoGaming)

I'm 24 and don't like this movie very much. I like it more than I, II, and IX but that's it. It has its cool stuff but it's overall dull and rushed. I also hate Grevious too.

Tyran Batten

A canon reason for why this wouldnt happen is the so called Sith "rule of two". Sidious wouldn't have allowed this due to his commitment to the code passed on to him where there can only be two Sith at a time. Though the inquisitors which were introduced by Disney make that a little fuzzier.


Colin, fun fact: jar-jar actually has one speaking line in this film, it’s “excuse me”, which I simply interpret as an apology to the audience from George.


As a ‘94 born millennial that loved the prequels, this episode hurt a bit lol. Still enjoyed though and can see why you guys feel how you feel.


All good! I cheered you guys on when you tore down the sequels, so you gotta be able to take criticism on the other side 👍 OG trilogy while not as memeable is still top dog


I think Dagan's right about context I watched Sith several times growing up always thinking it didn't feel right but I find myself a bit more forgiving and entertained by it knowing how much spun-off from it (The Siege of Mandalore Arc in CW season 7, the Obi-wan miniseries, the Darth Plagueis novel, etc.)