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Revenge of the Sith | KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast Episode 220

Our slow-and-steady voyage through the Star Wars films continues unabated this week, as we move our focus to 2005's Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (as voted on by our listeners on Patreon). Capping off a tumultuous and ill-received prequel trilogy, Episode III is widely considered the strongest effort in that specific arc. But do we, The Brothers Moriarty, agree? Not particularly. Revenge of the Sith was when Lucas ran out of runway, and as a result, we're met with a rushed film that sets the seeds of some good ideas, but barely sticks around long enough to see any of them grow. Worse yet, it ignores much of what would have made this movie shine, adding too much to a concoction already drowning in watered-down ingredients. Before you execute Order 66, however, consider giving our chat a listen, and discover what a couple of lapsed, curmudgeonly Star Wars fans think about Anakin's ultimate turn to the Dark Side.



Lol love the practical take. If Tom Cruise can hang off a side of an airplane, then you should never use CGI


I was a kid when this movie came out and I didn't see it until it came out on dvd, but I don't remember anything other than walking out of the room and not finishing it cause I was so bored.

Jeremy Shook

I always got a laugh out of what Carrie Fisher once said. George you can write this dialogue but you can’t say it.

Mike D

Don't know if you've mentioned this, but would be cool if you guys rank all the star wars movies when you're done going through them all.


This might be the first time I actually got angry at a podcast. Lmao The General Grevus fight is a home cinema THX certified tour de force sir . The Mandalorian is probably the most respected Star Wars product across all fandom age groups. George Lucas was also special consultant /secret producer for the show. The show is incredible

Dylan Paulson

I had a girlfriend in high school that her family raised cows for the slaughter. Every year they would breed new cows, name them, raise them for however many months it would take, then slaughter them, package the meat and freeze it until they needed it. We used to sit around the dinner table and the family would say things like "is this Becky?" Really rubbed me the wrong way. I think I'm content living in ignorance when i eat my burgers personally.


It's strange, but the thing is, we need people in our society with that level of compartmentalization.


Colin - Get the Generic. For context, I'm roughly your age and we have one that was installed about ten years ago. I'm sure they're quieter now, but we have no noise issues (we know our neighbors very well). Plus we live in a historic neighborhood with old windows/insulation. You can set the "test time" that it runs each week for 15 minutes; Midday during the week is perfect. Pro tip: Drop some USB/Lighting cables at an outside outlet for the neighbors to charge up :-)

Alexander Ivarson

So the question/inquiry about anakin killing the younglings was my question. I asked that not Brandon Wilkerson. I don't know if you guys made a mistake mixing our names up or if he just straight stole my question but I can't find the thread anymore where I asked.


Hey, I could have mixed the names up, but it's also possible multiple people wrote in with the same question. Threads disappear when we are done using them. Anyway, sorry for any mixup.

Alexander Ivarson

No you guys are fine. It was my exact question verbatim. I just was curious if someone stole my question or it was a name mix up. Because if it was stolen Braxton Wilkerson needs to meet me at dawn for a squabble. Thank you for replying.

Kaz Redclaw

I'm not as far down on all the different ships in the intro as Colin is. I think it makes a lot of sense that if you're in a massive war that is lasting for 20 years, you're not going to have as many models of old ships laying around, a lot of them if they're not special or particularly much better than the others are going to be destroyed to the point where there are none left. When you go from a decadent republic that spends all their money on flashy ships that aren't particularly battle-worthy or battle-tested, and switching to a galaxy at war under an empire, a lot of the chaff is going to get sloughed off, things are going to get standardized to the ships that are proven to be effective. The Nubian starfighter with its flashy chrome front and bright yellow back end, and only 2 guns on the front isn't going to win out against the simpler x-wing with plain paint and 4 guns, and nobody smart is going to spend on a wimpier, flashier ship when the point is to actually fight, instead of using it in military parades. In the original series, there's other ships like the Millennium falcon that would have been the result of that old plethora of ships, it's probably one of the few surviving ships of its type, and just survived because it was captained by someone paranoid who modified it extensively. Of course, just because it makes sense doesn't mean that's why they did it. It was most likely to sell more toys. I actually liked the first two movies more than the 3rd, but I barely remember watching the 3rd one. I think it would have been more interesting if they had stuck to their original plans for 2 and 3 and not scrambled to rewrite things to reduce Jar Jar. Having Jar Jar actually be shown to be the evil, competent git who is talented at acting the fool rather than seeming like the merely a hapless fool might have improved 2. Seeing him undermining the heroes sneakily on the battlefield more without them realizing it, and ultimately having to step out of the shadows and confront them would have been a better story than much of what happened. (vs helping them subtly in the first movie.) Liking 1 and 2 more than 3 is kind of similar to the original trilogy for me, I enjoyed 4 and 5 more than 6 upon rewatching them, despite enjoying 6 as a kid. (I'm between C and D in age.) Tesla Wall unit seems like a good option for if you want power during an outage, but don't want a generator. It's pricey though compared to the natural gas generator. That said, a natural gas generator won't help you in a case like the Texas power outage because their natural gas production also crashed when their power went out. Unlike here in Colorado, the Texas wells were grid powered, vs most of ours being solar, battery, and natural gas powered. I don't know how Virginia's natural gas grid is built.

Daniel B

Colin, another viewpoint on the generator noise is this: I grew up in Alabama with storms/tornados as a regular part of life. When a bad storm comes through and the power goes out in a neighborhood for a extended amount of time, it's eerily quiet. When the low hum of generators would start, it was actually a little cathartic and made things feel a little more back to normal. tl/dr - don't worry about the noise, it's not always a bad thing.

Blake Wall

If it makes you feel better I was on the younger side when this came out and I didn't dislike it when it came out but going back even I can admit these movies are bad and are nothing compared to the first 3

Jeshua Anderson

Just listening to the podcast now: Lucas said the reason the tech is better in theprewuels is he wanted to show in a democracy, innovation and advancement run rampant. But under the stifling dictatorship of the empire, survival is all most people can really focus on. Think america vs soviet union. Everything decays fast and become grimey under the oppresion. Also Anakin fulfilled the prophecy by killing Palpatine in Jedi, bringing balance to the force.