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Uncharted 2 | KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast Episode 219

It's no understatement to say that Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is perhaps the most singularly important game to ever come to a PlayStation platform, at least when taking into account the environment in which it launched. When it released in 2009, it did so at a vital time for the brand: PS3 Slim was out, its price was cut, and PlayStation had what seemed to be one last chance to best its rival and pull itself out of a dark three year period. Sony-owned Naughty Dog did a lot of the heavy lifting with the 2007 original, but Among Thieves realized the full potential of Uncharted, and is considered one of the best games of all-time to this very day. It's truly wonderful, and we are pleased to fulfill a listener vote and cover the game. So stay warm, friends. It's gonna get a little snowy.



Curious what you'll have in store for U3. There's a lot of debate or controversy regarding if it's inferior to U2. Be very interested in your thoughts. I don't mean to place it here, but as I also don't wish to lose this thought.. Well I felt the flashbacks were better handled in U4 then 3. I don't have much to say on U2 as the game is just generally a masterpiece, but I will say one thing.. if you're not using the hanging on the cliff cheat for Crushing mode, then the final boss is a REALLY hard fight. Not in the fun way either. I beat the whole rest of the game on crushing for the platinum, but couldn't even do that on Hard mode to finish. Had to use the easy crushing mode trick. (youtube can show you easily)

Matthew Foley

OOOH I've really been looking forward to this one! Can't wait to hear what Dagan thought of this one.


Actually I have! I am aware of your preference for U3. Though this does not speak for Dagon, nor the relevance of that compared to U4. Which obviously wasn't out at the time. By that I mean in a comparison of the flashback play sequences, not the whole story. If I understand correctly my Beyond days go back to like 2013 or so. Though I listened MUCH less frequently then due to being a teen stuck with limited time and strict bedtimes lol.


Funny enough I was meaning to write in to you about lawn care - no joke. My wife and I bought our first house right around when you were having your house built. One thing I’ve really enjoyed is mowing the lawn and some light landscaping. I work from home for a tech company, and definitely don’t get outside enough - even just the couple hours mowing on the weekend makes me feel better/happier. I was curious if you found that part of home ownership satisfying as well, but I suppose this answers it :)


My favorite game of all time. This is a great listen

Kurt AKA Big Juicy

Out of curiosity, how is Dagan playing these games? On PS3 or PS4? I ask because iirc Bluepoint changed combat to make enemies a little less bullet-spongy as well as unify the feel of aiming across all three games. They also very slightly updated the character models in the first game to make them look slightly less plastic like. Also, I always found grenades super useful against the more armored enemies, even sometimes using more than one to kill them without having to worry about shooting them (or sometimes their helmet would fall off and you can just go for a quick single headshot to finish them off).